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已有 4949 次阅读 2022-2-7 16:45 |个人分类:科普|系统分类:科研笔记




    近年来,低维材料及以此为基础制备的量子调控器件在电输运、光学、磁学等研究领域得到广泛关注。由于在电、光、磁等方面的丰富物理现象,传统的测量工具无法做到原位多重表征该类器件,研究人员迫切需要在低温条件下,原位光、电、磁信号的协同测量,进而达到全面测量多重环境场下微纳器件导电性能、声子响应、表面磁结构,并理解它们之间相互作用关系。当下,拉曼谱仪和磁光克尔谱仪均广泛应用在室温范围,而低温温区内则较为少有,将两者整合到同一设备中的研究装置则更为稀有。本项目完成超低温电输运、拉曼和磁光-克尔联合测量系统的研制。按照计划完成超低温系统的购置和搭建、电输运测量系统的研制、拉曼测量系统的研制、磁光-克尔测量系统的研制、可视化扫描的实现、大范围定位样品台研制、样品杆与样品台冷指研制、计算机控制与数据采集系统的集成等。设备主机包括超低温系统包括真空腔体、低温冷头、压缩机等,电输运测量系统大范围定位样品台、样品杆与样品台冷指,拉曼测量系统的主机以及激光器等,磁光-克尔测量系统的光学系统和磁体等均安装调试成功。超低温系统的真空指标、最低温度(10 mK)和有热负载时测量温度(200 mK)等指标符合计划书要求。电输运测量样品杆与样品台冷指以及样品台扫描范围等指标符合计划书要求。研究并揭示材料在门电压掺杂下电学输运和光学响应的关系、磁性低维材料的磁结构和电输运的耦合机制,探究新型低维材料的磁电相互关联机制。


In the recent studies of condensed matter physics, intensive interests have been attracted in the scope of low dimensional material based physics. Especially, quantum manipulation of their nano-devices has been considered one of the most promising research topics. Because of the profound electronic, optical and magnetic physics, conventional measurement setups that are commonly meant for one sole characterization could not meet the desire of the in-situ multi-probes of different types of characterizations, such as electronic transport, magneto-optic Kerr spectroscopy, etc. In this project, we have designed and constructed a combined system for in-situ electronic transport, magneto-optic Kerr-, and Raman-spectroscopy, integrated in an ultra-low temperature environment (< 250 mK). The project has accomplished the following issues: the constructions ofe ultra-low temperature system, electronic transport measurement system, Raman spectroscopy, and magneto-optic Kerr spectroscopy; the realizations of visualization scanning, large range sample stage system with high resolution location, sample holder and cold finger in the sample stage, the integrations of computer control and data collection systems. The main framework of the measurement setups is composed of the ultra-low temperature system consisting of vacuum chamber, low temperature coldtip, and compressor and refrigerator; the electronic transport measurement system consisting of large range sample stage system with high resolution location, sample holder and cold finger; Raman-spectroscopy consisting of main controlling and measurement system and laser; magneto-optic Kerr spectroscopy consisting of optical systems and magnet. All these measurement systems have been constructed and debugged already to be ready for measurements. The targets for the vacuum of the ultra-low temperature environment, the lowest temperature (10 mK) of the measurement chamber, the lowest measurement temperature (200 mK) with heat loading, have been realized, which satisfy the plan of the project. Furthermore, the visualization scanning range, high resolution location and large range of sample stage, sample holder and cold finger are all fitted with the requirements of the project plan. The successful accomplishment of this integrated measurement system enables us to measure the transport behaviors, phonon resonance, and the surface magnetic structures, and to understand the interaction and relation between parametric properties. Real time, in-situ characterization of the three main functionanlities (electronic transport, Kerr-, and Raman-spectroscopy) allows us to reveal the optical responses, to understand the coupling between electronic transport and surface magnetic structure, as well as the relation between magnetic, optical and electronic properties in the low dimensional materials.



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9 李宏翰 王安良 檀成龙 郑强 刘全慧 宁利中 张鹰 晏成和 苏保霞

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