前几天收到一个来自自称Prof. E.G. Ladopoulos的邮件,邀请我加入欧盟科学院EU Academy of Sciences,说如果我回复同意就可以给我寄院士证书。不由得有点奇怪——哈哈,天上掉馅品了!这么容易就能当上院士?
上网查了一下,倒是找到了他们的网站,http://www.interpaper.org,但一看就有点邪乎,是一个叫什么Interpaper Research Organization组织的网站,挂有EU Academy of Sciences的说明,但找不到章程、院士名录和院士介绍。虽然他们的网站列出的董事会成员(Board of Governors )除了Prof. E.G. Ladopoulos都是诺贝尔奖获得者,虽然网上也有一些某某当选欧盟科学院院士的新闻,但还是一下子就感觉这是一个非正规科学院!
很快就得到了Prof. E.G. Ladopoulos的回复,为了不失原意,把原文贴在这里:
Dear Professor Jia,
Thank you for your interest to join the EU Academy of Sciences (EUAS).
The election was done through President’s Council consisting of the following Board of Governors:
Board of Governors in the Division of Engineering and Physics: Professor E.G. Ladopoulos (2000 Outstanding Scientists 20th-21st Centuries), Professor G. Mourou (Nobel Physics 2018) and Professor G. Smoot (Nobel Physics 2006).
Board of Governors in the Division of Chemistry: Professor R.Ernst (Nobel Chemistry 1991) and Professor F. Stoddart (Nobel Chemistry 2016).
Board of Governors in the Division of Medicine: Professor C. Greider (Nobel Medicine 2009), Professor R. Schekman (Nobel Medicine 2013) and Professor S. Yamanaka (Nobel Medicine 2012).
Board of Governors in the Division of Social Sciences, Law & Economics: Professor P. Krugman (Nobel Economics 2008), Professor J. Stiglitz (Nobel Economics 2001) and Professor C. Pissarides (Nobel Economics 2010).
In the EU Academy of Sciences are members very excellent scientists all over the world and so our Academy is unique worldwide. So, we are expecting EUAS to become the top Academy worldwide. Besides, the EU Academy of Sciences is the official Academy by European Union.
All the members will receive the membership Newsletter EU Academy Annual Report.
Thus, we are expecting our members to send us some articles about their news, the improvements of their science, etc. in order to be included in the Annual Report.
Information about the names and the research interests of our members can be found in the EUAS Annual Reports which are available in the EUAS members area:
http://www.interpaper.org/MEMBERS.htmThe Board of Governors of the EU Academy consists mainly by Nobel prize winners (Physics, Chemistry, Medicine & Economics) and Outstanding Scientists winners (like me).
Furthermore, within the scope of the Academy is to organize an annual symposium called Next Generation Sciences of the 21st Century.
Our annual membership fee is 150 EUR.
Please confirm that you are interested to join the EU Academy and then I will inform you about the next procedure to become member.
With my very best regards,
Prof. E.G. Ladopoulos
President & CEO of the EU Academy of Sciences (EUAS)
Dear Professor Jia,
Thank you for your interest to join the EU Academy of Sciences (EUAS).
We are sending you attached the Invoice with the annual membership fee which is 150 EUR.
You can pay it by Bank Transfer or Western Union.
Besides, if you want to use your Credit Card then please use PayPal in order to transfer an amount of 159 EUR (by adding 9 EUR as expenses for PayPal) to: academy@interpaper.org
After the transfer please inform us accordingly, in order to send you immediately the Membership Card.
Furthermore, please inform us the names (with their emails) of any of your colleagues you might propose, in order to invite them to join the EU Academy of Sciences.
With my very best regards,
Prof. E.G. Ladopoulos
President & CEO of the EU Academy of Sciences (EUAS)
到此,我还有一个疑问:他们列出的差不多十来位诺贝尔奖获得者欧盟科学院董事会成员,真是他们的董事会成员吗?今天我给其中的2016年诺贝尔化学奖得主Sir Fraser Stoddart教授发了一封邮件求证,马上就得到了他的回信:
Dear Shaofeng
Please ignore. Please bin the e-mail. I wish they would stop using my name.
Kind regards
Sir Fraser Stoddart
2016 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
Board of Trustees Professor of Chemistry
Northwestern University | Department of Chemistry
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