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美女发明家:Elizabeth A. Holmes的部分专利目录

已有 3908 次阅读 2015-10-20 15:43 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:人物纪事| 专利, Elizabeth, 美女发明家, Holmes

美女发明家:Elizabeth A. Holmes的部分专利目录


周明老师的博文“19岁美少女/31岁亿万富姐/斯坦福肄业/乔布斯第二/改变世界…”介绍一位传奇人物,博文内容像博文标题一样,充满了吸引力,但是仅仅凭一些媒体介绍,不足以看到一个年仅19岁的斯坦福化学工程专业退学之后,隐身十年。2014年,绚丽亮相,其公司Theranos估价90亿美元,伊丽莎白·霍姆斯(Elizabeth A. Holmes)个人财富46亿美元的真实情况。一个而立之年的亿万富姐,其改变世界与自己命运的不是SCI,EI、核心期刊的论文多少,而是自己作为发明家而拥有的专利和专利技术。有人认为“ 这些专利主要是为了提升公司估值,就像 SCI 文章一样,能提升学校名气,但不一定对科学发展有贡献。”其实,并非如此,应该说这些专利主要是公司发展的基础和后盾,并非像SCI论文一样。科学研究与创办实业截然不同,科学研究讲究科学创新,实业公司不仅需要创新,更需要适用价值和商业价值。如果没有适用价值和商业价值的创新,对于科学发展可能有借鉴作用,但是对于企业而言,毫无意义。Theranos公司据不完全统计2004-2015年3月份,已经申请专利87项。以下是摘录部分检索结果,供大家参考。由于博文字数受限,伊丽莎白·霍姆斯的更多专利信息,请浏览:Patents by Inventor Elizabeth A. Holmes(点击可以免费下载)

Patents by Inventor Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20150273467
Abstract: Methods and devices are provided for sample collection and sample separation. In one embodiment, a device is provided for use with a formed component liquid sample, the device comprising at least one sample inlet for receiving said sample; at least a first outlet for outputting only a liquid portion of the formed component liquid sample; at least a second outlet for outputting the formed component liquid sample at least a first material mixed therein.
Type: Application
Filed: March 5, 2015
Issued: October 1, 2015
Inventors: Deborah Sloan, Elizabeth A. Holmes, Pey-Jiun Ko, Edwina Lai, Adrit Lath, Channing Robertson
Patent number: 9131884
Abstract: The invention relates to an ingestible, implantable or wearable medical device comprising a microarray which comprises a bioactive agent capable of interacting with a disease marker biological analyte; a reservoir which comprises at least one therapeutic agent and is capable of releasing the therapeutic agent(s) from the medical device; and a plurality of microchips comprising a microarray scanning device capable of obtaining physical parameter data of an interaction between the disease marker biological analyte with the bioactive agent; a biometric recognition device capable of comparing the physical parameter data with an analyte interaction profile; optionally a therapeutic agent releasing device capable of controlling release of the therapeutic agent from the reservoirs; an interface device capable of facilitating communications between the microarray scanning device, biometric recognition device and the therapeutic agent releasing device; and an energy source to power the medical device.
Type: Grant
Filed: March 16, 2011
Issued: September 15, 2015
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Shaunak Roy, John Howard, Chengwang Wang
Patent number: 9128015
Abstract: Systems and methods are provided for sample processing. A device may be provided, capable of receiving the sample, and performing one or more of a sample preparation, sample assay, and detection step. The device may be capable of performing multiple assays. The device may comprise one or more modules that may be capable of performing one or more of a sample preparation, sample assay, and detection step. The device may be capable of performing the steps using a small volume of sample.
Type: Grant
Filed: September 9, 2014
Issued: September 8, 2015
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, John Kent Frankovich
Patent number: 9121851
Abstract: The present invention provides devices and systems for use at the point of care. The methods devices of the invention are directed toward automatic detection of analytes in a bodily fluid. The components of the device are modular to allow for flexibility and robustness of use with the disclosed methods for a variety of medical applications.
Type: Grant
Filed: May 13, 2013
Issued: September 1, 2015
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Tammy Burd, Ian Gibbons, Elizabeth A. Holmes, Gary Frenzel, Anthony Joseph Nugent
Application number: 20150231627
Abstract: Methods and devices are provided for sample collection and sample separation. In one embodiment, a device is provided for use with a formed component liquid sample, the device comprising at least one sample inlet for receiving said sample; at least a first outlet for outputting only a liquid portion of the formed component liquid sample; at least a second outlet for outputting the formed component liquid sample at least a first material mixed therein.
