

豆科植物化石专家--Patrick Stephen Herendeen(美国)

已有 3496 次阅读 2015-8-30 04:01 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| American, Stephen, Umbrella, Herendeen(美国), Herendeen

   Patrick S. Herendeen是一位非常活跃的美国古植物学家。

1985年毕业于密歇根州立大学植物学和植物病理系(Michigan State University,East Lansing)获得硕士学位,导师为S. N. Stephenson教授。1990年,Patrick S. Herendeen印地安纳大学植物系[Department of Botany, Indiana University (IU) Bloomington, IN]获得博士学位,主要研究了北美东南部始新世豆科植物的演化历史。

   Patrick S. Herendeen曾在瑞典斯德哥尔摩自然历史博物馆、康奈尔大学从事博士后研究。1997年,开始供职于The George Washington University生物科学系。2008年开始供职于芝加哥植物园。

   1997—1999年,Patrick S. Herendeen服务美国植物学会古植物学分会,担任过文献编辑和主席。参见:

Former Section Officers, Paleobotanical Section, Botanical Society of America



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Month Elected


Secretary /Treasurer

Editor/compiler  Bibliography

Web Manager

Editorial Rep.

Amer. J. Bot.




G. Upchurch

J.M. Osborn

P.  Herendeen


Patrick Stephen Herendeen, Ph.D., Indiana University,Bloomington, 1990[Adviser: David L. Dilcher]




Meeting Location

Month Elected


Secretary /Treasurer

Editor/compiler  Bibliography

Web Manager

Editorial Rep.

Amer. J. Bot.




P. Herendeen

J.M. Osborn

P.  Herendeen





Meeting Location

Month Elected


Secretary /Treasurer

Editor/compiler  Bibliography

Web Manager

Editorial Rep.

Amer. J. Bot.


St Louis


J. Osborn

S.R. Manchester

P.  Herendeen


∮1 教育背景Education)

1982:B.S. California State University, Long Beach;

1985:M.S. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan;

1990:Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.

   Patrick S. Herendeen的硕士学位论文题目是

The Alvars of the Maxton Plains, Drummond Island, Michigan: Present Community Composition and Vegetation Changes” [Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Michigan State University, June 1985. Thesis advisor: S. N. Stephenson.]


   Patrick S. Herendeen的博士论文基本信息

Author:  Herendeen, Patrick S. (Patrick Stephen), 1959-

Title:  Fossil history of the Leguminosae from the Eocene of southeastern North America /Patrick S. Herendeen.

Format:  Book

Published: 1990.

Description: vii, 282 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Thesis (Ph. D.)--IndianaUniversity, 1990.

Notes: Vita. Includes bibliographical references.

Subject headings:Legumes--SouthernStates. ; Paleobotany--Eocene.; Paleobotany--SouthernStates

Library: Blmgtn -Auxiliary Library Facility

Call Number: QZ1 .H5425

∮2 研究兴趣 (Research interests)

Systematics of the Leguminosae

Evolutionary History of Early Angiosperms

∮3 部分论著 (Publications)[见附录]





Patrick S. Herendeen



Story of Paleobotany Series (No.372) [The 373rd issue in total]


铁打的营盘VS流水的兵: Paleobotany vs Paleobotanist

2015-7-6 22:06



Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.228) [The 229thissue in total]

Umbrella of American palaeobotany--1: An unfinished list of American palaeobotanists



Storyof Paleobotany Series (No.370) [The 371st issue in total]

Umbrella of American paleobotany-129-

Open the Umbrella of American paleobotany--撑开美国古植物学之伞

2015-7-1 00:02




附录:Patrick S. Herendeen 的部分文章目录

Pan, A. D.,E. D. Currano, B. F. Jacobs, M. Feseha, N. Tabor, and P. S. Herendeen. 2012.Fossil Newtonia (Fabaceae: Mimoseae) seeds from the early Miocene (22 – 21 Ma)Mush Valley in Ethiopia. International Journal of Plant Sciences 173: 290-296.

