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已有 5205 次阅读 2011-11-27 14:46 |个人分类:人在旅途|系统分类:人物纪事| 流行病学, 艾滋病, 手足口病, 肺结核, 小心眼



    “小心眼”不亏是李老师的学生,从理到工到医经历了多次专业转换仍然做了很多工作。她本科为中国海洋大学应用数学系获得理学学士学位硕士为中国海洋大学计算机应用获得工学硕士学位,博士为北京邮电大学信号与信息处理工学博士学位,但是工作以来却干过3年的电子局助理工程师,10年的大学计算机的助理讲师讲师后来又到军事医学科学院贺福初院士实验室做生物信息分析1年,中国科学院遥感所李小文院士实验室参与空间信息处理半年军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所传染病模型构建1年,首都医科大学公共卫生学院讲师1年,美国国立卫生研究院Fogarty中心博士后/Fellow 1年,美国哈佛大学做访问学者3个月再就到现在的工作单位北京大学医学部副教授至今(1年)她目前的研究方向有:(1)传染病预防与控制:目前主要研究课题是结核病,艾滋病,糖尿病的感染传播规律和流行趋势;(2) 综合数学,生态学,地理学,流行病学等多学科工具,构建传染病预警模型;(3)评估疾病控制策略,实现策略优选,构建科学决策体系,提供决策支持服务

    她正在做的期刊审稿包括:(1)The Lancet:statistical/epidemiology /general reviewer;(2)The Lancet Infectious Disease: statistical/epidemiology /general reviewer;(3) The Lancet Oncology: statistical/epidemiology reviewer;(4) The Lancet Neurology:statistical/epidemiology reviewer;(5)The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease: general reviewer;(6)The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse:general reviewer;7)中华医学杂志英文版学术兼职有中国卫生信息学会健康统计专业委员会常务委员,中国疾病预防控制中心传染病重点实验室学术委员主持课题包括耐药结核病时空传播模型及其流行规律的研究(国家自然基金面上项目),新型毒品与艾滋病传播风险评估(北京市教委),结核病预警模式的研究2子课题(科技部11.5重大专项),我国艾滋病空间演变规律(NIH Fogarty)等,参与课题有我国吸毒人群中艾滋病的流行规律、疫情预测和评估、网络监测和干预措施科技部11.5重大专项),不同时空尺度的传染病流行规律研究及其模拟与分析(国家自然科学基金重大项目),呼吸道传染病传播模型研究(病原微生物国家重点实验室项目),人类重大疾病的蛋白质组学研究-7子课题蛋白质组学的生物信息学研究与系列数据库的建立(973基础课题 

        她的与医相关的科研论文(2007- )如下:

1. Wei-Xing Feng, Pedro O.Flores-Villanueva, Igor Mokrousov, Xi-Rong Wu, Jing Xiao, Wei-Wei Jiao, Lin Sun, Qing Miao, Chen Shen, Dan Shen, Fang Liu, zhong-wei Jia, Adong Shen.The CCL2 -2518 (A/G) polymorphisms and tuberculosis susceptibility: a meta-analysis study. IJTLD (in press)

2. Zhongwei Jia, Lu Wang, Ray Y. Chen, Dongmin Li, Lan Wang, Qianqian Qin, Zhengwei Ding, Guowei Ding, Chunpeng Zang, Ning Wang. Tracking the Evolution of HIV/AIDS in China from 1989-2009 to Inform Future Prevention and Control Efforts. PloS ONE, 2011; 6e25671.

3. Yongqi Liu, Zhendong Sun, Guiquan Sun, Qiu Zhong, Li Jiang, Lin Zhou, Yupeng Qiao , Zhongwei Jia*(corresponding author). Modeling transmission of tuberculosis with MDR and undetected cases. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2011 (in Press)

4. Chunpeng Zang, Zhongwei Jia, Katherine Brown et al. Heterosexual risk of HIV infection in China: systematic review and meta-analysis. Chinese Medical Journal (Eng). Chin Med J 2011;124(12):1890-1896.

5. Zhongwei Jia, Shiming Cheng, Xiaowei Jia. A mathematical model for evaluating tuberculosis screening strategies. Journal of Evidence-based Medicine, 2011; 4(1) 48-52.

6. Li tao, He Xiaoxin, Zhongwei Jia *(corresponding author). Impact of the migrant population on tuerculosis in Beijing. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2011, 15(2):1-6

7. Zhong-wei Jia*, Shi-ming Cheng, Zhi-jun Li, Xin Du, Fei Huang , Xiao-wei Jia, Peng Kong,Yun-xi Liu, Wei Chen, Wei Wang and Christopher Dye. Combining Domestic and Foreign Investment to Expand Tuberculosis Control in China. PloS Medicine. 2010; 7(11): e1000371

8. Zhongwei Jia, Christopher Dye, Yanping Bao, Zhimin Liu, Wei Wang, Lin Lu. Exploratory analysis of the association between new-type drug use and sexual transmission of HIV in China. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 2010, 36(2):130-133.

