火星社会分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/benlion - 太空医学与天体生物学



已有 3072 次阅读 2011-11-28 10:31 |系统分类:科研笔记| 合成生物学, 系统遗传学

以下文字论述的观点非常准确地就是90年代未在海外我以系统遗传学(94年在国内发表提出和96年*国际转基因动物研讨会阐述)观点与孟德尔遗传学观点争论焦点的生动写照 - 就如同该文作者当时就在旁边观看(实际不可能)我的争辩(99年建立英文网和03年国际遗传学大会再次论述)一般。
另外,直到11月冷泉港亚洲年会,至今为止,世纪之交合成生物学的开创者们都已经非常明确地论说在系统论层面上的计算生物学、实验生物学结合的生物系统工程(engineering of biosystem)和人工生物系统的研究 - 即系统生物工程概念或范式。
*,从这里留学海外继续大规模国际通信与论述,而今为的是另一个梦想 - 生物工业革命,从英国工业革命发源地来到江南,曾经是明清中国工商业萌芽的地方,能否在21世纪第三次工业革命成为未来的新兴产业崛起区域呢?
Systems Genetics
Joseph H. Nadeau and Aimée M. Dud

From studies with peas over 150 years ago, Gregor Mendel deduced the laws that govern the inheritance of traits in most organisms. The brilliance, but also the limitation, of Mendel's work was its focus on single-gene traits, such as flower color and plant height. However, phenotypic variation, including that which underlies health and disease in humans, often results from multiple interactions among numerous genetic and environmental factors. Systems genetics seeks to understand this complexity by integrating the questions and methods of systems biology with those of genetics to solve the fundamental problem of interrelating genotype and phenotype in complex traits and disease.



上一篇:东西方科学技术 – 基础与应用偶联
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