Daly, M., P.S. Herendeen, R. P. Guralnick, M. W. Westneat, and L. McDade. 2012. SystematicsAgenda 2020: The Mission Evolves. Systematic Biology 61: 549-552.doi:10.1093/sysbio/sys044

Schönenberger,J., M. von Balthazar, M. Takahashi, X. Xiao, P. R. Crane and P. S. Herendeen.2012. Glandulocalyx upatoiensis a fossil flower of Ericales(Actinidiaceae/Clethraceae) from the Late Cretaceous (Santonian) of Georgia,USA. Annals of Botany 109: 921-936.  

Miller, J.S., V. A. Funk, W. L. Wagner, F. Barrie, P. C. Hoch, and P. S. Herendeen. 2011.Outcomes of the 2011 Botanical Nomenclature Section at the XVIII InternationalBotanical Congress. PhytoKeys 5: 1- 3. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.5.1850

McDade,L.A., D. R. Maddison, R. Guralnick, H.A. Piwowar, M.L. Jameson, K.M. Helgen,P.S. Herendeen, A.Hill, and M.L. Vis. 2011. Biology needs a modern assessmentsystem for professional productivity. BioScience 61: 619-625.

Pan, A. D.,B. F. Jacobs, and P. S. Herendeen. 2010. Detarieae sensu lato (Leguminosae)from the Late Oligocene (28 – 27) Ma Guang River flora of northwesternEthiopia. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 163: 44-54.

Redden, K.M., P. S. Herendeen, K. J. Wurdack, and A. Bruneau. 2010. Morphological andmolecular phylogenetic analysis of the Brownea clade (Detarieae,Caesalpinioideae) from northeastern South America. Systematic Botany 35:524-533.

Fougère-Danezan,M., P. S. Herendeen, S. Maumont, and A. Bruneau. 2009. Morphological evolutionin the variable resin-producing Detarieae (Fabaceae): do morphological charactersretain a phylogenetic signal? Annals of Botany. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcp280  

Leslie, A.B., P. S. Herendeen and P. R. Crane. 2009. Upatoia bernardii gen et sp nov., anaraucarian pollen cone with in situ pollen from the Late Cretaceous (Santonian)of Georgia, USA. Grana 48: 128- 135.  

Crane, P. R.and P. S. Herendeen. 2009. Bennettitales from the Grisethorpe Bed (MiddleJurassic), at Cayton Bay, Yorkshire, U.K. American Journal of Botany 96:284-295.

Takahashi,M., E. M. Friis, P. S. Herendeen, and P. R. Crane. 2008. Fossil flowers ofFagales from the Kamikitaba locality (Early Coniacian); Late Cretaceous) ofnorthwestern Japan. International Journal of Plant Sciences 169: 899-907.

Bruneau, A.,M. Mercure, G. P. Lewis and P. S. Herendeen. 2008. Phylogenetic patterns and diversification in caesalpinioidlegumes.  Botany 86: 697-718.

Redden, K.M. and P. S. Herendeen. 2006. Morphology and phylogenetic relationships ofPaloue and related genera in the Brownea clade (Detarieae, Caesalpinioideae).International Journal of Plant Sciences 167: 1229-1246.

Kaiser, T.M., J. Ansorge, G. Arratia, V. Bullwinkel, G. Gunnell, P. S. Herendeen, B.Jacobs, J. Mingram, C. Msuya, A. Musolf, R. Naumann, E. Schulz and V. Wilde.2006. The maar lake of Mahenge (Tanzania) – unique evidence of Eoceneterrestrial environments in sub-Sahara Africa. Zeitschrift derDeutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 157(3): 99-120.

Clark, J. L. P. S. Herendeen, L. E. Skog, E. A. Zimmer. 2006. Phylogenetic relationships andgeneric boundaries in the Episcieae (Gesneriaceae) inferred from nuclear,chloroplast, and morphological data. Taxon 55: 313-336.

