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已有 4571 次阅读 2011-1-6 12:16 |个人分类:知识发现|系统分类:论文交流| 肿瘤, 细胞凋亡, 家族, Bcl-2


Start A-Literature C-Literature B-list Filter Literature
  A-query: P53 and Bcl-2
C-query: apoptosis and family proteins
The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 821 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here. The results of this search are saved under id # 18279 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 3918 terms on the current B-list (2014 are predicted to be relevant), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin.

To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms.

job id # 18279 started Wed Jan 5 22:44:10 2011
Max_citations: 50000
Stoplist: /var/www/html/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed
Ngram_max: 3
18279 Search ARROWSMITH A
A_query_raw: P53 and Bcl-2Wed Jan 5 22:45:51 2011

A query = P53 and Bcl-2 started Wed Jan 5 22:45:52 2011
A query resulted in 7207 titles
18279 Search ARROWSMITH C
C_query_raw: apoptosis and family proteins Wed Jan 5 22:46:55 2011

C: apoptosis and family proteins 16267

A: pubmed_query_A 7207

AC: ( P53 and Bcl-2 ) AND ( apoptosis and family proteins ) 821

C query = apoptosis and family proteins started Wed Jan 5 22:46:56 2011
C query resulted in 16267 titles
A AND C query resulted in 821 titles
15853 B-terms ready on Wed Jan 5 22:49:03 2011

