1. 母乳或配方奶粉(breast milk and infant formula)
Table 1. Average contents of polyamines in breast milk and infant formula
Putrescine nmol/ml | Spermidine nmol/ml | Spermine nmol/ml | References | |
Full-term breast milk | 0.896 | 3.849 | 3.440 | |
0.615 | 3.512 | 4.490 | ||
0.238 | 2.196 | 3.128 | (27) | |
0.030 | 0.124 | 0.104 | ||
0.8511 | 4.1381 | 1.5961 | ||
0.7262 | 3.4702 | 1.4632 | ||
0.824 | 4.578 | 1.735 | ||
0.658 | 3.993 | 4.077 | (57) | |
0.204 | 3.520 | 5.080 | ||
Range | 0.030–896 | 0.124–4.578 | 0.104–5.080 | |
Pre-term breast milk | 0.058 | 0.462 | 0.302 | |
1.655 | 6.151 | 1.677 | ||
First formula | 14.300 | 0.186 | 0.129 | (26) |
0.018 | 0.187 | nd | (56) | |
0.374 | 0.912 | 0.675 | (27) | |
3.880 | 2.265 | 0.363 | (25) | |
3.596 | 0.516 | 0.302 | (57) | |
10.323 | 6.933 | 7.339 | (58) | |
Range | 0.018–14.300 | 0.186–6.933 | 0.129–7.339 | |
Follow-on formula | 12.796 | 0.138 | 0.158 | (26) |
0.263 | 1.198 | 0.458 | (27) | |
5.349 | 2.382 | 0.363 | (25) | |
7.533 | 4.241 | 6.227 | (58) | |
Range | 0.263–12.796 | 0.138–4.241 | 0.158–6.227 | |
Pre-term formula | 1.057 | 0.215 | 0.172 | (56) |
15.451 | 4.331 | 0.623 | (25) |
1 Milk from mothers of normal weight; 2 Milk from obese mothers; a Breast milk 2 months postpartum; b Breast milk 1 month postpartum; c Breast milk 1 week postpartum; nd: not detected.
2 植物源性食物(Food of Plant Origin)
多胺在植物源性食品中普遍存在,尽管其含量和分布因食物类型而异(Table 2)。亚精胺(Spermidine)存在于所有植物源性食品中,通常是主要的多胺。亚精胺和精胺(spermine)含量最高的食物类别是谷物(cereals)、豆类(legumes)和大豆衍生品(soy derivatives)。小麦胚芽和大豆的亚精胺含量分别为2437 nmol/g和1425 nmol/g,精胺含量分别为722 nmol/g和341 nmol/g (37, 59)。蘑菇(Mushrooms)、豌豆(peas)、榛子(hazelnuts)、开心果(pistachios)、菠菜(spinach)、西兰花(broccoli)、花椰菜(cauliflower)和四季豆(green beans)也含有大量的两种多胺(亚精胺和精胺)。多胺含量最低的是水果类。例如,在苹果(apples)、梨(pears)、樱桃(cherries)、橙子(oranges)或橘子(tangerines)中,亚精胺(spermidine)的报告值低于21 nmol/g,精胺(spermine)的报告值低于1.98 nmol/g。
Table 2. Ranges of average polyamine content (nmol/g) in foods of plant origin.
Food categories | Putrescine | Spermidine | Spermine | References |
水果Fruits | ||||
Apple, avocado, banana, cherry, kiwi, mandarin, orange, pear, peach, pineapple, strawberry, fruit juices. | nd−1,554 | 6.9–98 | nd−25 | |
蔬菜Vegetables | ||||
Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, carrot, celeriac, courgette, cucumber, eggplant, green beans, green pepper, lettuce, mushroom, onion, potato, spinach, tomato. | 5.7–794 | 6.9–398 | nd−54 | |
豆类和豆制品Legumes and soybean products | ||||
Chickpeas, lentils, peas, white beans, red kidney beans, soybean, soybean sprouts, soybean milk, tofu, soy sauce, miso | nd−525 | 1.0–1,425 | nd−341 | |
坚果和油籽Nuts and oilseeds | ||||
Almonds, chestnuts, pistachios, seeds | 34–488 | 41–383 | 63–165 | |
谷类Cereals | ||||
Rice, wheat germ, white bread | 2.3–704 | 2.8–2437 | nd−722 |
nd, not detected.
