2、文章的前言部分显示,金色大米在美国成年人中开展了实验,“Although a small-scale bioconversion study has been completed with GR fed to US adults (25), an evaluation of the bioconversion efficiency of GR b-carotene (to vitamin A) in children is also needed.”文章结果还显示,中国儿童的转化效率要比美国成年人高。“Furthermore, compared with US adults (25), the Chinese children converted GR b-carotene to vitamin A (2.3 to 1 by wt) more efficiently than did US adults (3.8 to 1 by wt).”
以美国成年人为实验对象的文章为:25. Tang G, Qin J, Dolnikowski GG, Russell RM, Grusak MA. Golden Rice is an effective source of vitamin A. Am J Clin Nutr 2009;89:1776–83.