Lavin, M.,P. S. Herendeen, M. F. Wojciechowski. 2005. Evolutionary rates analysis ofLeguminosae implicates a rapid diversification of lineages during the Tertiary.Systematic Biology 54: 575-594.

Crane, P.R., P. S. Herendeen, and E. M. Friis. 2004. Fossils and plant phylogeny.American Journal of Botany 91: 1683-1699.

Jacobs, B.F. and P. S. Herendeen. 2004.  Eocene dryclimate and woodland vegetation in tropical Africa reconstructed from fossilleaves northern Tanzania. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology213: 115-123.

Eklund, H.,J. A. Doyle, and P. S. Herendeen. 2004. Morphological phylogenetic analysis ofliving and fossil Chloranthaceae. International Journal of Plant Sciences 165:107-151.

Herendeen,P. S., G. P. Lewis, and A. Bruneau. 2003. Floral morphology in caesalpinioidlegumes: testing the monophyly of the “Umtiza clade.” International Journal ofPlant Sciences164 (Supplement): S393-S407.

Gunnell, G.F., B. F. Jacobs, P. S. Herendeen, J. J. Head, E. Kowalski, C. P. Msuya, F. A.Mizambwa, T. Harrison, J. Habersetzer, and G. Storch.  2003. Eocene microbat from Sub-Saharan Africaand the early evolution of sophisticated echolocation. PalaeontologiaElectronica http://palaeo-

Doyle, J.A., H. Eklund, and P. S. Herendeen. 2003. Phylogenetic analysis and floralevolution in Chloranthaceae. International Journal of Plant Sciences 164(Supplement): S365-S382.

Herendeen,P.S., A. Bruneau, and G. P. Lewis. 2003. Phylogenetic Relationships inCaesalpinioid Legumes: A Preliminary Analysis based on Morphological andMolecular Data. In B. B. Klitgaard and A. Bruneau, Editors. Advances in legumesystematics, part 10, pp. 37-62.  RoyalBotanic Gardens, Kew.

Lupia, R.,P. S. Herendeen, and J. A. Keller. 2002. A new fossil flower and associatedcoprolites: evidence for angiosperm-insect interactions in the Santonian (Late Cretaceous)of Georgia, U.S.A. International Journal of Plant Sciences 163: 675-686.

Takahashi,M., P. S. Herendeen, and P. R. Crane. 2001. Lauraceous fossil flowers from the KamikitabaLocality (Lower Coniacian; Upper Cretaceous) in northeastern Japan. Journal ofPlant Research 114: 429- 434.

Bruneau, A.,F. Forest, P. S. Herendeen, B. B. Klitgaard, and G. P. Lewis. 2001.Phylogenetic relationships in the Caesalpinioideae (Leguminosae) as inferredfrom chloroplast trnL intron sequences. Systematic Botany 26: 487-514.

Magallón,S., P. S. Herendeen, and P. R. Crane. 2001. Floral diversity in Hamamelidoideae(Hamamelidaceae): Androdecidua endressi gen. et sp. nov. from the late Santonian(Late Cretaceous) of Georgia, U.S.A. International Journal of Plant Sciences162: 963-983.

Herendeen,P. S. 2000. Structural evolution in Caesalpinioideae. In P. S. Herendeen and A.Bruneau, Editors. Advances in legume systematics, part 9, pp. 45-64.  Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Herendeen,P. S. and R. B. Miller. 2000. The application of wood anatomical characters incladistic phylogenetic analyses.  IAWAJournal 21: 247-276.

Herendeen,P. S. and B. F. Jacobs. 2000. Fossil Legumes from the Middle Eocene (46.0 Ma)Mahenge Flora, Singida, Tanzania. American Journal of Botany 87: 1358-1366.

Herendeen,P. S., E. A. Wheeler, and P. Baas. 1999. Angiosperm wood evolution and the potential contribution ofpaleontological data.  Botanical Review65: 278-300.