Type: Application
Filed: February 23, 2015
Issued: August 20, 2015
Inventors: Deborah Sloan, Elizabeth A. Holmes, Pey-Jiun Ko, Edwina Lai
Application number: 20150233893
Abstract: Devices and methods are described for measuring formed blood component sedimentation rate. Some of the methods may use (1) centrifugal techniques for separating red blood cells from plasma and (2) video and/or still imaging capability. Both may be used alone or in combination to accelerate formed blood component sedimentation and to measure its rate. In one example, the method may advantageously enable rapid measurement of sedimentation rate using small blood sample volumes. Automated image analysis can be used to determine both sedimentation rate and hematocrit. Automated techniques may be used to compensate for effects of hematocrit on uncorrected sedimentation rate data.
Type: Application
Filed: February 20, 2015
Issued: August 20, 2015
Inventors: Mark Dayel, Samartha Anekal, Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20150198591
Abstract: Methods, compositions, systems, and devices are provided for performing and analyzing agglutination assays. In one aspect, methods for image analysis of agglutination assays are provided. In another aspects, methods for performing agglutination assays are provided. In one aspect, the methods may be used for the detection of various molecules, including viruses or antibodies against a virus. In another aspect, the methods can be used to determine effective immunization of a subject.
Type: Application
Filed: January 16, 2015
Issued: July 16, 2015
Inventors: Paul Patel, Samartha Anekal, Ian Gibbons, Elizabeth A. Holmes, Swapna Joshi
Application number: 20150198588
Abstract: The present invention provides devices and systems for use at the point of care. The methods devices of the invention are directed toward automatic detection of analytes in a bodily fluid. The components of the device are modular to allow for flexibility and robustness of use with the disclosed methods for a variety of medical applications.
Type: Application
Filed: March 26, 2015
Issued: July 16, 2015
Inventors: Tammy Burd, Ian Gibbons, Elizabeth A. Holmes, Gary Frenzel, Anthony Joseph Nugent
Application number: 20150198465
Abstract: In one nonlimiting example, an automated system is provided for separating one or more components in a biological fluid, wherein the system comprises: (a) a centrifuge comprising one or more bucket configured to receive a container to effect said separating of one or more components in a fluid sample; and (b) the container, wherein the container includes one or more shaped feature that is complementary to a shaped feature of the bucket.
Type: Application
Filed: January 16, 2015
Issued: July 16, 2015
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Daniel L. Young, Timothy Smith, Scott Ridel, John Kent Frankovich, Michael Siegel
Application number: 20150198515
Abstract: Devices and methods are described for measuring formed blood component sedimentation rate. Some of the methods may use (1) centrifugal techniques for separating red blood cells from plasma and (2) video and/or still imaging capability. Both may be used alone or in combination to accelerate formed blood component sedimentation and to measure its rate. In one example, the method may advantageously enable rapid measurement of sedimentation rate using small blood sample volumes. Automated image analysis can be used to determine both sedimentation rate and hematocrit. Automated techniques may be used to compensate for effects of hematocrit on uncorrected sedimentation rate data.
Type: Application
Filed: January 16, 2015
Issued: July 16, 2015
Inventors: Mark Dayel, Samartha Anekal, Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20150185234
Abstract: The present invention provides systems, devices, and methods for point-of-care and/or distributed testing services. The methods and devices of the invention are directed toward automatic detection of analytes in a bodily fluid. The components of the device can be modified to allow for more flexible and robust use with the disclosed methods for a variety of medical, laboratory, and other applications. The systems, devices, and methods of the present invention can allow for effective use of samples by improved sample preparation and analysis.
Type: Application
Filed: December 5, 2014
Issued: July 2, 2015
Inventors: Ian Gibbons, Anthony J. Nugent, Anthony Delacruz, Daniel L. Young, Elizabeth A. Holmes, Andrew Drake, Timothy Michael Kemp, Sunny Balwani, Chinmay Pangarkar
Application number: 20150164398
Abstract: Methods for obtaining a sample from a subject include providing a sample collection device having a novelty exterior. The sample collection device can be used to collection liquid sample such as but not limited to blood, capillary blood, interstitial fluid, or other liquid sample. Samples may be provide by a small wound such as by a finger-stick and the sample may be analyzed in a short period of time, e.g., in less than five hours, or less than four hours.
