在科幻电影中,人们设想能在冬眠中飞往外太空,或得到生命的延续。那么,人类可以冬眠吗?我们距离人工冬眠还有多远?2022年12月5日,《The Innovation》在线发表了题为“Primate preoptic neurons drive hypothermia and cold defense”的研究论文,报道了通过中枢神经调控技术稳定降低非人灵长类体温的重要进展,为潜在的临床转化和航天应用提供了理论和实验支撑。该工作由中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院王虹/戴辑团队完成(下称Zhang et al.),在发表之后受到海内外媒体和专业机构的广泛关注。
2023年4月22日,《The Innovation》同期上线了两篇关联的Correspondence。其一题为“Back to earth”,作者是来自欧洲空间局(European Space Agency)的一个研究团队(下称Cerri et al.),对前述的研究论文给以较高正面评价的同时,也指出该研究所未能完成的一个缺憾,即未测试实验动物的代谢率。Cerri et al.同时认为Zhang et al.文中的图文摘要凸显太空应用可能过于超前。该文还介绍了欧洲航天局在人工冬眠研究领域的布局和成果,期望通过全球合作开发休眠诱导技术。
第二篇Correspondence则是Zhang et al.文的作者对Cerri et al.的回应(下称Dai),题为“Launching from earth”。Dai文感谢了欧洲航天局对中国团队研究成果的关注,并解释了初始研究中未能测定代谢率的技术原因,同时认为在科普化的图文摘要里把太空应用作为将来的方向并无不妥。Dai文最后呼应了Cerri et al.,指出《The Innovation》期刊可作为一个链接中国团队和欧洲团队的交流平台,共同推进人类科学和技术的进步。
Primate preoptic neurons drive hypothermia and cold defense
Back to Earth
Launching from Earth
论文原文/ Back to Earth
On behalf of the Topical Team Hibernation of the European Space Agency, we would like to provide some comments on the recently published article "Primate preoptic neurons drive hypothermia and cold defense" by Zhang and colleagues.1
We read the manuscript with high interest and acknowledge that the authors were able to conduct their experiment on non-human primates, a challenging model for both practical and ethical reasons, hereby striving to expand the validity of many experiments in rodents. Interestingly, the authors report that chemogenetic activation of excitatory neurons within the preoptic area induces a form of hypothermia, while simultaneously, the body is trying to defend its body temperature by increasing locomotor activity, shivering, heart rate, and activating cellular metabolism. Commonly, this is not observed in rodents and poses the question of whether primates may have a more complex brain network controlling metabolic rate. This is most definitely an area of investigation worth pursuing since the metabolic rate was not measured but, certainly, was affected and probably increased as well: an effect that goes in the opposite direction than torpor and that will have to be addressed. The authors expressly referred to torpor as a space-oriented technology in the graphical abstract, and on that, we recommend using caution: a very modest drop in body temperature accompanied by the activation of cold defense mechanism seems not to mimic torpor in an adequate way. In fact, natural torpor proves to be an endogenous metabolic reduction followed by a regulated lowering of body temperature, as it has also been reported for multiple non-human primates.2
We are excited to see hibernation research addressed now across the globe, which relates well to the expectation that enabling hibernation can become a game changer for many medical conditions, as well as space missions. We may point out and encourage this scientific community to work on this topic to foster the exchange and share knowledge. It might be an added value to the readers of this journal and this article explicitly that a European Space Agency Topical Team has been addressing hibernation since 2014, providing a scientific forum to discuss and exchange scientific and engineering advances related to hibernation research, including papers describing possible engineering approaches for a spaceship with torpor technology.3
Indeed, developing a functioning technology for torpor induction in humans would be a tremendous achievement for humanity.
1. Zhang, Z., Shan, L., Wang, Y., et al. (2023). Primate preoptic neurons drive hypothermia and cold defense. Innovation 4, 100358.
2. Dausmann, K.H., Glos, J., Ganzhorn, J.U., et al. (2004). Physiology: hibernation in a tropical primate. Nature 429, 825–826.
3. Chouker, A., Ngo-Anh, T.J., Biesbroek, R., et al. (2021). European space agency’s hibernation (torpor) strategy for deep space missions: Linking biology to engineering. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 131, 618–626.
论文原文/ Launching from Earth
On behalf of my colleagues who conducted the study titled "Primate preoptic neurons drive hypothermia and cold defense," which was recently published in The Innovation,1 I would like to offer a response to Cerri et al.’s commentary on our study in a correspondence.2
Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Cerri and colleagues for demonstrating interest in our study and to the European Space Agency Topical Team for their valuable contribution to the exploration of hibernation. Secondly, as highlighted by Cerri et al., we acknowledge that our study did not measure the metabolic rate. This was primarily due to technical challenges encountered dur- ing the research process. We are fully aware of the crucial role that metabolic rate plays in torpor induction, but measuring it in large animals such as monkeys posed significant difficulties. Nonetheless, we are collaborating with a team from the Space Institute of Southern China to address this limitation. We hope to provide positive updates on this matter in the upcoming months. Thirdly, I appreciate the meticulousness of Cerri et al. regarding the spaceship depicted in the graphical abstract. In my opinion, aside from summarizing our study’s significant findings, the illustration conveys the bright future that we have envisaged for a long time. We believe this is a valuable means of communicating scientific concepts to the general readership.
I am thrilled to be part of the global community that is dedicated to advancing functional technology for torpor induction. I am confident that the journal, The Innovation, would be delighted to facilitate communication and collaboration between Chinese research teams and the European Space Agency Topical Team. Together, we can see the unseen and change the unchanged.3
1. Zhang, Z., Shan, L., Wang, Y., et al. (2023). Primate preoptic neurons drive hypothermia and cold defense. Innovation 4, 100358.
2. Cerri, M., Bereiter-Hahn, J., Heldmaier, G., et al. (2023). Back to earth. Innovation 4, 100429.
3. Chen, K., Huang, T., Liu, E., et al. (2020). The innovation: a journal to see the unseen and change the unchanged. Innovation 1, 100014.
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The Innovation是一本由青年科学家与Cell Press于2020年共同创办的综合性英文学术期刊:向科学界展示鼓舞人心的跨学科发现,鼓励研究人员专注于科学的本质和自由探索的初心。作者来自全球50个国家;已被116个国家作者引用;每期1/4-1/3通讯作者来自海外。目前有195位编委会成员,来自21个国家;50%编委来自海外;包含1位诺贝尔奖获得者,33位各国院士;领域覆盖全部自然科学。The Innovation已被DOAJ,ADS,Scopus,PubMed,ESCI,INSPEC,EI等数据库收录。秉承“好文章,多宣传”理念,The Innovation在海内外各平台推广作者文章。
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