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好开心,被国际会议邀请作为invited speaker做报告

已有 4626 次阅读 2021-10-2 11:42 |系统分类:科研笔记

诚惶诚恐,有幸被要求作为invited speaker做报告。

可谓是又惊又喜:惊叹的是我们这种无名小辈可以被邀请为invited speaker 做报告(窃以为自己的科研做的很一般),喜悦的是我们的辛勤劳动被同行认可,可以借此机会分享一下我们的成果。


Dear Dr. Junzheng Yang,


We’re writing on behalf of the Organizing Committee of Emerging Diseases 2021 and it’s an honor and privilege to invite you to participate at our event as a speaker or a delegate.

The Emerging Infectious Diseases Conference is the premier 12th International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases and we’re writing to ask whether you would be available to deliver a talk at our conference as an invited speaker or you would like to join us as a delegate.

Emerging Diseases 2021 conference was scheduled during October 22-23, 2021 at Webinar. And this event is CME Accredited.

Before inviting you, we have gone through your Research publications and your international appearances at top events, and we would like to meet you and learn more about your research work.

We believe that your contribution to Emerging Infectious Diseases responsiveness is unparalleled, and are looking forward to hearing you speak on the same subject.

据官方介绍,该会议已经在全球各地连续举办11届,有超过30多个国家的学者专家参加,此次大会的主题为“Enlarge Global Emerging Infectious Diseases Science and Practice”,分为十几个分类板块。



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