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国内外科研动态 3月21日

已有 3692 次阅读 2014-3-21 07:57 |个人分类:科研动态|系统分类:科研笔记


·“病毒灵”曾被禁用 提高幼儿免疫力不能靠药物(3-20)
·北京幼儿园板蓝根当水喝 专家:儿童用药需慎之又慎(3-20)

·中国农大彭友良《Plant Cell》发表植物病理学新成果(3-21)
·北京基因组研究所Cancer Cell发表癌症新文章(3-21)

·我国发现食管鳞癌相关基因突变 癌症治疗有新思路(3-21)
·裴钢院士Cell Res发表细胞重编程新突破(3-20)
·中国学者Cell Res发现炎症反应新机制(3-20)




·英国多项研究发现 饱和脂肪酸食物无关心脏病风险(3-21)

·Nature Methods重大突破:培育癌症干细胞(3-20)


2014年03月21日 | 自见之谓明。


《美国新闻与世界报道》(US News & World Report)发布了2015年美国最佳医学研究院(Best Graduate Schools)排名。






一种成像手段,可让组织切片中乳腺肿瘤内的 100 种临床相关的金属同位素标记抗体实现同步可视化。

这些发现可帮助科学家们在未来的疫苗研究中增强特定的免疫反应,其目的是更接近于研发出一种有效且持久的 HIV 疫苗。









REST 是在胎儿大脑发育时活跃的调节因子,研究人员发现它能在老年人大脑中重新启动,为衰老神经元提供保护。










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A dedicated circuit links direction-selective retinal ganglion cells to the primary visual cortex

视网膜中被称为 “方向选择性神经节细胞”(DSGCs)的运动检测细胞被认识和被研究已超过了半个世纪,但它们在视觉处理中的精确作用仍不清楚。通过将遗传、解剖和成像方法相结合,Andrew Huberman及同事对DSGCs在小鼠脑中所建立的连接进行了研究,发现它们专门与初级视皮层的表层内的神经元连接。来自几种不同DSGC类型的输入被结合起来向该皮层传递方向和取向信息。另外,来自视网膜的不是由方向调控的信息也发送到更深层的皮层。这表明,小鼠视觉系统包含几个在功能上截然不同的并行通道,该皮层中的方向和取向选择性可能来自涉及视网膜内的运动检测细胞的视觉处理过程的最早阶段。(doi: 10.1038/nature12989


Comprehensive molecular characterization of urothelial bladder carcinoma

对131个高等级肌肉入侵性尿路上皮膀胱癌所做的这项研究(“癌症基因组图集” (TCGA)项目的一部分),报告了32个基因的频发突变,其中包括那些在细胞周期调控、染色质调控和激酶信号作用通道中所涉及的基因。染色质调控基因在尿路上皮癌中发生突变的频率比在迄今所研究的任何常见癌症中都高。 “频发in-frame激发FGFR3–TACC3融合”以及与基因失活相关的病毒的表达或整合在这项研究中也被发现。重要的是,在69%的这些肿瘤中还发现了潜在的治疗目标。(doi: 10.1038/nature12965)详细报道 Nature:基因组研究探秘膀胱癌


Obesity-associated variants within FTO form long-range functional connections with IRX3

搜寻肥胖的基因原因的工作将FTO基因的一个非编码区域置于了聚光灯下:这一内含子 (基因内区)内的变异与肥胖症和2-型糖尿病的患病风险增加有关。虽然FTO的生物作用已得到深入研究,但仍不清楚这些基因变异体是怎样影响FTO表达和生物功能的。这篇论文显示,这些非编码序列在功能上、在兆碱基距离上是与homeobox基因IRX3相联系的。这一与肥胖相关的间隔似乎属于IRX3而非FTO的调控功能。另外,缺失Irx3的小鼠体重降低,对由饮食诱导的肥胖有抵抗力。综合起来,这些数据表明,IRX3是与人类肥胖症和2-型糖尿病相关的一个重要代谢调控因子。(doi:10.1038/nature13138 & doi: 10.1038/nature13212)详细报道 Nature:肥胖另有其“因”


