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CiE2016(Computability in Europe,可计算性在欧洲)(2)

已有 3055 次阅读 2016-7-2 11:06 |个人分类:不确定性问题和算法讨论|系统分类:科研笔记| 可计算性, Cooper, CiE2016, 图灵百年纪念活动

从CiE2016会议(https://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/CIE2016/index.php)回来了,或许可以用“相见恨晚”来形容与CiE2016的相遇吧!有来自欧美近百个学者参会,会议给我的第一印象就是洋溢着一种忧患意识,为此,我不得不再说Barry Cooper(1943--2015),是他与同道一起创建CiE系列会议及“Association Computability in Europe(可计算性在欧洲协会)”,并且他是“图灵百年纪念活动(Alan Turing Centenary)”的推手,。。。



« In 2003 I founded a geeky academic network called Computability in Europe (CiE), based on Alan Turing’s scientific legacy, and attempted - unsuccessfully - to get EU funding. »


« 。。。The end of that year (1936)saw the publication of a thirty-six page paper by a young mathematician, Alan Turing, claiming to solve a long-standing problem of the distinguished German mathematician david Hilbert. A byproduct of that solution was the first machine-based model of what it means for a number-theortic function to be computable, and the description of what we now call a Universal Turing Machine. 。。。 What is less often remembered is Turing’s theoretical contribution to the understanding of the limitations on what computers can do. There are quite easily described arithmetical functions which are not computable by any computer, however powerful. And even the advent of quantum computers will not change this. »



抱持着这样的决心,Barry在2007年提出举办“图灵百年纪念活动”的倡议,并坚持2012年的CiE会议在英国的剑桥(Cambridge)举行,Barry任图灵百年纪念活动的顾问委员会主席(Turing Centenary Advisory Committee,TCAC),将“图灵百年纪念活动”推向了世界!待“图灵百年纪念活动”结束,Barry不愿到此终止,又将“Alan Turing Year”变成了“Alan Turing Years”,。。。

Barry与CiE一路走过曲折的十几年,却不幸于去年(2015)离开人世,“饮水不忘挖井人”,今年CiE会议的主题之一是纪念Barry Cooper。


1,Benedikt Löwe,Barry Cooper (1942-2015): The engine of Computability in Europe »,Computability, the Journal of the Association CiE, Vol 5, Number 1, 2016.


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