Sims, H. J.,P. S. Herendeen, R. Lupia, R. A. Christopher, and P. R. Crane. 1999. Fossilflowers with Normapoles pollen from the Upper Cretaceous of southeastern NorthAmerica. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 106: 131-151.

Herendeen,P. S., S. Magallón-Puebla, R. Lupia, P. R. Crane and J. Kobylinska. 1999. Apreliminary conspectus of the Allon flora from the Late Cretaceous (LateSantonian) of central Georgia, USA. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 86:407-471.

Magallón-Puebla,S., P. R. Crane, and P. S. Herendeen. 1999. Phylogenetic pattern, diversity anddiversification of eudicots. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 86:297-372.

Herendeen,P. S. and J. E. Skog. 1998. Gleichenia chaloneri: a new fossil fern from theLower Cretaceous (Albian) of England. Intl. J. Plant Sci. 159: 870-879.

Sims, H. J.,P. S. Herendeen, and P. R. Crane. 1998. New genus of fossil Fagaceae from theSantonian (Late Cretaceous) of central Georgia, U.S.A.  Intl. J. Plant Sci. 159: 391-404.

Konopka, A.S., P. S. Herendeen, and P. R. Crane. 1998. Sporophytes and gametophytes ofDicranaceae from the Santonian (Late Cretaceous) of Georgia, U.S.A.  Amer. J. Bot. 85: 714-723.

Konopka, A.S., P. S. Herendeen, G. L. Smith Merrill and P. R. Crane. 1997.  Sporophytes and gametophytes ofPolytrichaceae from the Campanian (Late Cretaceous) of Georgia, U.S.A.  Intl. J. Plant Sci. 158: 489-499.

Magallón-Puebla,S., P. S. Herendeen and P. R. Crane 1997. Quadriplatanus georgianus gen. et sp.nov.: staminate and pistillate platanaceous flowers from the Late Cretaceous(Coniacian-Santonian) of Georgia, USA. Int. J. Plant Sci. 158: 373-394.

Magallón-Puebla,S., P. S. Herendeen and P. K. Endress 1996. Allonia decandra: floral remains ofthe tribe Hamamelideae (Hamamelidaceae) from Campanian strata of southeasternUSA.  Plant Syst. Evol. 202: 177-198.

Keller, J.A., P. S. Herendeen and P. R. Crane. 1996. Fossil flowers and fruits of theActinidiaceae from the Campanian (Late Cretaceous) of Georgia.  Amer. J. Bot. 83: 528-541.

Crane, P. R.and P. S. Herendeen. 1996. Cretaceous floras containing angiosperm flowers andfruits from eastern North America. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 90:319-337.

Herendeen,P. S. and P. R. Crane 1995. The fossil history of the monocotyledons.  In P. J. Rudall, P. Cribb, D. F. Cutler, andC. J. Humphries (editors). Monocotyledons: Systematics and Evolution, pp. 1- 21.  Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Herendeen,P. S. 1995. Phylogenetic relationships of the tribe Swartzieae.  In M. D. Crisp and J. J. Doyle (editors),Advances in Legume Systematics, part 7, Phylogeny. pp. 123-132. Royal BotanicGardens, Kew.

Herendeen,P. S., P. R. Crane and A. N. Drinnan 1995. Fagaceous flowers, fruits andcupules from the Campanian (Late Cretaceous) of central Georgia, USA.  Int. J. Plant Sci. 156: 93-116.

Herendeen,P. S., P. R. Crane and S. Ash. 1994. Vegetation of the dinosaur world. DinoFest: proceedings of a conference for the general public. G. D. Rosenberg andD. L. Wolberg, editors. Paleontol. Soc. Spec. Publ. 7, pp. 347-364. Univ.Tennessee Press, Knoxville.

Herendeen,P. S., W. L. Crepet and K. C. Nixon. 1994. Fossil flowers and pollen ofLauraceae from the Upper Cretaceous of New Jersey. Plant Systematics andEvolution 189: 29-40.