Concepts & Ideas
3918 B-terms left after filter executed Wed Jan 5 23:17:25 2011

B-list on Wed Jan 5 23:56:59 2011
1 mitochondrial permeability transition
2 caspase activation
3 jun n terminal
4 factor beta signaling
5 neural stem cell
6 cytochrome c release
7 expression bcl-2 bax
8 zinc finger
9 c jun n
10 homeodomain
11 c release caspase
12 release caspase activation
13 bax protein expression
14 cisplatin resistant
15 value p53
16 protein bim
17 vascular endothelial growth
18 beta signaling
19 apoptosis mitochondrial pathway
20 bcl-2 bax expression
21 molecular mechanism apoptosis
22 bax expression
23 laryngeal squamous cell
24 signal regulated kinase
25 extracellular signal regulated
26 apoptosis inducing factor
27 activation caspase
28 apoptosis expression bcl-2
29 hypoxia inducible
30 n terminal kinase
31 terminal kinase
32 bax alpha
33 apoptosis gastric
34 apoptosis non small
35 c jun nh2-terminal
36 death receptor mitochondrial
37 induce apoptosis mitochondrial
38 colorectal adenocarcinoma
39 bak expression
40 rat ventricular myocyte
41 apoptosis chronic lymphocytic
42 rat hepatic stellate
43 caspase-3 activation
44 apoptosis proliferation
45 expression apoptosis related
46 expression laryngeal squamous
47 hypoxia inducible factor
48 apoptosis human nasopharyngeal
49 arrest apoptosis human
50 cycle arrest apoptosis
51 arrest apoptosis
52 jak stat
53 mitochondrial bax
54 invasive ductal
55 involvement bax
56 hormone refractory prostate
57 bax activation
58 activation extracellular signal
59 myocardial apoptosis
60 value apoptosis
61 activation mitogen activated
62 activation caspase-3
63 human breast epithelial
64 wild p53
65 expression laryngeal
66 bcl-2 bax ratio
67 apoptosis colorectal
68 apoptosis human gastric
69 release apoptosis inducing
70 induce apoptosis gastric
71 non small cell
72 diffuse large b
73 bax ratio
74 refractory prostate cancer
75 bax expression human
76 resistant ovarian
77 regulation bax
78 expression profiling
79 bax bcl-2 ratio
80 cyclooxygenase-2 expression
81 myc expression
82 expression bax bcl-2
83 bax mitochondrial
84 bax bcl-2 expression
85 prognosis colorectal
86 invasive ductal carcinoma
87 apoptosis mitochondrial
88 mitochondrial apoptosis pathway
89 invasive ductal breast
90 beta amyloid
91 expression apoptosis regulatory
92 beta amyloid induced
93 bax mrna expression
94 bcl-2-expressing
95 involvement caspase
96 double strand break
97 activation bax
98 terminal kinase activation
99 expression bax
100 amyloid beta peptide
101 gastric carcinogenesis
102 amyloid beta
103 alternatively spliced
104 apoptotic proliferative
105 apoptosis ovarian
106 induced apoptosis gastric
107 mitochondrial permeability
108 mitochondrial apoptotic pathway
109 apoptosis modulator
110 induced apoptosis ovarian
111 mitochondrial apoptotic
112 independently bcl-2
113 proliferator activated receptor
114 cisplatin resistant ovarian
115 expression survivin
116 expression bcl-2
117 mitochondrial death pathway
118 resistant ovarian cancer
119 adenovirus mediated transfer
120 apoptosis caspase activation
121 alpha induced apoptosis
122 expression renal cell
123 mesenchymal stem cell
124 differentiation apoptosis
125 invasive breast carcinoma
126 chemotherapy induced apoptosis
127 apoptosis vascular smooth
128 transducer activator transcription
129 chemoradiation therapy
130 signal transducer activator
131 neuronal apoptosis
132 c myc expression
133 mitochondrial release cytochrome
134 hormone refractory
135 laryngeal squamous
136 stat pathway
137 expression p53
138 p53 expression
139 extracellular signal
140 mitochondrial apoptosis
141 apoptosis human myeloid
142 h pylori
143 c elegans
144 alternative splicing
145 expression apoptosis regulating
146 apoptosis human malignant
147 invasive breast
148 diffuse large cell
149 p53-induced apoptosis
150 apoptosis oral
151 activation akt
152 c ebp
153 inducing signaling complex
154 release apoptosis
155 caspase-9 activation
156 ventricular myocyte
157 keratinocyte growth
158 apoptosis vascular
159 increase bax
160 n 4-hydroxyphenyl retinamide
161 effect bax
162 induced neuronal apoptosis
163 endometrial cancer cell
164 kappab activation
165 proliferation apoptosis
166 cancer gene therapy
167 human mesenchymal stem
168 jun nh terminal
169 beta cell apoptosis
170 diffuse large
171 homeodomain interacting protein
172 apoptosis jurkat t
173 expression endometrial carcinoma
174 inducible factor
175 neoadjuvant chemotherapy
176 bcl-2 protein expression
177 mitochondrial signaling
178 apoptosis expression
179 bcl-2 expression
180 breast ovarian cancer
181 nf kappab activation
182 neuronal death
183 expression apoptosis
184 expression analysis
185 small cell lung
186 significance bcl-2
187 atm dependent
188 id-1
189 apoptosis differentiation
190 box binding
191 element binding
192 resistance ovarian
193 large b cell
194 expression colorectal carcinoma
195 damage induced apoptosis
196 apoptosis multiple
197 neuronal apoptosis induced
198 expression caspase-3
199 mitochondrial dysfunction apoptosis
200 anaplastic large cell
201 apoptosis cultured
202 prognostic significance bcl-2
203 survival signaling
204 neuroprotective effect
205 akt activation
206 regulation cyclin
207 receptor status
208 ovarian surface
209 induced apoptosis colorectal
210 apoptosis bcl-2 expression
211 bad phosphorylation
212 tumor xenograft
213 apoptosis colonic
214 overexpression bax
215 survival signal
216 apoptosis regulatory
217 proliferation apoptosis human
218 modulation bcl-2
219 prognostic value apoptosis
220 positive breast
221 predictive value p53
222 inhibited bcl-2
223 role hypoxia inducible
224 growth induce apoptosis
225 intraductal papillary mucinous
226 expression profile
227 g2 m arrest
228 survivin expression
229 c myc
230 value bcl-2
231 carcinoma xenograft
232 activation caspase-8
233 pro survival
234 erbb-2 expression
235 proliferation induce apoptosis
236 based chemotherapy
237 cancer xenograft
238 classical hodgkin lymphoma
239 jurkat t
240 apoptosis reactive oxygen
241 expression bcl xl
242 effector caspase
243 expression colorectal
244 interferon regulatory factor
245 expression caspase
246 apoptosis mammary
247 apoptosis human cervical
248 protein bad
249 mitochondrial membrane potential
250 primary effusion lymphoma
251 invasive urothelial
252 immature thymocyte
253 nf kappa
254 p63 expression
255 mcl-1 expression
256 alternatively
257 focal cerebral ischemia
258 mammary epithelial cell
259 overexpression bcl-2
260 apoptosis expression apoptosis
261 beta1-induced apoptosis
262 activation nf kappab
263 e2f1-induced
264 cutaneous t cell
265 apoptosis cultured human
266 muscle invasive
267 expression head neck
268 jnk activation
269 human colorectal
270 regulation bcl-2
271 apoptosis neuronal
272 regulation mcl-1
273 significance p53
274 latent membrane
275 mediated caspase activation
276 survival cell death
277 nf kappab signaling
278 cell cycle arrest
279 marker colorectal
280 cd34 hematopoietic
281 hepatoma cell line
282 proliferation estrogen
283 expression estrogen
284 cancer prognostic
285 adenoviral vector
286 apoptosis ventricular
287 c myb
288 epithelial apoptosis
289 effect paclitaxel
290 oncogene expression
291 expression caspase activation
292 locally advanced
293 gastric epithelial cell
294 caspase activation human
295 activation bcl-2
296 locally advanced breast
297 expression bcl
298 immunohistochemical expression bcl-2
299 e2f1-induced apoptosis
300 oral squamous


