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足迹——博士期间第一篇SCI: 虽曲折还算圆满! 精选

已有 35591 次阅读 2013-6-25 21:37 |个人分类:我的papers|系统分类:论文交流| 博士, style


  NO.1: 屡战屡败屡败屡战的ES&T。

  02-May-2012第一次投稿到Environmental Science & Technology,历时近50天21-Jun-2012收到消息:(第一次被拒,庆幸的是,责任编辑又给了咱们一次重投的机会。也开启了杯具的domino effect.)

Thank you for considering Environmental Science & Technology for your manuscript submission. It has been forwarded to reviewers for their consideration, and the reviews are enclosed. After careful consideration, I regret to inform you that the manuscript cannot be accepted for publication in ES&T.

It is ES&T policy to reject manuscripts that need more revision than can be accomplished in one round of revisions. However, I will let you revise your manuscript according to reviewer comments and submit it again. Please state that you have permission to resubmit and the prior manuscript number in your cover letter when you submit, and provide a point-by-point response to all reviewers' comments.

三个审稿人,一个reject,一个moderate amendments,一个major revisions。于是按照reviewers的建议or意见对文章进行了修改,还补做了一些实验(Response letter to reviewers’comments-12页)

  05-Aug-2012重投(Response letter to reviewers’comments-18页)。从之前来看编辑对我们的manuscript还是蛮有兴趣的,本以为经过我们的major revised之后,应该差不多了呢!结果历时近50天20-Sep-2012收到消息:(第二次被拒,四个reviewers,Reviewer1:Most of the responses are satisfactory and correct;Reviewer2:The paper can be acceptedsince it contains new information on photocatalytic oxidation of pollutants inwater (in this case: BPA);Reviewer4:It is recommended that the paper be revised;Reviewer3:一个人洋洋洒洒提了20条意见,部分意见有其合理性,但是大多数意见我们认为是不太合理的。)这样的结果我和老板心有不甘,于是老板给负责的Associate Editor写了封申诉信,等了一段时间大概20天左右(据老板说编辑出差了)等来了消息:

Dr.*** has agreed to grant permission for you to resubmit your manuscript. After you revise thoroughly, please submit the manuscript as a new manuscript, and upload the document along with your response to reviewers and all other required forms. Additionally, in your cover letter, note that you have received permission to resubmit es-2012-03179a.

2012年10月25日 09:51 (星期四)收到老板消息:“又让我们重新投稿了。破斧沉舟,再投一次吧!



 NO.2 Applied Catalysis B: Environmental历经波折终成正果。基本没怎么修改于Jan 16, 2013投稿到Applied Catalysis B: Environmental经历了如下阶段:

Jan 16 submit in journal

Jan 19 invited in editor

Jan 21 technical check in progress

Jan 22 with editor

Feb 04 under review

Feb 13 required reviewers completed

Mar 20 revised

Apr 26 submit in journal

May 10 with editor

May 22 accept

  当看到Mar 20 revised通知的时候心里还是蛮高兴的,但是进入Elsevier Editorial System TM看到Date Revision Due里赫然写着N/A——不解,于是百度了一下,原来是不定期修改,这心里凉了一大块。不管怎么着让修总比被拒强。这回是两个reviewers,Reviewer1给出了很负面的审稿意见:“In my opinion, this manuscript is far lower than the standard of Applied Catalysis B: Environmental.还好Reviewer2给出的意见比较正面:“I think this paper can be published in Applied Catalysis B: Environmentalafter a major revise.最终Associate Editor让我们修改,感谢Hiromi Yamashita!(这里还有个小插曲,这个让修是我在EES系统里看到的,我老板竟然没有收到邮件,不知道是怎么回事!?)

 Apr 26 submit in journal将修改稿重返回去,with editor了将近半个月,原以为会发出去再审,结果于May 22 收到了好消息:

I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript, entitled "Photodegradation of bisphenol A by highly stable palladium-doped mesoporous graphite carbon nitride (Pd/mpg-C3N4) under simulated solar light irradiation",  is now accepted for publication in Applied Catalysis B.

话说这回可以尘埃落定了吧!“NO”。命运多舛呀!May 28 让签订出版协议……一堆东东,结果迷迷糊糊的给弄成open access了!本来以为是公开发表之类的,后来才知道原来签了这个之后是我们买单别人免费下载以增加被他人阅读和引用的情况,很贵的哦$2500。后来来来回回多次终于算是取消了。麻烦还不仅于此,和各类出版协议一起来的邮件还有一封说是4 Jun 2013校稿48h返回,当我登陆看到的稿件竟然是我们没有修改过的原稿,我滴个神,搞毛线啊!又跟老板沟通,发email和出版商沟通,在这个过程中已经过了给定的校稿时间6 Jun 2013,Track your accept manuscript状态一直是:

No further corrections can now be made.
      At this moment it
is not yet possible to give you information about the publication date. This depends on the number of articles lined up for publication in the journal. Citation information will be shown when available.

闹心不?!等哦等,一直等到Thu, 13 Jun 2013 07:26:00,终于等来了第二次校稿,以邮件的形式发过来的,让24hrs返回,迅速重返,等待……不知何时出页码。今天上午收到老板邮件:Final version published online,打开链接大致一看,满头白毛汗:已经有页码了,但是和让我最后校订的手稿不一致,如果是原始的初稿也就算啦,对合着能用,在原稿上把revised manuscript上的图加上去了,有一个图标和图对差劈了,我勒个去,急急忙忙从北京跑回来准备下午找老板再email说明下,谁知道下午再上去的时候,online竟然就是我最后校订的那个版本了,虚惊一场!不知道是怎么回事!难道是他们发现了,之后做了调整!?

终于尘埃落定,修成正果,6月份刚刚出的IF,ACB略升,小小欣慰下。等着再把那篇Chemical Engineering Journal修回去,争取12月份能毕业吧!bless!



Photodegradation of bisphenol A by highly stable palladium-doped mesoporous grap.pdf


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