9. Sheng A, Lan J, Wu H, Lu J, Wang Y, Chu Q, Jia ZW et al. A clinical case-control study on the association between mannose-binding lectin and susceptibility to HIV-1 infection among northern Han Chinese population. Int J Immunogenet. 2010; 37(6):445-454.

10.Jia ZW, Li XW, Wang W and Cheng SM. Promising of spatial-temporal model in public health. Chin Med J (Eng). 2009; 122(3): 349-350.

11. Guo X, Jia ZW (Joint first), Zhang P, Yang S, Wu W, Sang L, Luo Y, Lu X, Dai H, Zeng Z, Wang W. Impact of ways of transportation on dyslipidemia of working people in Beijing. Br J Sports Med. 2009; 43:928-931.

12. HuanWang, Xiu-Hua Guo, Zhong-Wei Jia, Hong-Kai Li, Zhi-Gang Liang, Kun-Cheng Li, Qian He. Multilevel binomial logistic prediction model for malignant pulmonary nodules based on texture features of CT image. Eur J Radiol . 2009; 74(1):124-129.

13.Zhong-Wei Jia, Xiao-Wei Jia, Yun-Xi Liu, Chris Dye, Feng Chen, Chang-Sheng Chen, Wen-Yi Zhang, Xiao-Wen Li ,Wu-Chun Cao, He-Liang Liu. Spatial analysis of tuberculosis cases in migrants and permanent residents, Beijing, 2000-2006. Emerging Infect Disease.2008; 14(9):1413-1419.

14.Zhong-Wei Jia, Gong-You Tang, Zhen Jin, Christopher Dye, Sake J. de. Vlas, Dan Feng, Wen-Juan Zhao, Xiao-Wen Li, Wu-Chun Cao. modeling the impact of immigration on the epidemiology of tuberculosis. Theoretical Population Biology. 2008; 73(3): 437–448.

15.Dan Feng, Sake J. de Vlas, Li-Qun Fang, Xiao-Na Han, Wen-Juan Zhao, Shen Sheng, Hong Yang, Zhongwei Jia, Jan H. Richardus, Wu-Chun C. The SARS epidemic in mainland China: bringing together all epidemiological data. Tropical Medicine and International Health. 2008; 14: suppl. 1 pp 1–10.

16.Jia ZW, Li XW, Feng D, Cao WC. Transmission models of tuberculosis in heterogeneous population. Chin Med J (Eng). 2007 Aug 5; 120 (15):1360-1365.

17.Zhong-wei Jia, Xiao-wen Li, Zhen Jin, Dan  Feng, Wu-chun Cao. A Model for Tuberculosis with Various Latent Periods. Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing, 2007. SNPD 2007. Eighth ACIS International Conference 2007; 1: 422-425.

18.Zhongwei Jia, Xiaoxin He, Wenjuan Zhao, Yansheng An, Wuchun Cao, Xiaowen Li. Impact of floating population on the epidemic of tuberculosis: a spatial analysis. Geoinformatics 2007: Geospatial Information Technology and Applications, Peng Gong, Yongxue Liu, Editors, 67541J Proceedings of SPIE 2007; 6754: 67541J.

    正在修回的论著(CA: corresponding author)

1.Xiaomeng Wang, Qian Fu, Zhijun Li, Songhua Chen, Zhengwei Liu, Hugh Nelson, Tao Li, Qun Yang, Zhongwei Jia*(CA), Christopher Dye. Prevalence, time trends and risk factors for drug resistant tuberculosis in Zhejiang Province, China, 1999-2008. Emerging Infect Disease (revised).

2.Cheng SM, Tao Li, Yang YZ, Jia ZW*(CA). Impact of delay on the epidemic of TB in Shenzhen.  WHO Bullten (revised).

3.Dongliang Li, Ping Chu, Ye Yang, Shuming Li, Yuhua Ruan, Zhimin Liu, Xueyi Cao, Zhongwei Jia*(CA), Lin Lu. Improving Methadone Maintenance Treatment in Migrant Drug Users in Beijing. Drug and Alcohol Dependence (submitting).

4.Zhongwei Jia, Shiming Cheng, Tianhao Zhang, Wei Chen, Yan Ma, Hualin Yang, Weiguo Xu, Xiaoxin He, Gang Liu. Undiagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis in China, two cross sectional analysis of household contacts. Bulletin (submitting).   



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