与亚精胺(spermidine)一样,腐胺(putrescine)几乎存在于所有植物性食物中,水果和蔬菜中含量尤其丰富,尤其是柑橘类水果(citrus fruits, 1,554 nmol/g)和青椒(green peppers, 794 nmol/g)(9, 61)。小麦胚芽(wheat germ, 705 nmol/g)和黄豆芽(soybean sprouts, 507 nmol/g)中也含有大量腐胺(37, 70)。
3 动物源性食物(Food of Animal Origin)
在动物源性食品中,像植物源性食品一样,多胺的含量变化很大(Table 3)。肉类及其衍生物可能含有高浓度的亚精胺和精胺,尤其是后者。在牛肉(beef)、猪肉(pork)、鸡肉(chicken)、腌制火腿(cured ham)和香肠(sausages)样品中发现的精胺(Spermine)值为>148 nmol/g,鲜肉和衍生品之间没有显著差异(37, 63, 76, 77)。在鱼类及其衍生品中,精胺和亚精胺的含量通常低于肉制品,但明显高于含量较低的牛奶和鸡蛋。在大多数奶酪中,精胺和亚精胺的含量分别<10 nmol/g和69 nmol/g,但蓝纹奶酪(blue cheese)除外,因为其中的亚精胺(spermidine)含量非常高,达到262 nmol/g (37)。
Table 3. Ranges of average polyamine content (nmol/g) in foods of animal origin.
Food categories | Putrescine | Spermidine | Spermine | References |
鲜肉Fresh meat | ||||
Beef, veal, lamb, pork, chicken, rabbit, turkey, duck. | 1.1–47 | 1–92 | 1–342 | |
熟肉制品Cooked meat derivatives | ||||
Cooked ham, mortadella, wiener sausage, frankfurter, botifarra | 4.5–11 | 15–28 | 11–99 | |
腌制和发酵肉制品Cured and fermented meat derivatives | ||||
Dry-cured ham, dry-fermented sausage | 5–1771 | 8–62 | 11–177 | |
鲜鱼和海鲜品Fresh fish and seafood products | ||||
White fish, cod, hake, salmon, tuna, sardine, shrimp, crab, calamari, oysters, scallops | nd−487 | nd−167 | nd−111 | |
半腌鱼和罐头鱼Semi-preserved and canned fish | ||||
Canned tuna, anchovies | 1.1–47 | 6.2–28 | 12–53 | |
蛋类Egg | 3.1–10 | 1–4 | nd−1 | |
牛奶和乳制品Milk and dairy products | ||||
Milk, yogurt | nd−3 | 0.41–5 | nd−4 | |
奶酪Cheese | ||||
Matured cheese, hard-ripened cheese, goat cheese, roquefort, gorgonzola, blue cheese, camembert, brie, comté, Swiss emmental, yellow cheese. | 1.5–1470 | nd−262 | nd−17 |
nd: not detected.