Type: Application
Filed: November 11, 2014
Issued: June 18, 2015
Inventors: Pey-Jiun Ko, Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20150168384
Abstract: The present invention provides fluidic devices and systems that allow detection of analytes from a biological fluid. The methods and devices are particularly useful for providing point-of-care testing for a variety of medical applications.
Type: Application
Filed: November 5, 2014
Issued: June 18, 2015
Inventors: Shaunak Roy, Malissa Takahashi, Ian Gibbons, Edmond Ku, Thanh Dang, Tammy Burd, Adam Vollmer, Elizabeth A. Holmes
Patent number: 9051599
Abstract: Reagents, assays, methods, kits, devices, and systems for rapid measurement of cholesterol and cholesterol sub-fractions from a blood sample are provided. Total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, and high density lipoprotein cholesterol can be measured in a single assay using kinetic measurements, under conditions in which cholesterol sub-species are converted to a detectable product at distinct rates. The detectable product is measured at different times after assay initiation. A lipase, cholesterol esterase, cholesterol oxidase and a peroxidase may be used together to produce colored product in amounts directly proportional to the quantity of cholesterol converted. Methods for calculating very-low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels by further including triglyceride measurements are disclosed.
Type: Grant
Filed: December 9, 2013
Issued: June 9, 2015
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Douglas Matje, Ian Gibbons, Paul Patel, Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20150125945
Abstract: Systems and methods are provided for sample processing. A device may be provided, capable of receiving the sample, and performing one or more of a sample preparation, sample assay, and detection step. The device may be capable of performing multiple assays. The device may comprise one or more modules that may be capable of performing one or more of a sample preparation, sample assay, and detection step. The device may be capable of performing the steps using a small volume of sample.
Type: Application
Filed: September 9, 2014
Issued: May 7, 2015
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, John Kent Frankovich
Patent number: 9012163
Abstract: The present invention provides devices and systems for use at the point of care. The methods devices of the invention are directed toward automatic detection of analytes in a bodily fluid. The components of the device are modular to allow for flexibility and robustness of use with the disclosed methods for a variety of medical applications.
Type: Grant
Filed: July 24, 2014
Issued: April 21, 2015
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Tammy Burd, Ian Gibbons, Elizabeth A. Holmes, Gary Frenzel, Anthony Joseph Nugent
Application number: 20150100345
Abstract: The present invention provides an integrated health care surveillance and monitoring system that provides real-time sampling, modeling, analysis, and recommended interventions. The system can be used to monitor infectious and chronic diseases. When faced with outbreak of an infectious disease agent, e.g., influenza virus, the system can identify active cases through pro-active sampling in high risk locations, such as schools or crowded commercial areas. The system can notify appropriate entities, e.g., local, regional and national governments, when an event is detected, thereby allowing for proactive management of a possible outbreak. The system also predicts the best response for deployment of scarce resources.
Type: Application
Filed: October 10, 2014
Issued: April 9, 2015
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Ian Gibbons, Daniel L. Young, Seth G. Michelson
Application number: 20150099311
Abstract: This invention is in the field of medical devices. Specifically, the present invention provides portable medical devices that allow real-time detection of analytes from a biological fluid. The methods and devices are particularly useful for providing point-of-care testing for a variety of medical applications.
Type: Application
Filed: September 9, 2014
Issued: April 9, 2015
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Ian Gibbons, Timothy M. Kemp, John HOWARD, Shaunak Roy
Patent number: 8984932
Abstract: Devices and methods are described for measuring formed blood component sedimentation rate. Some of the methods may use (1) centrifugal techniques for separating red blood cells from plasma and (2) video and/or still imaging capability. Both may be used alone or in combination to accelerate formed blood component sedimentation and to measure its rate. In one example, the method may advantageously enable rapid measurement of sedimentation rate using small blood sample volumes. Automated image analysis can be used to determine both sedimentation rate and hematocrit. Automated techniques may be used to compensate for effects of hematocrit on uncorrected sedimentation rate data.
Type: Grant
Filed: June 30, 2014
Issued: March 24, 2015
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Mark Dayel, Samartha Anekal, Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20150072338
Abstract: Systems, methods, and devices for detecting infections in a clinical sample are provided. Small-volume clinical samples obtained at a point-of-service (POS) location and may be tested at the POS location for multiple markers for multiple diseases, including upper and lower respiratory diseases. Samples may be tested for cytokines, or for inflammation indicators. Dilution of samples, or levels of detection, may be determined by the condition or past history of a subject. Test results may be obtained within a short amount of time after sample placement in a testing device, or within a short amount of time after being obtained from the subject. A prescription for treatment of a detected disorder may be provided, and may be filled, at the POS location. A bill may be automatically generated for the testing, or for the prescription, may be automatically sent to an insurance provider, and payment may be automatically obtained.
