组里毕业的18个博士生的博士论文致谢词中的导师 (按照答辩顺序)
I am deeply indebted to my supervisor Prof. Huamin Qu for his fundamental role in my doctoral work. Since my first day at HKUST, he provided me with every bit of guidance, assistance, and expertise that I needed during my first semesters. He believed in me like nobody else and gave me endless support. He helped me since I was a master student when we first met at the summer school on visualization organized by Peking University. After that, we met many times and had numerous conversations. It all started in Spring 2014 when we met in Japan and later he offered me such a great opportunity to join the VisLab at HKUST. I was deeply touched and convinced by his personality. He taught me the fundamentals of conducting scientific research in the visualization area, and inspired me by his hardworking and passionate attitude. His challenges and productive critics brought this work towards a completion. I could not have imagined having a better life coach for my Ph.D. study.
屈老师眼中的李权:组里人称权叔。权叔非常不可思议,在3年半的读博生涯中,发表6篇一作文章(4篇CCF A类),实现了2个大的系统,一个已经在腾讯内部上线。开发了一款游戏。在某创业公司任过CTO,当过系里的TAC,在腾讯和微众银行实习过,访学GeorgiaTech一学期。拿过工学院PhD Fellowship和Top RPG award,而且在此期间还结了婚生了娃[微笑] 累计一作文章10篇,各种奖项包括国奖等10几项。我是从没见过energy level这么高的学生!
First and Foremost, I am deeply indebted to my supervisor, Prof. Huamin Qu, who had given me a second chance and been extremely supportive and helpful during this journey. Without him, this thesis would not even be possible. When I hit the bottom and felt I was almost drowning, Prof. Qu saved me and carried me through the difficult times. He told me that “It is not your fault, it is just the nature of research. You just keep going and you will make it!” And here I am! By introducing me the world of visualization, he leads me to the topic that I am truly interested in. As a supervisor, he really cares for his students and is concerned with their personal growth. He shows great sympathy towards the students who are struggling and is willing to help at anytime. He never gives up on any students and guides students through this Phd grind with great patience. He is very generous to students and provides us various opportunities to do interns and oversea exchanges. During the last two years, he provided me the opportunities to visit New York University and Microsoft Research Asia to broaden my horizon. As a professor, he is unbelievably diligent and always striving for better. We can always find him in his office to discuss research problems. He never settles and is always willing to take challenges. To me, he is not only an intelligent and great supervisor, but already a family member.
屈老师眼中的赵珣(Emma):Emma 16岁上大学,本科国奖,博士期间发表2篇一作TVCG,游学纽约大学,在微软亚洲研究院和Tusimple都实习过。思维敏捷,口齿伶俐,兼具数据挖掘,可视化,和可解释性人工智能背景,自己开发的2个可视分析系统功能丰富,充满美感,是不可多得的人才,前途无量!
First and foremost, I would like to thank my advisor, Prof. Huamin Qu, for his support, guidance and wisdom, and also for building such a great research lab so that I could focus on my research and have the opportunity to work with so many talented researchers. With his guidance, I learned how to handle all the uncertain issues in my research and get things done, understood how to manage a research project and collaborate with others, and realized there are things such as proactiveness are as valuable as technical competence. I feel so grateful that Prof. Qu is willing to share his wisdom not only about research, but also about career and everything in our lives. Through the four years of my doctoral study, what he taught me not only makes me a better researcher, but also help me to be a better person. Thank you very much.