动物源性新鲜产品(肉、鱼、奶和蛋)中的腐胺含量通常低于植物源性食品。然而,最高水平的腐胺(putrescine)是在发酵过程中发现的产品,可能涉及产氨微生物(aminogenic microorganisms)。腐胺含量的广泛范围可以由腐败菌的脱羧酶活性(decarboxylase activity of spoilage bacteria)来解释。研究表明,原料的卫生状况对不同食品加工过程中腐胺等胺的形成有重要影响。例如,据报道,当这些香肠由微生物质量较低的原料生产时,干发酵香肠中的胺积累更大(78)。这一因素也可能是长熟奶酪中腐胺含量增加的原因,而这种奶酪的生产使用生牛奶是一种经批准的做法。从这个意义上说,之前对牛奶进行热处理是一个有用的工具,不仅可以保证没有致病微生物,而且可以避免腐胺和其他生物胺的形成,因为它减少了首先是具有氨基酸脱羧酶能力的腐败微生物的负荷;其次是在成熟过程中通过延迟蛋白质水解而存在游离氨基酸前体;第三是耐热性磷酸吡哆醛(thermolabile pyridoxal phosphate)的水平,这是氨基酸脱羧酶的必要辅助因子(83)。
4. 烹饪加工对多胺的影响(Effects of Culinary Treatment)
烹饪处理可以通过两种可能的机制潜在地降低食品中的多胺含量:其一是转移到烹饪水中;其二是由于某些类型的烹饪达到高温使多胺转换成其它物质。少数评估烹饪处理对多胺影响的研究报告了不同的结果,这取决于烹饪的类型和所研究的食物。某些蔬菜(菠菜、花椰菜和土豆)煮沸后的多胺含量通过转移到烹饪水中显著降低,特别是腐胺,因为这是水溶性最高的多胺。然而,同样的烹饪过程不会导致其他类型的食物(如辣椒、豌豆和芦笋)中多胺的损失(84)。另一项研究发现,生蔬菜和煮蔬菜(胡萝卜、西兰花、花椰菜和土豆)之间的多胺含量没有显著差异,尽管分析的样品数量较少(每种食物两种)是一个限制因素(9)。在经过大量水的烹饪过程(炖和煮)的肉类中,也没有观察到亚精胺和精胺的显著损失(23, 53)。在一些涉及较高温度的烹饪技术中(53)描述了烘烤、烧烤或油炸会导致鸡肉中高达60%的亚精胺和精胺损失。
5 多胺的摄入(Polyamine Intake)
对不同欧洲国家、日本和美国的每日多胺摄入量进行了估计(Table 4)。欧洲成年人的平均多胺摄入量估计为354 μmol/d,各成员国之间存在差异,英国最低,地中海地区国家、意大利和西班牙最高(91)。随后在地中海国家(如西班牙和土耳其)开展的研究估计,这些人群的摄入量要低得多(94, 95),这可能部分与过去20年观察到的传统地中海饮食逐渐被放弃导致植物性食物消费量减少有关(96)。日本和美国成年人的多胺摄入量估计值介于欧洲平均值和地中海地区的相应值之间。唯一一项估计青少年人群摄入量的研究是在瑞典进行的(93),其结果与先前报道的瑞典成年人人群非常相似(91)。
Table 4. Estimated average intake of polyamines (μmol/day) in different studies.
References | Study population | Total polyamines | Putrescine | Spermidine | Spermine |
Adults | 353.6 | 211.9 | 87 | 54.7 | |
United Kingdom | 315.1 | 160.3 | 96.7 | 58.1 | |
Finland | 343.6 | 222.6 | 71.9 | 49.1 | |
Sweden | 362.9 | 250.5 | 70.0 | 42.3 | |
Spain | 384.3 | 211.7 | 103.1 | 69.5 | |
Italy | 387.7 | 247.4 | 83.6 | 56.7 | |
Japan (63) | Children and adults J-NNSb | 200 | 90 | 74 | 36 |
United States of America (92) | Adults 40 to 80 years | 249.5 | 159.1 | 54.7 | 35.7 |
Sweden (93) | Adolescents 17 years | 316 | 215.5 | 66 | 34.5 |
Turkey (94) | Adults 40 ± 19 years | 139.9 | 93.1 | 33.1 | 13.7 |
Spain (95) | Adults ENALIA IIc | 170 | – | – | – |
aEuropean Union: United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Finland, Sweden, and the Netherlands.
bJ-NNS: Nationwide nutrition survey in Japan.
cSpanish national dietary survey in adults, elderly and pregnant women.
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