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Genome Biology:葡萄驯化过程中如何从雌雄异株演化至雌雄同株

已有 3740 次阅读 2020-9-9 07:53 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

The wild grape genome sequence provides insights into the transition from dioecy to hermaphroditism during grape domestication

第一作者Hélène Badouin


通讯作者Gabriel Marais


背景回顾A key step in domestication of the grapevine was the transition from separate sexes (dioecy) in wild Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris (V. sylvestris) to hermaphroditism in cultivated Vitis vinifera ssp. sativa (V. vinifera). 

提出问题:It is known that V. sylvestris has an XY system and V. vinifera a modified Y haplotype (Yh) and that the sex locus is small, but it has not previously been precisely characterized.

主要研究:We generate a high-quality de novo reference genome for V. sylvestris, onto which we map whole-genome re-sequencing data of a cross to locate the sex locus.

结果1-雌雄性别决定基因:Assembly of the full X, Y, and Yh haplotypes of V. sylvestris and V. vinifera sex locus and examining their gene content and expression profiles during flower development in wild and cultivated accessions show that truncation and deletion of tapetum and pollen development genes on the X haplotype likely causes male sterility, while the upregulation of a Y allele of a cytokinin regulator (APRT3) may cause female sterility.

结果2-Yh型决定系统:The downregulation of this cytokinin regulator in the Yh haplotype may be sufficient to trigger reversal to hermaphroditism.

结果3-性别位点分化时间Molecular dating of X and Y haplotypes is consistent with the sex locus being as old as the Vitis genus, but the mechanism by which recombination was suppressed remains undetermined.

结论:We describe the genomic and evolutionary characterization of the sex locus of cultivated and wild grapevine, providing a coherent model of sex determination in the latter and for transition from dioecy to hermaphroditism during domestication.

 摘  要 

葡萄驯化的关键一步在于从雌雄异株的野生种Vitis sylvestris转变为栽培种Vitis vinifera的雌雄同株。野生种葡萄的性别决定系统为XY型,而栽培种葡萄的为Yh型,性别位点比较小,但其具体的机制还不清楚。本文中,作者报道了野生种葡萄的高质量从头组装参考基因组,并通过杂交的全基因组重测序数据定位了性别位点。通过组装野生种与栽培种性别位点的X、Y及Yh单倍型,作者进一步比较了其间基因含量和开花过程中的基因表达模式,结果发现X单倍型上绒毡层和花粉发育相关基因的截断和删除很有可能是导致雄性不育的原因,而细胞分裂素调控因子APRT3Y染色体上的等位基因表达上调可能导致了雌性不育。而Yh染色体上APRT3基因的下调可能就足以让葡萄的雌雄异株转变为雌雄同株。X与Y单倍型的分子钟估算显示性别位点分化的时间与葡萄属祖先一样古老,但是通过何种机制来抑制重组还不清楚。本文作者描述了野生种与栽培种葡萄性别决定位点的基因组信息与演化特征,为植物演化过程中如何从雌雄异株转变为雌雄同株提供了一个合理的性别决定模型。


**Gabriel Marais**






doi: 10.1186/s13059-020-02131-y

Journal: Genome Biology

Published date: September 07, 2020


上一篇:Developmental Cell:糖原合酶激酶GSK3类激酶BIN2作用于盐胁迫后的生长恢复
下一篇:Nature Communications:非洲孤生作物福尼奥小米基因组及重测序研究
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