屈老师眼中的远哲:兰州人,非常优秀能干,上交本科硕士,国奖,硕士论文入选上海市优秀硕士学位论文。读博期间合作发表各种论文6篇(3篇IEEE TVCG,1篇IEEE TBD,2篇IEEE VAST),还有2篇在审,CV上已经累计12篇文章。参加的科研项目题材广泛,包括工业4.0,在线教育,可解释性AI,视频数据可视分析等。读博期间,访问Bosch Research和MIT。气质沉稳内敛,扎硬寨,打死仗,做实事,质如铜墙铁壁,和我认识的华为诺亚方舟实验室的一些researcher特别像。所以他博士毕业后想去华为,我大力支持。
First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor, Prof. Huamin Qu, for his wisdom,
guidance, support, and patience. It is him who led me to the research palace. He taught
me to become not only a devoted researcher but also a better person. Two things have
impressed me the most among many things I have learned from him. First, he is always
energetic and willing to take on new challenges. He is open-minded to new technologies
and never sets limits to himself. His passion and dedication have made him a role model
for me to keep myself going. He has also taught me to stop worrying and get things done.
The best way to overcome fear is to start working on it. Second, he could always see the
goodness in people, which reminds me to “Jian Xian Si Qi” whenever I meet people with
various talents and virtues and then try to learn from them. With his guidance, I believe I
am now ready to face all the upcoming challenges and embark on a new journey.
屈老师眼中的陈晴:陈晴,组里学生亲切的称为晴哥[微笑] 她是我们组的艺术总监和首席讲者。浙大数字媒体专业第三名,充满艺术气息,笑容特别有感染力,性格深受组里学生喜欢。声音清澈,英语流利,激情洋溢,是组里首屈一指的presentation terminator,和各种视频的配音师。由于她的精彩演绎,我们组的项目得了不少奖。她的读博经历是诗与远方的故事,“世界这么大,我想去看看”,历经无数挫折,不改初心,其间的挣扎奋斗,是一个女生不屈不挠的个人史诗。科研方向是慕课数据的可视分析。已经发表了4篇文章,包括一作的顶刊TVCG文章,另一篇一作的VIS投稿被fast track到TVCG。在艺术与技术的结合处,晴哥的才华如夏花绽放。喜欢篮球,司职女篮中锋,也是国家认证的篮球裁判。别人刷剧,她刷NBA[微笑] 在斯里兰卡的海边,她一往无前,冲向蔚蓝的大海。这是我印象中的晴哥。
I would like to thank Professor Huamin Qu, for giving me so much praise, critisism, and opportunities. His comments have made me look at myself from a new angle. I re- member the meetings, seminars, and discussions that gave me endless inpsiration. He gave me so much encouragement and helped me enjoy the whole process of my graduate study. Professor Qu has been observant and patient in regards to my mistakes and short- comings. He also celebrates all my accomplishments and achievements. Every success and faliure during my research study has made me more resilient and optimistic.
屈老师眼中的王韵:组里人称韵姐,复旦软件学院的才女,本科期间就是学霸,software journal副主编,乐队主唱。读博期间,已经发表5篇一作文章,包括一作的ACM CHI,拿到Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship,创建了我们学校WACM student chapter, 拿到设计思维课头奖,游学牛津和MSRA。气质温婉,性格坚韧,绝不服输,永不放弃,不断挑战自己的极限。不同流俗,reject default,非常独特的女生。研究方向是可视化和人机交互,代表作data edibilization和InfoNice.有诗赞曰:“数据过口齿留香,韵姐手制劝客尝,可食分析开新章,但使毕业别发胖”。
First and foremost, my greatest gratitude goes to my supervisor, Prof. Huamin Qu, for his invaluable guidance and continuous support in the past four years. He led me to the fantastic field of information visualization and taught me how to do research from the scratch. It was mainly from him that I learned how to build a good researcher mindset and how to explore the unknown field with novel methods and critical thinkings. Also, he provided me with many op- portunities to collaborate with excellent researchers all over the world and broaden my horizons. Apart from research, his philosophy about life and the world also deeply influenced my under- standing of life and the world. I have been very impressed by his amazing diligence, persistent striving for excellence and strong willingness to embrace new challenges, which indeed moti- vates myself to pluck up my courage and go through all those difficulties during my PhD years. To me, what he taught me will not only benefit my future career as a visualization researcher but also my rest of life for being a better person.