Type: Application
Filed: September 5, 2014
Issued: March 12, 2015

Inventor: Elizabeth A. Holmes

Application number: 20150073815
Abstract: In one embodiment, a method is provided comprising displaying a laboratory test menu on a mobile computing device, where the test menu is variable-based on geographic location; selecting one or more tests from said test menu; and using the mobile computing device to send a laboratory test request to a server.
Type: Application
Filed: September 6, 2013
Issued: March 12, 2015
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Ramesh Balwani
Application number: 20150072889
Abstract: Systems, methods, and devices for detecting infections in a clinical sample are provided. Small-volume clinical samples obtained at a point-of-service (POS) location and may be tested at the POS location for multiple markers for multiple diseases, including upper and lower respiratory diseases. Samples may be tested for cytokines, or for inflammation indicators. Dilution of samples, or levels of detection, may be determined by the condition or past history of a subject. Test results may be obtained within a short amount of time after sample placement in a testing device, or within a short amount of time after being obtained from the subject. A prescription for treatment of a detected disorder may be provided, and may be filled, at the POS location. A bill may be automatically generated for the testing, or for the prescription, may be automatically sent to an insurance provider, and payment may be automatically obtained.
Type: Application
Filed: September 5, 2014
Issued: March 12, 2015
Inventors: Clarissa Lui, Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20150072362
Abstract: Methods, devices, systems, and kits useful for the collection and analysis of samples obtained by swabs are disclosed. Swab containers configured for receiving a swab containing a sample; cartridges for holding one or more of: a swab container, a swab, assay units, pipette tips, vessels, transport units, and implements; systems (which may include a sample processing device); kits; and methods for their use are disclosed. A swab container may include an entry port; an assay chamber having an assay port; a conduit comprising an interior channel connecting the entry port; and an interior channel providing fluidic communication between the entry port and assay chamber. An interior channel may be configured to squeeze a portion of a swab placed in or through the conduit. A cartridge may include a cartridge frame configured to receive one or more of swab containers, assay units, transport units, pipette tips, vessels or implements.
Type: Application
Filed: September 5, 2014
Issued: March 12, 2015
Inventors: Clarissa Lui, Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20140358036
Abstract: Bodily fluid sample collection systems, devices, and method are provided. The device may comprise a first portion comprising at least a sample collection channel configured to draw the fluid sample into the sample collection channel via a first type of motive force. The sample collection device may include a second portion comprising a sample vessel for receiving the bodily fluid sample collected in the sample collection channel, the sample vessel operably engagable to be in fluid communication with the collection channel, whereupon when fluid communication is established, the vessel and/or another source provides a second motive force different from the first motive force to move a majority of the bodily fluid sample from the channel into the vessel.
Type: Application
Filed: July 30, 2014
Issued: December 4, 2014
Inventor: Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20140342371
Abstract: Bodily fluid sample collection systems, devices, and method are provided. The device may comprise a first portion comprising at least a sample collection channel configured to draw the fluid sample into the sample collection channel via a first type of motive force. The sample collection device may include a second portion comprising a sample vessel for receiving the bodily fluid sample collected in the sample collection channel, the sample vessel operably engagable to be in fluid communication with the collection channel, whereupon when fluid communication is established, the vessel and/or another source provides a second motive force different from the first motive force to move a majority of the bodily fluid sample from the channel into the vessel.
Type: Application
Filed: July 29, 2014
Issued: November 20, 2014
Inventor: Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20140335505
Abstract: Systems and methods are provided for collecting, preparing, and/or analyzing a biological sample. A sample collection site may be utilized with one or more sample processing device. The sample processing device may be configured to accept a sample from a subject. The sample processing device may perform one or more sample preparation step and/or chemical reaction involving the sample. Data related to the sample may be sent from the device to a laboratory. The laboratory may be a certified laboratory that may generate a report that is transmitted to a health care professional. The health care professional may rely on the report for diagnosing, treating, and/or preventing a disease in the subject.
Type: Application
Filed: July 18, 2014
Issued: November 13, 2014
Inventor: Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20140335506
Abstract: The present invention provides devices and systems for use at the point of care. The methods devices of the invention are directed toward automatic detection of analytes in a bodily fluid. The components of the device are modular to allow for flexibility and robustness of use with the disclosed methods for a variety of medical applications.