Coupling of angiogenesis and osteogenesis by a specific vessel subtype in bone

Endothelial Notch activity promotes angiogenesis and osteogenesis in bone

有证据表明,血管 (尤其是它们的内皮细胞) 控制器官的生长、平衡和再生。在本期Nature上发表的两篇论文中,Ralf Adams及同事证明,骨头血管含有专门支持骨成熟和再生的内皮细胞。Anjali Kusumbe等人在小鼠骨骼系统内识别出一个在介导骨生长中起关键作用的毛细血管亚型。这些血管含有所谓的 “H-型内皮细胞”,它们优先与骨祖细胞关联,在衰老过程中数量减少。Hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) 被发现在维持 “H-型内皮细胞”中非常关键,同时这些细胞在衰老的动物体内失去的事实表明,HIF-1α 信号作用的失去也许参与了与年龄相关的骨变化。在第二篇论文中,Saravana Ramasamy等人发现,骨头中的血管生长需要Notch信号作用,并且涉及一种专门形式的血管发生,后者不涉及内皮幼芽。(doi: 10.1038/nature13145 & doi: 10.1038/nature13146)详细报道 Nature:血管对骨骼形成做出的贡献


Unexpected link between an antibiotic, pannexin channels and apoptosis

凋亡细胞的胞质膜上的Pannexin 1通道介导 “find-me” 分子信号的释放,这种信号吸引吞噬细胞,后者的任务是清除死亡的细胞。在对小分子所做的一项无偏筛选中,Kodi Ravichandran及同事发现喹诺酮抗体Trovafloxacin是Pannexin 1通道活性的一种直接抑制分子,导致凋亡细胞的失控碎片化。这项工作确定了Pannexin通道在凋亡细胞的有序分解中扮演一个必要角色,同时还可能重新激发人们对与Pannexin 1通道没有交叉反应的喹诺酮抗体的兴趣,这种交叉反应也许可解释在Trovafloxacin的临床试验中所出现的特别毒性。(doi: 10.1038/nature13147 & doi: 10.1038/nature13213


Two independent transcription initiation codes overlap on vertebrate core promoters

脊椎动物胚胎发生期间的 “母型-合子型过渡” (MZT)是转录组的一个巨大变化,这个时候合子基因组被激发,母型转录体被降解。这项研究以核苷酸分辨率标绘出了斑马鱼MZT期间所使用的转录起始点,显示从母型向合子型转录组的过渡以两个不同启动子序列信号之间的切换为特征。RNA转录的起始位置由母型阶段的一个富含A/T的主题和合子中具有根本性区别的代码决定。这两个转录起始点在核心启动子内经常是共存的,甚至还会重叠,同时在卵母细胞和胚胎内都活跃的启动子上,它们是被差异化利用的。(doi: 10.1038/nature12974

白介素-35 的负免疫调控作用

IL-35-producing B cells are critical regulators of immunity during autoimmune and infectious diseases

这项研究发现,产生白介素-35 (IL-35)的B细胞是新颖的负免疫调控因子。具有不能产生IL-35 的B细胞的小鼠被证明易患诱导的自免疫疾病,同时对沙门氏菌感染的抵抗力增强。这一发现表明,IL-35 由B细胞的生成是自免疫疾病和传染病的一个潜在治疗目标。(doi: 10.1038/nature12979


The remnant of a merger between two dwarf galaxies in Andromeda II

星系形成理论预测较低质量的星系之间会发生合并。但尽管小星系向银河系这样的大星系上的吸积已被间接观测到,但尚未有低质量星系 (总质量小于10亿颗太阳类恒星质量的星系) 之间的合并被发现。现在Nicola Amorisco等人报告了在 “仙女座”的卫星星系之一的矮球形星系 “仙女座-II” 中对一个恒星流所做的运动检测 (kinematic detection) 。他们的结论是,他们观测到了两个矮星系之间一次合并的残留物。这反映了星系形成的无标度 (scale-free) 特点,它们可以小至最低的星系质量规模。(doi: 10.1038/nature12995


Rotationally driven ‘zebra stripes’ in Earth’s inner radiation belt

地球的辐射带有很多电子和离子,它们被一个磁场束缚在原位。这些带中的结构化特征以前被归因于增强的太阳风活动。虽然行星转动被认为在驱动木星和土星周围的带动态中起重要作用,但这一直被人为对地球的辐射带无足轻重——地球辐射带中所涉及的力要小得多。对来自Van Allen Probes任务的 数据所做的一项新的分析显示,地球内辐射带整个空间的高能电子分布是以规则的、高度结构化的、出乎意料的 “斑马线”形式组织的,甚至当太阳风活动强度低时也是如此。模拟显示,这种模式是由行星转动产生的,后者诱导与漂移周期接近24小时的电子以共振式发生相互作用的磁场和电场发生全球性的日间变化。(doi: 10.1038/nature13046 & doi: 10.1038/507308a


