(1) What do you call a very small mother?
(2) What time is it when an elephant sits on your watch?
(3) What kind of umbrella does a teacher carry on a rainy day?
(4) Which fish have got their eyes closest together?
(5) What do you call little white things in your head which bite?
(6) What's the difference between here and there?
(7) What's red and goes up and down?
(8) Why do white sheep eat more than black sheep?
(9) Why did the student sit on his watch?
(10) What goes up but never comes down?
(11) What 2 things shouldn't you have before breakfast?
(12) What do you find all over a house?
(13) What has 6 legs, 2 arms and 2 heads?
(14) Which is the shortest month?
(1) A minimum
(2) Time to buy a new one.
(3) A wet one.
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