American Zhu Kezhen Education Foundation
December 25, 2007 Dear Zheda Alumni and Friends, The American Zhu Kezhen Education Foundation (AZKEF), founded in 1995 by Zheda alumni in North America, is designed to promote the exchange and cooperation between Zheda anduniversities in education and research. AZKEF has received approximately $500,000 from Zheda alumni during the past twelve years. Many of the past and present members of the Board of Directors (BOD) of the National Zhejiang University North America Annual Alumni Convention (NCUAA) have volunteered their time and/or made monetary donations to support AZKEF. Given the majority of the founders of AZKEF and NCUAA are now in their 80’s, it is of particular importance that the younger generation alumni who now comprise the majority of the NCUAA membership assume the responsibility of the senior alumni and continue their noble causes. We would like to invite you to participate in supporting our fundraising effort by helping the organization to reach its annual goal of raising $30,000 for 2008. In celebrating the twelve-year anniversary of AZKEF, we would like to encourage you to provide a minimum contribution of $12 this year. We understand that each one of us has a different financial situation, but it is your spirit of caring and participation that will make our organization and our university a great success, whether your gift amounts to $12, $120, $1,200 or any other denomination. We are confident that, with your valuable and indispensable support, we will be able to achieve our goal for this year. We thank you very much for your continued support for AZKEF. Sincerely, Dr. Feiyue Wang, President of the AZKEF Dr. Stephen Zhou, Co-Chair of the Fundraising Committee Dr. George Hong, Co-Chair of the Fundraising Committee AZKEF is a non-profit organization in thewith its IRS Tax ID number 94-3227113. As such, your donations will be tax-deductible. Once we receive your donations, we will provide you with an official receipt for your tax return purpose. At present, we are managing the following programs for your reference: 1) supporting world leaders in science and technology to present the Zhu Kezhen Annual Distinguished Lectures at; 2) supporting current Zheda faculty for sabbatical leave in the; and 3) providing student scholarships. All these efforts have noticeably improved Zheda’s academic reputation and visibility as a world-renowned university. Please send your donation with the form below (Check Payable to AZKEF) to: AZKEF c/o Dr. Yigang Cai 美国竺可桢教育基金会个人捐助表 捐助额 (Amount) $ 其他乐捐(Additional) $ 共计(Total): $ 支票号码 (Check No.): (支票请注明:Payable to: American Zhu Kezhen Education Foundation 或 AZKEF) 捐助者姓名 Donor’s Name 中文 English 联系办法 ( Contact Information) 电话 (Phone) (H) (O) (C) 联系地址 Address E-mail Do you wish to have a designated use for your donation? If yes, Please specify: 您的留言及建议 (Your comments) 是否愿意将您的姓名列于我们的捐助名单: 是 Yes c 否No c Do you prefer your name to be acknowledged in our public donation report? (基金会内部使用 Foundation use only) Case No. P. 捐助收到日期 支票确认日期AMERICAN ZHU KEZHEN EDUCATION FOUNDATION DONATION SLIP
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