A fully photonics-based coherent radar system

下一代雷达系统将需要高度自动化,采用软件定义的信号生成和检测来在监测和无线通信应用中灵活操作。然而,必要的 “模-数”转换对传统微波电子元件造成严重技术局限。这使得非常适合数字化操作的光子雷达成为一个有吸引力的选项。此前,基于光子的无线电信号生成和检测一般都是被分开研究的。在这项研究中,Paolo Ghelfi等人将各个元件结合起来生成了一个能够发挥功能的全光子雷达系统。该系统的有效性和精确性在一项涉及对过往飞机进行检测的现场试验中得到了演示。(doi: 10.1038/nature13078 & doi: 10.1038/507310a

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News This Week

21 March 2014 Volume 343, Issue 6177

A roundup of the week's top stories in Science:

News of The Week

In science news around the world, the European Parliament approves tighter data privacy rules, a report from U.K. scientists criticizes the European Union's approval process for genetically modified crops, and more.

When an intern at the Hunterian Museum of the University of Glasgow in Scotland discovered a slide of the Blarney Stone in the museum collection, geologists there put its mythical origins to the test.

The U.S. Senate has confirmed astrophysicist France Córdova, formerly chair of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, as the new director of the National Science Foundation.

News & Analysis

Adrian Cho and Yudhijit Bhattacharjee

Cosmologists have spotted traces of gravitational waves—undulations in the fabric of space and time—rippling through the infant universe. If it holds up, the discovery fulfills a key prediction of a theory called inflation. According to this theory, in its first sliver of a second, the cosmos expanded like a gargantuan balloon at greater than light speed. It also shows for the first time that gravity must follow the same rules of quantum mechanics that other forces such as electromagnetism do.

U.S. Science Policy
Jeffrey Mervis

Congressional Republicans and the National Science Foundation (NSF) appear to be creeping toward common ground in their yearlong fight over how the agency manages its $7 billion research portfolio. Last week, a key panel endorsed a bill to reauthorize NSF's programs that is markedly less radical than earlier versions, although the scientific community is still unhappy with several provisions. And NSF acting Director Cora Marrett says the agency is taking a much more active role in explaining what it funds, addressing a major concern for many Republican legislators.

Jeffrey Mervis

The Democratic alternative to the Republican bill would have the National Science Foundation support more of the same high-quality research it now funds. Its spending levels are much more generous than in the GOP bill and extend for 5 years rather than 1 year.

Stem Cells
Dennis Normile and Gretchen Vogel

Since January, scientists around the world have attempted to reproduce a surprising stem cell finding that claimed that simply stressing adult cells could turn them into powerful stem cells, called stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency (STAP) cells, which resemble those found in early embryos. No one has reported success. Now, Science has learned that some of the labs involved in producing the two papers describing the work had not attempted to reproduce the technique before the papers were published. Only two of the labs involved in the papers say they have been able to generate STAP cells.

Restoration Ecology
Erik Stokstad

The Colorado River delta once supported many birds and other species. After the U.S. government dammed the river, the lush habitat became a salt-caked wasteland. Now, an experimental flood will send water down the dry channel to help restore the ecosystem. Researchers will evaluate the responses of the riverbed, soil, and native vegetation, and perhaps pave the way for future floods.

News Focus

Leslie Roberts

Polio erupted in Syria last October after a 15-year absence—a sign of the devastation of the health system during the country's 3-year civil war. Millions of Syrian children, some of whom have not been vaccinated since the conflict began, are at high risk, as are millions more in surrounding countries as refugees stream across their borders. The World Health Organization and its partners have launched the biggest polio emergency response ever attempted in the Middle East. But to stop the outbreak, they will have to find ways to reach children who so far have been cut off from all humanitarian aid.

Yudhijit Bhattacharjee

When the ENCODE Project claimed that there is no such thing as junk DNA, Dan Graur counterattacked. The heart of his critique is that ENCODE researchers have made an unwarranted leap in the interpretation of their data. He alleges that the motivation of ENCODE leaders was to create a media splash that would justify the project's cost. Some agree with the substance of his criticisms; others have taken issue with his style.

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News from Science
Daily Headlines

20 March 2014

Today's news from ScienceNOW and ScienceInsider

20 March 2014 | People Events
John Ruffin has overseen evolution of office into institute

20 March 2014 | Biology
New analysis blows previous estimates away

20 March 2014 | Chemistry
Metal seeded growth of marine organisms that sucked greenhouse gas from the air

20 March 2014 |

20 March 2014 |

20 March 2014 | Scientific Community
Listen to a roundup of some of our favorite stories from the week

20 March 2014 |

20 March 2014 | Biology
Loblolly pine genome seven times longer than ours

19 March 2014 | Paleontology
66-million-year-old dinosaur resembled a giant ferocious rooster

19 March 2014 |

19 March 2014 |

19 March 2014 |

19 March 2014 | Brain Behavior
Protein guards the aging brain from dementia

19 March 2014 |

19 March 2014 |


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This Week in Science

21 MARCH 2014VOLUME 343, ISSUE 6177

Editor summaries of this week's research papers.


