tsjumps input files:org/prt,"value" file created by "ensum"
tsjumps output files : a new "value" file remove jumps and outliers which can be used in "multibase" so that "sh_baseline" can direct them easily to the GMT ploting scripts.
How to get the input "value" file ?
tsjumps Example:
TSJUMPS: Program to detect jumps and outliers in time series files TSJUMPS: Programs to detect jumps and outliers in time series Runstring: % tsjumps <options> where <options> are any of the following: -v[alues] file -- Name of values file from ensum for analysis -p[rt/org] file -- Name of print or org file. Needed to get experiment start and stop times for writing a rename file -o[ut] values file -- Name of file to output new values file to (can be then used in ensum and/or multibase. -n[ew] -- sets that only time series that have jumps in them will be written to the new values file. -r[ename] file -- Name of rename file to create or append to. -a[ppend rename] -- Append to new renames to the rename file -s[cale criteria] -- Sets the values of the jump detection that depend on the postfit chi**2 of fit to the series. The checks here are of the form value/sigma compared to scale*sqrt(chi**2/f). Three arguments are specified: DRES -- Change between adjacent data points SIGNIFICANCE -- Scale for significance of final jump estimates. Negative values will cause the default to be used. Example: -s 3.0 2.0 would require jumps be 3-sigma changes between values or 3-sigma difference between value and average to points before and after (in this case a pair of jumps is added to allow for and outlier. Any jump estimate that is less than two sigma after all jumps are estimated would be removed. -m[ax absolute criteria] -- Sets the values for absolute criteria (ie. these do not depend on postfit chi**2/f. Three values are given: ABSDRES -- Absolute value of (residual change/sigma) SLOPE -- Largest slope that will be allowed; if exceeded slope set to zero. (mm/yr) SIGMA -- Largest data sigma that will be checked when looking for jumps. -f[irst] rename -- Sets the first numeric value for renaming sites ie., sites names become _GPS -> _GNN -> _GNM .. where NN is the value entered and NM=NM+1 and so. If this option is not given, sites will not be renamed. -d[ebug] -- Turns on debug given detailed outputs of processing.
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