Herendeen,P. S., W. L. Crepet, and K. C. Nixon 1993. Chloranthus-like stamens from theUpper Cretaceous of New Jersey. American Journal of Botany 80: 865-871.

Herendeen,P. S. 1992. Podocarpium podocarpum comb. nov., the correct name for Podogoniumknorrii Heer, nom. illeg. (fossil, Fabaceae). Taxon 41: 731-736.

Herendeen,P. S. 1992. A reevaluation of the fossil genus Podogonium Heer. Advances inLegume Systematics, part 4. The Fossil Record. P. S. Herendeen and D. L. Dilcher, editors. pp. 3-18. Royal BotanicGardens, Kew.

Herendeen,P. S. 1992. The fossil history of the Leguminosae from the Eocene ofsoutheastern North America. Advances in Legume Systematics, part 4. The FossilRecord.  P. S. Herendeen and D. L.Dilcher, editors. pp. 85-160. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Herendeen,P. S. and P. R. Crane. 1992. Early caesalpinioid fruits from the Palaeogene ofsouthern England.  Advances in LegumeSystematics, part 4. The Fossil Record. P. S. Herendeen and D. L. Dilcher, editors. pp. 57-68. Royal BotanicGardens, Kew.

Herendeen,P. S., W. L. Crepet, and D. L. Dilcher. 1992. The fossil history of theLeguminosae: phylogenetic and biogeographic implications.  Advances in Legume Systematics, part 4. TheFossil Record. P. S. Herendeen and D. L. Dilcher, editors. pp. 303-316. RoyalBotanic Gardens, Kew.

Dilcher, D.L., P. S. Herendeen and F. Hueber. 1992. Fossil Acacia flowers with attachedanther glands from Dominican Republic amber. Advances in Legume Systematics,part 4. The Fossil Record. P. S. Herendeen and D. L. Dilcher, editors. pp.33-42. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Crepet, W.L. and P. S. Herendeen. 1992. Papilionoid flowers from the early Eocene ofsoutheastern North America. Advances in Legume Systematics, part 4. The FossilRecord. P. S. Herendeen and D. L. Dilcher, editors. pp. 43-55. Royal BotanicGardens, Kew.

Herendeen,P. S. 1991. Charcoalified angiosperm wood from the Cretaceous of eastern NorthAmerica and Europe.  Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology 70: 225-239.

Herendeen,P. S. 1991. Lauraceous wood from the mid-Cretaceous Potomac Group of easternNorth America: Paraphyllanthoxylon marylandense sp. nov.  Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 69:277- 290.  

Herendeen,P. S. and D. L. Dilcher. 1991. Caesalpinia subgenus Mezoneuron (Leguminosae,Caesalpinioideae) from the Tertiary of North America.  American Journal of Botany 78: 1-12.

Herendeen,P. S. and J. L. Zarucchi. 1990. Validation of Caesalpinia subgenus Mezoneuron(Desf.) Vidal and new combinations in Caesalpinia for two species of Mezoneuronfrom Africa.  Annals of the MissouriBotanical Garden 77: 854-855.  

Herendeen,P. S. and D. L. Dilcher. 1990. Reproductive and vegetative evidence for theoccurrence of Crudia (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae) in the Eocene ofsoutheastern North America. Botanical Gazette 151: 402-413.

Herendeen,P. S. and D. L. Dilcher. 1990. Diplotropis (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) from the Eocene ofsoutheastern North America.  SystematicBotany 15: 526-533.

Herendeen,P. S. and D. L. Dilcher. 1990. Mimosoid legumes from the Eocene and Oligoceneof southeastern North America. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 62:339-361.

Herendeen,P. S., D. H. Les, and D. L. Dilcher. 1990. Fossil Ceratophyllum(Ceratophyllaceae) from the Tertiary of North America. American Journal ofBotany 77: 7-16.

Stephenson,S. N. and P. S. Herendeen. 1985. Short term drought effects on the alvarcommunities of Drummond Island, Michigan. The Michigan Botanist 25: 16-27.


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