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12月11日晚八点iCANX Talks 直播︱MINE 优秀青年科学家

已有 2670 次阅读 2020-12-11 08:25 |个人分类:国际交流|系统分类:科研笔记


北京时间1211日晚8点,大家期待已久的 iCANX Talks第三十五期即将重磅来袭,本次邀请了获得MINE青年科学家奖的三位顶尖学者为大家带来最新科研成果。他们分别是来自香港城市大学的于欣格教授和来自清华大学的盛兴教授,以及来自英国伦敦大学学院的徐杨教授。盛兴教授将介绍面向新型神经接口的植入式微纳光电器件的最新研究进展,于欣格教授将带来皮肤集成传感器和触觉反馈界面在VR/AR中的应用的精彩报告,徐杨教授将介绍新兴能源存储技术中的的纳米离子学的最新进展。 

The highly expected iCANX Talks Vol.35 will be ceremoniously holed at 8:00 pm of December 11(Beijing time). This time, three MINE Young Scientist Awardees are invited to bring you their latest scientific research reports. They are professor Xing Sheng from Tsinghua University professor Xinge Yu from City University of Hong Kong and professor Yang Xu from University College London, UK. Professor Xing Sheng will present the latest progress in Implantable Optoelectronic Devices for Advanced Neural Interfaces. Professor Xinge Yu will talk about Skin-Integrated Sensors and Haptic Interfaces for VR and AR. And, Professor Yang Xu will present the latest progress in Nanoionics in emerging energy storage technologies.


Talk 1


Implantable Optoelectronic Devices for Deep-Brain Neural Modulation and Sensing 


Xing Sheng  盛兴

Tsinghua University  清华大学 


【Abstract】Bio-integrated high performance inorganic optoelectronic devices will provide new insights on interactions between light and bio-systems. Here we present unconventional strategies to design and fabricate thin-film, microscale optoelectronic devices and use them in implantable systems for deep brain neural signal modulation and sensing. Specifically, microscale LEDs are utilized to work as light sources to interact with genetically encoded neural actuators, stimulating neural activities, while photodetectors are used to monitor the fluorescence signals of light sensitive proteins, probing neural signals. Implanted devices are wirelessly powered and controlled by a miniaturized circuit system. These devices are implanted deeply into the mouse brain, demonstrating close loop monitoring and manipulation of neural activity in vivo. Such an integrated, deeply implanted and microscale optoelectronic system provides new insights on interactions between optical signals and neural systems.





【Biography】Xing Sheng is currently an associate professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University, China. He obtained his PhD degree at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2012 (advisor: Lionel C. Kimerling), and his B.Eng degree at Tsinghua University in 2007. From 2012 to 2015, he was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (advisor: John A. Rogers). He has published more than 40 papers (including 5 invited papers) in peer-reviewed journals like Nature Materials, PNAS, Advanced Materials, etc. He is currently serving as an associate editor for OSA Optical Materials Express. He is selected into the “1000 Youth Talents Program” in 2015. His research interests are primarily in manipulating materials and photonic structures for micro- and nano-scale optoelectronic devices, to enable high performance and versatile functionalities. His recent efforts focus on light management in microscale devices (solar cells, LEDs, etc) for solar energy harvesting and biomedical applications.


【个人简介】盛兴,目前就职于清华大学电子工程系,担任副教授。他于2012年在美国麻省理工学院获得博士学位(导师:Lionel C. Kimerling),并于2007年在清华大学获得工学学士学位。2012年至2015年,他在美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳分校担任博士后研究员(导师:John A. Rogers)。他在Nature Materials, PNAS, Advanced Materials等期刊上发表了40多篇论文(包括5篇受邀论文)。他目前是OSA Optical Materials Express的编辑。他的主要研究兴趣是开发新型的光电子材料与器件,用于生物医疗技术。


Talk 2


Skin-Integrated Sensors and Haptic Interfaces for VR and AR


Xinge Yu  于欣格

City University of Hong Kong  香港城市大学


【Abstract】Technologies for virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) create human experiences through visual and auditory stimuli that replicate sensations associated with the physical world.  The most widespread VR/AR systems use head-mounted displays, accelerometers and speakers as the basis for three-dimensional, computer-generated environments that can exist in isolation or as overlays with actual scenery. By comparison to the eyes and the ears, the skin is a relatively underexplored sensory interface for VR/AR technology that could, nevertheless, greatly enhance experiences, at a qualitative level, with direct relevance in areas ranging from communications and social media, to gaming, entertainment and prosthetics technology. Here we present materials, device structures, power delivery strategies and communication schemes as the basis for a wireless, battery-free platform of electronic systems and haptic interfaces capable of softly laminating onto the skin to communicate information via spatio-temporally programmable patterns of localized mechanical vibrations. The resulting technology, which we refer as epidermal VR, creates many opportunities where the skin provides an electronically programmable communication and sensory input channel to the body, as demonstrated through example applications in social media/personal engagement, prosthetic control/feedback and gaming/entertainment.