屈老师眼中的王勇:组里人称勇哥。 勇哥是我们组的场上队长,灵魂人物。能说会写,人见人爱。读博期间,发表9篇文章,包括一作四篇期刊(2篇TVCG,1篇CGF,1篇ACM Tiis), 获得ACM IUI最佳论文奖,领导组里多个R&D项目。读博期间不仅研究表现亮眼,还诞生了他最好的作品,他的儿子[微笑] 王勇是我毕业的第13个博士,当年我是我导师Arie Kaufman的第13个博士,所以勇哥是我们这个学术家族里程碑一样的人物。
First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Huamin Qu, for introducing me to the world of research and giving me the opportunity to discover my passion in information visualization. What he has taught me has gone far beyond technical competence as a researcher and will have an influence on my whole life. With detailed management, he helped me cultivate the habit of reading papers and thinking in a research mindset, which is critical for preparing myself for a research career in the future. Moreover, through his critiques and encouragement, I am better able to understand both my strengths and my shortcomings from various aspects. This will surely benefit me for the rest of my life when I face major obstacles and decisions. Finally, he has been the greatest of role models for me with his passion for and dedication to his work. His undying enthusiasm for his professional career motivates me to continue pursuing research after graduation.
屈老师眼中的傅四维:四维中山大学数学系毕业,博士期间发表了4篇一作的顶会顶刊文章包括2篇VIS和1篇CHI,超越组里和领域内绝大多数毕业生。拿了三个奖(IEEE VAST challenge,HKICT,APICT),是我们vismooc核心成员。喜好健身,社交能力强,游学MSRA,硅谷,UC Davis,深得合作者好评。研究方向是可视化和在线教育以及社会科学的交叉。动手能力强,开发的一个可视化系统可以显示10几万人的族谱信息,被用在美国课堂教学。和其一起参加VIS会议,有诗赠曰:“四维登机如登山,万里长空一日攀”。
First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Huamin Qu for his kind support during the past four years. He leads me into the research palace and guides me through this academic journey. To me, he is not only a talented and knowledgeable advisor but also a generous and warm-hearted friend. Whenever I have questions regarding my research or personal life, he is open to discussion and often enlightens me with his wisdom and experience. Among the many things I have learned from him, two of his characteristics impress me most. First, he is an amazingly industrious person. I can always find him in his office even in the late night. I can still remember the time when I was revising my first accepted paper, he stayed overnight with me for proofreading and was still being energetic to organize our group seminar in the next morning. I am deeply touched by his diligence, and the desire of being a researcher like him motivates me to survive this Ph.D. grind. Second, he never hesitates to take challenges and is very eager to learn new things. He always encourages us to overcome the fear of the unknown and study the most cutting-edge research topics that may have strong impacts on the society. He also provided me the opportunities to visit Microsoft Research Asia and INRIA to broaden my horizon. With his guidance and encouragement, I am now ready to embrace the infinite probabilities in the future.
I feel so lucky to work closely with Prof. Qu during the past three years. I still remember the first time coming into his office and talking with him. His patience and amiableness urged me to ask for working with him, and the following three-year study proved this decision to be brilliant. During my PhD study, Prof. Qu gave me constant encouragement and valuable suggestions that are helpful for not only my future career but also my personal development. He is always supportive when I was facing obstacles. From my point of view, he is not just an advisor, but more like a family member.
First and foremost, I am profoundly indebted to my supervisor, Prof. Huamin Qu, who have
led me all the way into the field of visualization, providing professional guidance, extraordinary
patience and constant encouragement during my postgraduate study. I could always remember the
nights we sat together in his office which is full of books, discussing about the idea and the design.
They are unforgettable memories I’ll always treasure. He is not only a mentor on research, but also
a friend in my life. He sent thousands of emails sharing what he had seen, recommended books,
and provided opportunities to expand my horizons, for example, serving as teaching assistant co-
ordinator and joining the course with CAA. All the experiences have made me more confident and
prepared in both the research and daily life.
