结论: 能用MS office 就用MS offcie,endnote 和 zotero 都支持word.
WPS与MS office的兼容性较好,但不直接支持endnote 和 zotero 或者 endnote 和 zotero不支持WPS
3 在不支持Endnote插件的文字处理软件,如WPS,LibreOffice中。
(1)在Endnote中,直接将要引用的文献选中,托入文档后,会变成{ ffdfsf,2020#125}之类的格式,将文档另存为.RTF格式;
然后,在endnote中Tools-formatPaper-format paper,选择所存的rtf文档,选择引用和输出格式,即可。
4 在不支持Zotero插件的文字处理软件中,如WPS中,但需要用libreoffice的ODF中转。
(建议在Linux 系统中或完全不用MS office时)
WPS与MS office的兼容性相对较好,建议以doc格式保存(libreoffice也可以试试)。
(2)用WPS等撰写时, 在Zotero安装 zotero-odf-scan插件,在WPS等拖入引用的文献,然后用libreoffice打开,保存为odf文档。
用Zotero--Tools——ODF scan,导入上面的odf文档,to citations---保存为odf文档。
用libreoffice 打开,编辑
Inserting Citation Markers From the Zotero Client
To generate citation markers in Zotero for Firefox or Zotero Standalone, first set the "Default Output Format" for Quick Copy to "Scannable Cite" in the Export tab of the Zotero Preferences. You can now insert citation markers into your document in two easy ways:
After saving such a document in the OpenDocument Text (.odt) format, RTF/ODF-Scan can then convert these plain-text markers into regular, active Zotero citations.
don't copy the code. Simply right-click on this link:
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Juris-M/zotero-odf-scan-plugin/master/resource/translators/Scannable Cite.js
(right-here in the forum) and save the downloaded file into the translator folder in the Zotero data directory. Restart Zotero and Scannable Cite shoudl be available.
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