A mass-accreting black hole in steady-state cannot produce more radiative energy than its gravity can counterbalance, achieving what is known as the Eddington limit. However, mass accretion can also be converted into kinetic energy via mechanical outflow. Using x-ray observations, Soria et al. (p. 1330, published online 27 February; see the Perspective by King and the cover) identified a compact shock-ionized radio/optical nebula in spiral galaxy M83, powered by a black hole, inferred that the black hole emits a spherical wind that exceeds the Eddington limit tenfold and succeeded in estimating it's mass in the range of 5 to 15 solar masses. It is possible that rapidly accreting black holes have greater influence on their host galaxy than once appreciated.

There are nearly 150 recognized martian meteorites, but where exactly they came from on Mars is not known. Werner et al. (p.1343, published online 6 March) present evidence that the <5 million-year-old Mojave impact crater on Mars is the single ejection site of one type of martian meteorites: the shergottites. The Mojave crater formed on an ancient terrain on Mars, and so the shergottites represent old martian crustal material.

The idea that biological productivity in the surface ocean is limited by a lack of available iron has been widely accepted, but it has been difficult to show that this effect might have operated in the geological past. Martínez-García et al. (p. 1347) investigated the isotopic composition of foraminifera-bound nitrogen in samples from an Ocean Drilling Project sediment core and found millennial-scale changes in nitrate consumption correlated with fluxes in the iron burial and productivity proxies over the past 160,000 years. Hence, in the Southern Ocean the biological pump was strengthened when dust fluxes were high, which explains a significant part of the difference in atmospheric CO2 concentrations observed to occur across glacial cycles.

Fossilization processes tend to destroy fine-cell structure but, exceptionally, Bomfleur et al. (p. 1376) have found examples of fossil ferns from the Jurassic in which subcellular structures, including organelles such as nuclei and chromosomes, are well-preserved. Comparative and quantative analyses show that these cells closely resemble the fossil nuclei of extant cinnamon ferns, Osmundastrum cinnamomea, which indicates that this group of ferns has remained virtually unchanged for 180 million years.

How many odorant stimuli can a normal human being discriminate? During psychophysical tests of odor mixture discrimination,Bushdid et al. (p. 1370) were surprised to find that humans can discriminate among more than a trillion different smells. Because the authors reduced the complexity by investigating only mixtures of 10, 20, or 30 components drawn from a collection of 128 odorous molecules, this astonishingly large number is probably the lower limit of the potential number of olfactory stimuli that humans can distinguish.

Parasitism in birds often results in ejection or starvation of the host's nestlings. Consequently, many host bird species have evolved protective behavior such as mobbing and parasite egg rejection. Curiously, some host species show no parasite avoidance behaviors; for example, the crow Corvus corone corone tolerates cuckoo chicks among its own brood. In a long-term study, Canestrari et al. (p. 1350) found that crow nests containing a cuckoo chick had lower rates of predation because the parasite's chicks secrete a noxious repellent substance. Overall, in years of high predation pressure, the presence of cuckoos improves the crow's breeding success, but when there are fewer predators around, parasitism reduces crow fitness.

Platinum (Pt) is an excellent catalyst for the oxygen-reduction reaction (ORR) in fuel cells and electrolyzers, but it is too expensive and scarce for widespread deployment, even when dispersed as Pt nanoparticles on carbon electrode supports (Pt/C). Alternatively, Chen et al. (p. 1339, published online 27 February; see the Perspective by Greer) made highly active ORR catalysts by dissolving away the interior of rhombic dodecahedral PtNi3 nanocrystals to leave Pt-rich Pt3Ni edges. These nanoframe catalysts are durable—remaining active after 10,000 rounds of voltage cycling—and are far more active than Pt/C.

Wnt/β-catenin signaling is a key pathway that plays a conserved role in regulating stem cell function during adult tissue regeneration. Using time-lapse imaging of live mice, Deschene et al. (p. 1353) show that genetic activation of β-catenin within hair follicle stem cells generates axes of hair growth by coordinated cell divisions and cell movements, even when the normal niches—the dermal papillae—are laser-ablated. Activated β-catenin enhances Wnt ligand secretion, and these ligands can then activate Wnt signaling in adjacent cells that do not have activated β-catenin, indicating how activated stem cells could influence neighboring cells during normal growth and in cancer.

