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和国外同行讨论deep learning被郁闷到

已有 6388 次阅读 2013-6-23 07:14 |系统分类:科研笔记| Learning, deep

跟ICML'13一篇paper(Maxout Networks)的作者讨论一个bio-inspired deep learning的想法,得到的回复是:你的想法没啥硬伤,关键是能不能跑出更好的结果。

"Other people, including me, having worked on fairly similar things and didn't really get them to work. That doesn't mean it's impossible though; just that you might need to try a few different tricks to go with it that we haven't tried."

"In general it's very hard to predict theoretically how well a deep learning method will work in advance. You just have to get your hands dirty and try a lot of them."




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下一篇:A very good review paper
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