Nature | 28.751 |
Science | 26.372 |
Nature Materials | 19.782 |
Nature Nanotechnology | 14.917 |
Nature Physics | 14.677 |
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition | 10.031 |
Nano Letters | 9.627 |
Advanced Materials | 8.191 |
Journal of the American Chemical Society | 7.885 |
Advances in Catalysis | 7.667 |
Advanced Functional Materials | 7.496 |
Physical Review Letters | 6.994 |
Small | 6.408 |
MRS bulletin | 5.168 |
Chemical Communications | 5.141 |
Chemistry of Materials | 4.883 |
International Journal of Plasticity | 4.516 |
Journal of Materials Chemistry | 4.339 |
Carbon | 4.26 |
Electrochemistry Communications | 4.186 |
Inorganic Chemistry | 4.123 |
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 4.086 |
Crystal Growth & Design | 4.046 |
Langmuir | 4.009 |
Journal of Applied Crystallography | 3.629 |
Acta materialia | 3.624 |
Applied Physics Letters | 3.596 |
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids | 3.542 |
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 3.343 |
Nanotechnology | 3.31 |
Physical Review B | 3.172 |
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A | 2.918 |
Journal of power sources | 2.809 |
Current Nanoscience | 2.793 |
Journal of the Electrochemical Society | 2.483 |
Scripta materialia | 2.481 |
Journal of nanoparticle research | 2.338 |
Intermetallics | 2.219 |
Mechanics of Materials | 2.211 |
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials | 2.21 |
Nanoscale Research Letters | 2.158 |
Composites Science and Technology | 2.171 |
Journal of Applied Physics | 2.171 |
Journal of Solid State Chemistry | 2.149 |
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology | 2.11 |
Electrochemical and Solid State Letters | 2.109 |
Solid State Ionics | 2.012 |
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells | 2.002 |
Ultramicroscopy | 1.996 |
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology | 1.987 |
Microscopy and Microanalysis | 1.941 |
Journal of Materials research | 1.916 |
Corrosion Science | 1.895 |
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter | 1.886 |
Philosophical Magazine Letters | 1.878 |
Materials Chemistry and Physics | 1.871 |
Applied Physics A – Materials Science & Processing | 1.857 |
Surface Science | 1.855 |
Journal of the American Ceramic Society | 1.792 |
Diamond and Related Materials | 1.788 |
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data | 1.729 |
Solid State Sciences | 1.698 |
Thin Solid Films | 1.693 |
Surface & coatings technology | 1.678 |
Composites Part A –Applied Science and Manufacturing | 1.662 |
Journal of Nuclear Materials | 1.643 |
Materials Letters | 1.625 |
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures | 1.61 |
International Journal of Solids and Structures | 1.569 |
Journal of the European ceramic society | 1.562 |
Thermochimica Acta | 1.562 |
Solid State Communications | 1.535 |
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry | 1.535 |
Smart Materials & Structures | 1.512 |
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer | 1.5 |
Philosophical Magazine | 1.486 |
Materials Science & Engineering C | 1.486 |
Materials Research Bulletin | 1.484 |
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry | 1.483 |
Advanced Engineering Materials | 1.463 |
Materials science & engineering A | 1.457 |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds | 1.455 |
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry | 1.417 |
Applied Surface Science | 1.406 |
Wear | 1.395 |
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology | 1.366 |
Ceramics International | 1.36 |
European Physical Journal B -- Condensed Matter | 1.356 |
Materials Science & Engineering B | 1.33 |
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids | 1.319 |
Composites Part B – Engineering | 1.311 |
Journal of Sol-gel Science and Technology | 1.3 |
Current Applied Physics | 1.291 |
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A | 1.278 |
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A | 1.278 |
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials | 1.27 |
Oxidation of Metals | 1.212 |
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology | 1.204 |
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering | 1.158 |
Computational Materials Science | 1.135 |
Powder Technology | 1.13 |
Reviews on Advanced Materials Science | 1.122 |
International Journal of Fatigue | 1.117 |
Composite Structures | 1.116 |
Journal of Materials Science | 1.081 |
JOM-Journal of the Minerals Metals & Materials Society | 1.081 |
Advances in Applied Ceramics | 1.074 |
J Eng. Mater. Techno. Tran. asme | 1.059 |
International Journal of Thermal Sciences | 1.048 |
Surface and Interface Analysis | 1.036 |
Materials & Design | 1.028 |
Materials Transactions | 1.018 |
International Journal of Fracture | 1.003 |
Journal of Porous Materials | 1 |
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience | 0.981 |
Journal of Composite Materials | 0.957 |
Materials Characterization | 0.932 |
Composite Interfaces | 0.911 |
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures | 0.883 |
Vacuum | 0.881 |
Journal of Experimental Nanoscience | 0.875 |
Zeitschrift fur metallkunde | 0.857 |
Journal of Energetic Materials | 0.839 |
Journal of Materials Processing Technology | 0.816 |
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids | 0.811 |
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan | 0.807 |
Physica B: Condensed Matter | 0.751 |
International Journal of Nanotechnology | 0.75 |
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures | 0.726 |
Materials Science and Technology- London | 0.713 |
International Journal of Thermophysics | 0.698 |
Corrosion | 0.695 |
Materials and Corrosion-Werkstoffe Und Korrosion | 0.678 |
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B | 0.621 |
Bulletin of Materials Science | 0.603 |
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer | 0.57 |
Aerospace Science and Technology | 0.538 |
Materials and Structures | 0.53 |
International Journal of materials research | 0.478 |
Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 0.468 |
Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion | 0.449 |
Surface Engineering | 0.444 |
Surface Review and Letters | 0.391 |
Materials Research Innovations | 0.388 |
Solid State Technology | 0.335 |
Journal of Ceramic Processing Research | 0.294 |
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology | 0.282 |