Start A-Literature C-Literature B-list Filter Literature

AB literature




BC literature


P53 and Bcl-2 zinc finger apoptosis and family protei...
1: KRAB-type zinc-finger protein Apak specifically regulates p53-dependent apoptosis. 2009
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2: Selective transcription of p53 target genes by zinc finger-p53 DNA binding domain chimeras. 2004
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3: The p53-activated gene, PAG608, requires a zinc finger domain for nuclear localization and oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. 2002
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1: Structural determinants of specific DNA-recognition by the THAP zinc finger. 2010
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2: The thap-zinc finger protein thap1 associates with coactivator HCF-1 and O-GLcNAc transferase: A link between DYT6 and DYT3 dystonias. 2010
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3: ZNF424, a novel human KRAB/C2H2 zinc finger protein, suppresses NFAT and p21 pathway. 2010
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4: Zinc-finger transcription factor slug contributes to the survival advantage of chronic myeloid leukemia cells. 2010
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5: [Review for the regulatory functions of KRAB zinc finger proteins in embryonic development and tumorgenesis of higher vertebrates.] 2010
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6: Structure-function analysis of the THAP zinc finger of THAP1, a large C2CH DNA-binding module linked to Rb/E2F pathways. 2008
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7: Knockdown of Snail, a novel zinc finger transcription factor, via RNA interference increases A549 cell sensitivity to cisplatin via JNK/mitochondrial pathway. 2008
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8: Zinc-finger transcription factor snail accelerates survival, migration and expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 in human bone mesenchymal stem cells. 2007
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9: Activation of transcriptional activities of AP1 and SRE by a novel zinc finger protein ZNF445. 2006
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10: Identification and characterization of the human SCAN domain zinc-finger gene ZNF449. 2006
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11: [Progress in the study of KRAB zinc finger protein] 2006
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12: The zinc-finger transcription factor Snail downregulates proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression in colorectal carcinoma cells. 2005
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13: The promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger protein down-regulates apoptosis and expression of the proapoptotic BID protein in lymphocytes. 2004
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14: Chorioallantoic fusion defects and embryonic lethality resulting from disruption of Zfp36L1, a gene encoding a CCCH tandem zinc finger protein of the Tristetraprolin family. 2004
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15: Transcriptional activities of the zinc finger protein Zac are differentially controlled by DNA binding. 2003
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16: Systematic characterization of the zinc-finger-containing proteins in the mouse transcriptome. 2003
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17: KRAB-containing zinc-finger repressor proteins. 2003
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18: The effects of the Fanconi anemia zinc finger (FAZF) on cell cycle, apoptosis, and proliferation are differentiation stage-specific. 2002
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19: POZ domain transcription factor, FBI-1, represses transcription of ADH5/FDH by interacting with the zinc finger and interfering with DNA binding activity of Sp1. 2002
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20: ZAS: C2H2 zinc finger proteins involved in growth and development. 2002
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21: Erythroid expansion mediated by the Gfi-1B zinc finger protein: role in normal hematopoiesis. 2002
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22: Slug, a highly conserved zinc finger transcriptional repressor, protects hematopoietic progenitor cells from radiation-induced apoptosis in vivo. 2002
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23: A novel missense mutation (C622G) in the zinc-finger domain of the human hairless gene associated with congenital atrichia with papular lesions. 2000
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24: The zinc finger protein A20 interacts with a novel anti-apoptotic protein which is cleaved by specific caspases. 1999
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25: SLUG, a ces-1-related zinc finger transcription factor gene with antiapoptotic activity, is a downstream target of the E2A-HLF oncoprotein. 1999
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26: The zinc finger protein NRIF interacts with the neurotrophin receptor p75(NTR) and participates in programmed cell death. 1999
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27: Molecular cloning and characterization of TIEG2 reveals a new subfamily of transforming growth factor-beta-inducible Sp1-like zinc finger-encoding genes involved in the regulation of cell growth. 1998
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28: Overexpression of the TGFbeta-regulated zinc finger encoding gene, TIEG, induces apoptosis in pancreatic epithelial cells. 1997
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