First of All, I would like to thank my advisor Prof. Huamin Qu, for introducing me to the fascinating area of information visualization, and for his generous guidance and help in the five years of study. He is patient with my mistakes, observant of my shortcomings and supportive whenever I was facing obstacles. Through his critiques I realized things as valuable and important as technical competence for a researcher. I will always bear them in mind in the future.
屈老师眼中的盼盼:杭州人,高二16岁就保送浙大竺可桢学院,学业非常优秀,曾获得浙大一等奖学金。徐盼盼性格沉稳,好学善思,基本功扎实,技能非常全面。 读博期间,因为出色表现,获得student of the year 2013荣誉,屈老师有诗赠曰:“聪明内秀徐盼盼,读书种子落人间。十六免试入竺院,二十攻博清水湾。踏实肯干不抱怨,用心科研意志坚。待到博士答辩日,组里男生齐汗颜”。 25岁获得博士学位,加入Bosch
First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor, Prof. Huamin Qu, for his kindly guidance on my research career and gentle care for my personal life. I still remember the first time coming into his office and talking with him. The huge amount of books in the office impressed me and his attitude towards students urged me to make my mind asking him as my advisor, and the following four-year study proved that this decision is brilliant. He unconditionally supported me in all aspects: nearly 2,000 emails from him are the evidence. He created a lot of opportunities to me, such as the two-time visit to Microsoft Research Asia for one year and the visiting to Inria for six months. The encouragement from him made me more confident in my research and daily life, and the criticism from him made me become a better man. From my point of view, he is not just an advisor to me, but more like a family.
屈老师眼中的丛磊:丛磊,陕西人,中学的时候获得各种竞赛奖,保送进上交计算机学院。毕业的时候是上交计算机学院第三名,获得国家奖学金,并曾任计算机学院学生会副主席。丛磊积极进取,待人诚恳,是非常出色的场上队长,深受师弟师妹的喜爱。他在组里做了很多开拓性的事情:做了获奖的VisMOOC,获得overseas research award访问法国INRIA才能获得那边的大力赞赏,参与我们和中国美院合办的设计思维课并出任第一届课程的TA。博士期间做的论文获得了领域顶会的最佳论文提名奖,VisMOOC系统后续为组里赢得了大量的经费,让电子学习成为组里的重点研究课题。丛磊才能卓绝,25岁就博士毕业,是栋梁之才。屈老师临别赠言:“四石砥中流,一木柱青天”。 石丛磊名字里有四个石头。
I would like to thank my co-advisor Prof. Huamin Qu for his help, encouragement and supporting during my Ph.D study. His help and guidance on my research brought me into the beautiful garden of research.
屈老师眼中的剑苏:有两种人生的态度,一种悲观主义,如卡法卡所说,“无论我转向何方,都有黑浪扑面而来。”。 另一种是乐观主义的,如贺拉斯所说,“不管命运把我带向何方,我都将以主人的面目上岸。” 剑苏就是后者,有勃然不可磨灭的精神。
Finally and most importantly, I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Huamin Qu. He is always able to give the strongest support to his students when they are in troubles. Learning in his team not only improves my research capability but also helps me to overcome many of my bad habits. It is a great experience in my life to work with and study from Prof. Qu as he is always able to carefully find, point out, and kindly correct my mistakes. He is just like an impartial mirror, looking at him will always be able to find my own faults and problems.
