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Python 2: strings

已有 1444 次阅读 2016-11-17 23:02 |个人分类:Python|系统分类:科研笔记| strings

# double or single quotes

>>> 'hey yy'
'hey yy'

>>> "hey yy"
'hey yy'

>>> "he's a handsome man"
"he's a handsome man"

>>> 'he's a handsome man'
"he's a handsome man"

>>> 'he said,"shop!"'
'he said,"shop!"'

>>> "he said,"shop!""
'he said,"shop!"'

>>> a='Jane'
>>> b='Eyre'
>>> a+b     # + concatenate strings
>>> a,b
('Jane', 'Eyre')
>>> c='Jane '  # Note the backspace!
>>> c+b
'Jane Eyre'

>>> a='Kamm'
>>> a*5 # * repeat strings
>>> b='Tag ' # Note the backspace!
>>> b*3
'Tag Tag Tag '

# convert any format of an element to string using `` and str()

>>> a=18

>>> print 'yy is ' + `a` # The backtick sign `(重音符号)  is right below the tilde ~ (波浪符号) on the keyboard.
yy is 18
>>> print 'yy is ' + str(a)
yy is 18


上一篇:Python 3: Module math - mathematical functions
下一篇:Python 2: index and change elements of variables
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