【Biography】Dr Xinge Yu is currently an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at City University of Hong Kong (CityU). Xinge Yu got his bachelor degree form University of electronics Science and Technology of China (UESCT) in 2009 and conducted his Ph.D. research in printable flexible electronics at Northwestern University and received his Ph.D. degree in Optical Engineering from UESTC in 2015. From 2015 to 2018, Xinge Yu was a postdoctoral research associate at Northwestern University and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he was working on flexible bio-electronics. Now Xinge Yu’s research group is focusing on skin-integrated electronics and systems for biomedical applications. He has published over 70 papers in the top journals, such as Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Nature Communications, PNAS, Science Advances etc., and held 15 patents pending or granted. Dr Yu serves as an associate director of the CAS-CityU Joint Lab on Robotics, and an associate editor of IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology. Dr Yu is also the recipient of New Innovator of IEEE NanoMed, MINE Young Scientist Award, TR 35 at 2020, etc. 


【个人简介】于欣格,香港城市大学生物医学工程系助理教授、博导。2009年本科毕业于电子科技大学。2009-2015年,于美国西北大学与电子科技大学联合培养攻读博士,从事柔性金属氧化物的柔性化与大规模打印的研究,并于2015年获得博士学位。于2015-2018年先后在美国西北大学生物集成电子研究中心和伊利诺伊大学材料工程系担任博士后研究员,从事皮肤集成电子、生物电子以及多学科交叉的相关研究。目前研究方向为新型柔性电子材料与器件在生物医疗领域的应用。近年来,已在Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Science Advances, PNAS, Advanced Materials等学术期刊发表论文70余篇。担任香港城市大学-中科院机器人联合实验室副主任,IEEE新纳米技术杂志的副主编,获得IEEE纳米医学发明家奖,MINE青年科学家奖、TR35 of 2020等荣誉奖项。


Talk 3 


Nanoionics in emerging energy storage technologies


Dr Yang Xu  徐杨

Department of Chemistry, University College London, UK  英国伦敦大学学院化学系


【Abstract】Na-ion and K-ion battery (NIB and KIB) are emerging energy storage technologies and have received rapidly increasing academic and industrial interest. This is driven by the increasing market of electric vehicles and large-scale stationary energy storage, as well as the promise of the NIB and KIB technologies to integrate renewable energy into the grid and provide electricity at rural areas for off-grid utilisation. The core challenge to develop the NIB and KIB technologies is to enhance the nanoionics of battery materials, because the large size of Na- and K-ion causes poor kinetics of ion transport and results in poor ion storage performance. This talk presents our work in material design at different length scales to take on the challenge of nanoionics. I will discuss the design in the short atomic arrangement via creating local atomic disorder and in the long atomic arrangement via regulation the level of amorphisation. The design significantly enhances the nanoionics of battery materials through creating ion transport pathways and facilitating ion accommodation and diffusion, which could provide insight into material designs for energy applications where nanoionics is of great importance.




【Biography】Dr Yang Xu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at University College London. His group is interested in designing and synthesising materials as well as understanding ion transport and storage at the nanometre scale for beyond-lithium energy storage technologies. The group is exploiting a wide range of materials with characteristic crystal structures and atomic arrangements (local defects, short- and long-range disorder) and investigating the correlations between the characteristics and the (electro)chemical processes occurring at electrode-electrolyte interface and in solid electrodes. Dr Xu has been actively working on energy storage materials and devices for over 10 years and is one of the pioneering scientists in the field of K-ion batteries. He is the recipient of the MINE Outstanding Young Scientist Award 2019 and the EPSRC (UK) New Investigator Award. In addition, he serves as a reviewer for internationally leading journals and was awarded an Outstanding Reviewer for Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers in 2016 and Best Reviewer for Science China Chemistry in 2019.


【个人简介】徐杨教授任职于英国伦敦大学学院化学系,长期从事钠//高价离子电池电极材料设计与储能机制的研究工作。课题组致力于推动发展不同尺度下原子排列无序度优化策略,解析电化学离子存储过程中的物理过程和化学反应,理解电极材料的构效关系,在钾离子电池领域做出了特别积极的贡献。徐杨教授曾获MINE青年科学家奖,英国工程和物理科学研究委员会New Invesitgator AwardInorganic Chemitry FrontiersScience China Chemistry优秀审稿人等奖项。



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