继汪鸿儒博士“The power of inbreeding: NGS based GWAS of rice reveals convergent evolution during rice domestication”工作入选 Molecular Plant 杂志封面文章后,其最新文章“Asian wild rice is a hybrid swarm with extensive gene flow and feralization from domesticated rice”再次入选今天冷泉港出版的 Genome Research 杂志6月期的封面文章。漂亮的中国水墨画为这份老牌的基因组学杂志带来一股清新的中国风!祝贺小汪!
2017年5月2日出版的Asian Scientist 杂志为这一工作发专文“Apparently, Asian Wild Rice Isn’t So Wild Anymore”报道。
About Cover:
Asian domesticated rice (Oryza sativa L.) and its presumed wild ancestor (O. rufipogon) are found sympatrically across rice cultivation regions in Asia. The domesticated rice can occasionally hybridize with wild rice or escape into wild habitat to become feral rice, thus contributing extensive gene flow into the wild rice gene pool. In this issue, a comprehensive analysis of domesticated and wild rice genomes provides evidence that most presumed wild rice is heavily admixed with domesticated rice through both pollen- and seed-mediated gene flow. The cover depicts a typical rice cultivation scene. In the rice paddy, domesticated rice (orange) is closer to the farmers and houses, with wild rice (blue) and admixed plants (blue and orange) dispersing in the vicinity. (Watercolor on Japanese paper by Chenling Xu Antelope, based on a concept by Hongru Wang. [For details, see Wang H et al (2017) Genome Research. 27: 1029-1038.]
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