

海外来鸿(6):Invitation to participate in 3 synthesis activities

已有 5366 次阅读 2008-3-11 05:39 |个人分类:海外来鸿

You are invited to participate in three synthesis activities on the
North American carbon cycle.

As part of the North American Carbon Program, we are conducting three
activities over the next 12 months to examine the following questions on
the North American carbon budget: What is the magnitude, spatial
distribution, and interannual variability of carbon sources and sinks
during the period 2000 - 2005?; Do model results and observations show a
consistent impact of the 2002 drought?; and How do carbon sources and
sinks and our understanding of the underlying processes vary across
scales (site - region, region - continent)?   

These questions will be addressed at the regional - continental scale
and also at individual sites by three coordinated synthesis groups: 

1. Regional - Continental Interim Synthesis (Mac Post, Andy Jacobson,
and Bob Cook, coordinators) (contact email: )

2. Site Interim Synthesis (Peter Thornton, Ken Davis, Kevin Schaefer,
and Bob Cook, coordinators) (contact email: )

3. Mid Continent Interim Synthesis (Stephen Ogle, Scott Denning, and Ken
Davis, coordinators) (contact email: )

The interim syntheses are investigator-led (grass roots) efforts that
are open to all investigators and modelers studying the carbon cycle in
North America (NACP funding is not a requirement to participate).
Currently, we do not have separate funding for these synthesis
activities, and we are requesting resources (i.e., travel funds) from
NACP for small workshops to complete the analysis. 

We have the following general schedule for the syntheses:

Late Winter       -DRAFT Synthesis protocols available for comment
Late Spring   -Observations and model results sent to MAST-DC
Summer -Analysis and intercomparison of observations and model
Fall -Intercomparison Workshops
Fall - Winter -Write papers
February 2009 -Present results at NACP All-Scientist Meeting
Winter 2009 -Submit papers

Each group will establish their own schedule.

Additional information, including DRAFT protocols for the model-data
comparison, is available on the Internet:

If you are interested in participating in these activities, please email
the respective contact(s) listed above by March 31.

Best wishes,
Bob Cook


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