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Plant Biotechnol J:欧洲油菜多室角果突变体

已有 3899 次阅读 2018-1-21 11:09 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Precise editing of CLAVATA genes in Brassica napus L. regulates multilocular silique development

First author: Yang Yang; Affiliations: Huazhong Agricultural University (华中农业大学): Wuhan, China
Corresponding author: Chuchuan Fan (范楚川)

Multilocular silique (多室角果) is a desirable agricultural trait with great potential for the development of high-yield varieties of Brassica (芸苔属). To date (到目前为止), no spontaneous (天然的) or induced multilocular mutants have been reported in Brassica napus (欧洲油菜), which likely reflects its allotetraploid (异源四倍体) nature and the extremely low probability of the simultaneous random mutagenesis of multiple gene copies with functional redundancy. Here, we present evidence for the efficient knockout of rapeseed (油菜籽) homologues of CLAVATA3 (CLV3) for a secreted peptide (分泌肽) and its related receptors CLV1 and CLV2 in the CLV signalling pathway using the CRISPR/Cas9 system and achieved stable transmission of the mutations across three generations. Each BnCLV gene has two copies located in two subgenomes. The multilocular phenotype can be recovered only in knockout mutations of both copies of each BnCLV gene, illustrating that the simultaneous (同时的) alteration of multiple gene copies by CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis has great potential in generating agronomically important mutations in rapeseed. The mutagenesis efficiency varied widely from 0% to 48.65% in T0 with different single-guide RNAs (sgRNAs), indicating that the appropriate selection of the sgRNA is important for effectively generating indels in rapeseed. The double mutation of BnCLV3 produced more leaves and multilocular siliques with a significantly higher number of seeds per silique and a higher seed weight than the wild-type and single mutant plants, potentially contributing to increased seed production. We also assessed the efficiency of the horizontal transfer (水平转移) of Cas9/gRNA cassettes by pollination. Our findings reveal the potential for plant breeding strategies to improve yield traits in currently cultivated rapeseed varieties.


通讯范楚川 (http://cpst.hzau.edu.cn/info/1015/1659.htm)

个人简介:2006年,华中农业大学,博士,方向:生化与分子生物学专业;2008年3月-9月,美国Donald Danforth Plant Science Center,访问学者。


doi: 10.1111/pbi.12872

Journal: Plant Biotechnology Journal
First Published date: 19 January, 2018

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