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[转载]Ajeet Kaushik: Nanobiotech for Health,Innovation Webinar

已有 3010 次阅读 2022-6-9 20:22 |系统分类:科普集锦|文章来源:转载

The Innovation编辑部推出品牌学术活动 “Innovation Webinar线上讲座:每周六21-22点,小编邀请The Innovation的作者/编委,科普化讲述他们在各自“科学·技术·工程”等领域的研究工作和背后故事……2022年6月11日,小编邀请到了来自美国的Ajeet Kaushik!

Editorial TheInnovation创新 2022-06-07 00:01



Fig.1 Poster | 讲座海报


Manipulative Nano-Biotechnology for Personalized Health Wellness


Ajeet Kaushik


Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Florida Polytechnic University 

Date &Time

日 期:2022-06-11 (北京时间)

时 间:21:00-22:00 (本周六晚上)


平 台快手、蔻享、腾讯会议、微信视频号



State-of-art nano-biotechnology revolutionized healthcare management via developing smart rapid diagnostics systems and nanomedicine along with efficient drug delivery systems designed for targeted diseases.  It has been investigated that a standard technology is useful but sometimes is not applicable to everyone due to variabilities in human genomics. Thus, investigating efficient nano-systems (mainly biosensor for efficient diagnostics and nanomedicine for treatment of higher efficacy) of tunable performance is essential to design and develop nano-enabled high-performance systems for intelligent health management; toward point-of-care as well.

In this direction, I am exploring magneto-electric nanoparticles (MENPS, size 25 ± 5 nm) for magnetically guided delivery to the brain and on-demand release of a bound drug on applying ac-magnetic field stimulation to manage CNS diseases. It has been investigated that the MENPs cross the BBB without affecting cell integrity, distributed uniformly in all brain cell types, releases CRISPR-Cas9 on ac-magnetic stimulation, without affecting motor coordination function of animal, and without causing tissue as well as blood toxicity. To develop efficient diseases management, I developed miniaturized nano-enabled biosensing systems to detect SARS-CV-2 for the efficient diagnostics of COVID-19 infection timely using an immunosensor technique. Such nano-supported technologies have significance to develop novel future technology for therapy development, early-stage diseases diagnostics, and therapy monitoring to manage health in personalized manner. As recent effects, we are engaged in introducing aspects of artificial intelligence (AI) and internet of medical things (IoMT) to make our developed nano-therapeutics and diagnostics systems more efficient, effective, and affordable. 

Introduction of Speaker


Dr. Kaushik, as assistant professor of chemistry at Department of Environmental Engineering of Florida Polytechnic University, is exploring nanotechnology electrochemical biosensors and nanomedicine, for health wellness.

Dr. Kaushik received his Ph.D. (chemistry and nano-based biosensors) in collaboration with National Physical Laboratory and Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi, India. Prior to move to Polytech, he has worked as an Assistant Professor at medical college of Florida International University. He is the recipient of various reputed awards for his service in the research field of nano-biotechnology for health care. His excellent research credentials reflect by his eight edited books, over 200 international research peer reviewed publications, and three patents in nanomedicine and smart biosensors for personalized health care.

To achieve his goal of intelligent personalized health, Dr. Kaushik is exploring novel domains of research in collaborations and seeks more globally.


The Innovation 是一本由青年科学家与Cell Press于2020年共同创办的综合性英文学术期刊:向科学界展示鼓舞人心的跨学科发现,鼓励研究人员专注于科学的本质和自由探索的初心。作者来自全球46个国家/地区;每期1/4-1/3通讯作者来自海外;已被104个国家/地区作者引用。目前有192位编委会成员,来自21个国家;50%编委来自海外;包含1位诺贝尔奖获得者,33位各国院士;领域覆盖全部自然科学。The Innovation已被DOAJ,ADS,Scopus,PubMed,ESCI等数据库收录。秉承“好文章,多宣传”理念,The Innovation在海内外各平台推广作者文章。









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