屈老师眼中的曹楠:陕西人。13岁即喜欢编程,得过各种编程比赛冠军。西工大本科硕士,后进IBM CRL。 来港科大,每年一篇顶级会议文章,2年半即搞定博士学位,创造组里历史。毕业后以最高票数获得SENG PhD Research Excellence Award。这个奖专为奖励工学院每年毕业的博士中的佼佼者。每年上百位毕业的博士中,只有3个获奖者。曹楠为计算机系和本组赢得荣誉。曹楠是典型的拼命三郎,艰苦时,平均每天睡四个小时,全靠咖啡提神,屈老师深切担心其身体健康。是组里少数几个屈老师不停地劝“slow down”的学生。
My first thank goes to my supervisor and mentor Huamin Qu. I deeply thank him for his guidance during these five years. It is his support and cultivation that help me gain confidence in my work and make this thesis possible. I most cherish our animated and inspiring discussions, from every long conversation in the office to every little chitchat at the dinning table. I have learnt so much from you, not only about research, but more importantly, about career, life, and everything else. Thanks for putting so much effect in me. Thank you very much.
屈老师眼中的为炜:为炜, 福建人,福建省高考第三名,清华计算机系本科。为炜心思纯净,为人极好。Coding能力组里可坐头两把交椅,和曹楠在伯仲之间。屈老师的编程生涯就是被为炜终结的。读博期间参与组里各种项目,发表了组里目前引用最高的3篇文章,每篇单引都上200次。毕业后去MSRA,组里的师弟师妹去MSRA做他的intern,反馈都是师兄很聪明,很稳。
I would like to first express my deepest gratitude to my advisor Dr. Huamin Qu for his guidance and support during my PhD study. His advice was important to the completion of my thesis as well as the interesting research projects and papers.
屈老师眼中的明远:香港本地人,香港大学本科毕业。屈老师刚到港科大的时候,开了一门“visualization”的课。明远上完课后,决定转过来和屈老师做。后来一转成MPhil, 再转成PhD,和屈老师不离不弃,一起度过了最艰难的岁月。2006年随组到北京做项目,喜欢上了新疆菜,经常和英才二人去北大南门的阿拉木汗餐厅,大快朵颐。明远是虔诚的基督徒, 在他的硕士,博士论文的acknowledgement里必引一段经文,感谢上帝。明远每次文章被拒,不怨天尤人,第一时间安慰老师:“I feel sorry for my terrible performance. I will do better next time。” 读博期间到东京一家金融机构实习,毕业后先去香港中文大学读一个法学的证书,后考入香港公务员,进入政府資訊科技總監辦公室,走了一条不同寻常的路。
First and foremost, I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Huamin Qu, for all his guidance, support, and encouragement during my PhD study. Without his patient supervision, I would never have completed this thesis. He not only taught me a lot about how to do research but also how to develop good working habits from which I will benefit all my life.
屈老师眼中的周虹:湘妹子。中学就读长沙市雅礼中学,百年名校。本科毕业时名列浙大计算机学院第五名,而且还是浙大礼仪队成员。聪明伶俐,漂亮大方,口才佳,心思密,善解人意, EQ极高,在港科大也以Social能力著称,做过系里的TAC (TA coordinator)。到美国访问期间,居独室,想idea, 归来后完成一篇高质量论文, 引用近200次。
Above all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Huamin Qu, for the constant encouragement, the trenchant critiques, the remarkable patience, and the generous support at all times. During my PhD thesis work, he has given me valuable suggestions that are helpful for not only my future research career, but also my personal development. Among many things he taught me, three of them are particularly precious and deserve a mention here: (1) the effective time management, (2) the useful research skills such as the Blitzkrieg method, the backward induction method, and the special case method, (3) and the important cultivation of intellectual curiosity, professional pride, and ambition for academic success. This thesis would not have been possible without his help.
屈老师眼中的英才:英才,客家人,华南理工大学计算机系第一名。英才技术全面,无论是idea, coding, 还是writing都有几把刷子,参与了组里几乎所有的项目,读博期间发表了20篇论文。能打硬仗,关键时刻曾一周不眠不休赶论文的deadline。英才完美演绎了大师兄的角色,是第一批学生里的台柱子。屈老师写推荐信的时候直言:“没有英才,就没有我的tenure。”
实验室主页:http://vis.cse.ust.hk/ 导师主页:http://www.huamin.org/
十五个博士生的读博历程 (by 陈晴)
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