A major focus of research on HIV is on host responses to infection—understandably, because the virus targets the immune system and because of the interest in vaccine development. In reviewing what little research has been done on viral virulence determinants, Fraser et al. (10.1126/science.1243727) present evolutionary explanations for some of the poorly understood phenomena that mark HIV infection, including long-term survivorship, latency, rapid within-host evolution, and inheritability of between-host virulence.

In the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, periodic waves of the small-molecule cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) guide chemotactic migration and cell differentiation. Cai et al. (10.1126/science.1249531; see the Perspective by Wollman) found that a GATA family transcription factor shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm of the amoeba in response to oscillatory cAMP signals acting through G protein–coupled receptors. Each oscillation generates a transient burst of gene activation, such that gene expression is linked to the number rather than the level of stimulus, which then brings about transcriptional synchrony in populations of cells.

Multiferroic materials commonly show both magnetism and ferroelectricity, such that the electric field can be used to manipulate the magnetic order, and vice versa. Kubacka et al. (p. 1333, published online 6 March) used a strong terahertz electromagnetic pulse in resonance with an electromagnon—an excitation based on both electric and magnetic ordering—to control the spin dynamics of the multiferroic TbMnO3 on a sub-picosecond time scale and induce the rotation of the spin-cycloid plane of the material.

The properties of copper-oxide superconductors are changed by chemical doping, but, if doping is suboptimal, the transition temperature Tc drops. Conversely, the so-called pseudogap, a depression in the density of states around the Fermi level that may or may not be related to superconductivity, gains strength. The cuprate YBa2Cu3O6+x shows a charge density order that grows as Tc is approached from both low and high temperatures. Hayward et al. (p. 1336) have developed a model in which classical fluctuations of a six-component order parameter, encompassing both superconducting and charge orders, reproduce the characteristic concave temperature dependence of the x-ray scattering intensity and thus provide a framework for the understanding of the pseudogap regime.

Trying to protect animals from one form of cell death may lead to death by another. Two protein kinases, known as RIPK1 and RIPK3 promote signaling that leads to cell death by necroptosis. However, Newton et al. (p. 1357, published online 20 February; see the Perspective by Zhang and Chan) found that inhibition of RIPK3 was not always beneficial. Instead, mice expressing a form of RIPK3 with no catalytic activity died from increased apoptotic cell death, but animals lacking the RIPK3 protein entirely, did not die perhaps because RIPK3 restrains apoptosis mediated by caspase-8 by an independent mechanism.

Despite advances, current methods for single-cell sequencing are unable to resolve transcript location within the cell, so Lee et al. (p. 1360, published online 27 February) developed a method of fluorescent in situ RNA sequencing (FISSEQ) that works in vivo to show messenger RNA localization within cells. The method amplifies complementary DNA targets by rolling circle amplification, and then in situ cross-linking locks amplicons to produce ample, highly localized templates for three-dimensional sequencing. The technique was tested in fibroblasts to reveal the differences between individual cells during wound repair.

Mutations that affect gene function and, ultimately, the phenotype of an organism are grist to the mill of evolution. While examining the genetic basis for a stable polymorphism observed in bacteria during a long-term mutation experiment, Plucain et al. (p. 1366, published online 6 March) identified three specific, successive mutational events exhibiting synergistic epistatic and frequency-dependent interactions that enabled one lineage to invade the other and to be maintained. Thus, a series of specific mutations conferred the invasion phenotype and allowed the use of novel resources only when all mutations were present.

The translocator protein TSPO is essential for the import of cholesterol and porphyrins into mitochondria. TSPO expression increases in areas of brain injury and during neuroinflammation and, thus, has diagnostic and therapeutic implications.Jaremko et al. (p. 1363) used nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to determine the high-resolution structure of the 18- kilodalton mammalian TSPO with the ligand PK11195, which stabilized the structure and resolved the conformation as a tight bundle of five helices.

Understanding how complex networks are controlled has implications for a variety of real-world networks, from traffic safety to transcriptional control. Ruths and Ruths (p. 1373; see the Perspective by Onnela) have developed a theoretical framework for analyzing individual controls within networks based on numbers of sources and sinks for information flow. By this method, the number of controls required by a network can be predicted and direct comparisons for the basis for control across networks of differing size, structure, and function can be made. Although three broad classes of real networks were observed, current, established random models of networks were insufficient to model their control structures.





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