Type: Application
Filed: July 24, 2014
Issued: November 13, 2014
Inventors: Tammy Burd, Ian Gibbons, Elizabeth A. Holmes, Gary Frenzel, Anthony Joseph Nugent
Patent number: 8883518
Abstract: The present invention provides fluidic devices and systems that allow detection of analytes from a biological fluid. The methods and devices are particularly useful for providing point-of-care testing for a variety of medical applications.
Type: Grant
Filed: March 30, 2012
Issued: November 11, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Shaunak Roy, Melissa Takahashi, Ian Gibbons, Edmond Ku, Thanh Dang, Tammy Burd, Adam Vollmer, Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20140329259
Abstract: This invention is in the field of medical devices. Specifically, the present invention provides portable medical devices that allow real-time detection of analytes from a biological fluid. The methods and devices are particularly useful for providing point-of-care testing for a variety of medical applications.
Type: Application
Filed: May 6, 2014
Issued: November 6, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Shaunak Roy, Ian Gibbons, Shize Daniel Qi, Edmond Ku, Chris Todd, Melissa Takahashi, Bruce Johnson, Jeff Fenton, Keith Moravick, Uwe Springborn, Anthony Delacruz
Application number: 20140323913
Abstract: Bodily fluid sample collection systems, devices, and method are provided. The device may comprise a first portion comprising at least a sample collection channel configured to draw the fluid sample into the sample collection channel via a first type of motive force. The sample collection device may include a second portion comprising a sample container for receiving the bodily fluid sample collected in the sample collection channel, the sample container operably engagable to be in fluid communication with the collection channel, whereupon when fluid communication is established, the container provides a second motive force different from the first motive force to move a majority of the bodily fluid sample from the channel into the container.
Type: Application
Filed: March 15, 2014
Issued: October 30, 2014
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Michael Chen, Pey-Jiun Ko, Tammy Burd, Adrit Lath, Patricia McHale
Application number: 20140323911
Abstract: Methods and devices are provided for sample collection and sample separation. In one embodiment, a device is provided for use with a formed component liquid sample, the device comprising at least one sample inlet for receiving said sample; at least a first outlet for outputting only a liquid portion of the formed component liquid sample; at least a second outlet for outputting the formed component liquid sample at least a first material mixed therein.
Type: Application
Filed: March 15, 2014
Issued: October 30, 2014
Inventors: Deborah Sloan, Elizabeth A. Holmes, Pey-Jiun Ko, Edwina Lai, Channing Robertson
Application number: 20140315240
Abstract: Devices and methods are described for measuring formed blood component sedimentation rate. Some of the methods may use (1) centrifugal techniques for separating red blood cells from plasma and (2) video and/or still imaging capability. Both may be used alone or in combination to accelerate formed blood component sedimentation and to measure its rate. In one example, the method may advantageously enable rapid measurement of sedimentation rate using small blood sample volumes. Automated image analysis can be used to determine both sedimentation rate and hematocrit. Automated techniques may be used to compensate for effects of hematocrit on uncorrected sedimentation rate data.
Type: Application
Filed: June 30, 2014
Issued: October 23, 2014
Inventors: Mark Dayel, Samartha Anekal, Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20140316300
Abstract: Bodily fluid sample collection systems, devices, and method are provided. The device may comprise a first portion comprising at least a sample collection channel configured to draw the fluid sample into the sample collection channel via a first type of motive force. The sample collection device may include a second portion comprising a sample container for receiving the bodily fluid sample collected in the sample collection channel, the sample container operably engagable to be in fluid communication with the collection channel, whereupon when fluid communication is established, the container provides a second motive force different from the first motive force to move a majority of the bodily fluid sample from the channel into the container.
Type: Application
Filed: June 30, 2014
Issued: October 23, 2014
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Michael Chen, Pey-Jiun Ko, Tammy Burd, Adrit Lath, Patricia McHale
Application number: 20140308661
Abstract: Systems and methods are provided for sample processing. A device may be provided, capable of receiving the sample, and performing one or more of a sample preparation, sample assay, and detection step. The device may be capable of performing multiple assays. The device may comprise one or more modules that may be capable of performing one or more of a sample preparation, sample assay, and detection step. The device may be capable of performing the steps using a small volume of sample.
Type: Application
Filed: February 18, 2014
Issued: October 16, 2014
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Sunny Balwani, Michael Chen, John K. Frankovich, Gary Frenzel, Surekha Gangakhedkar, Samartha Anekal, Adrit Lath, Alexander Loo, Chinmay Pangarkar, Paul Patel, Joy Roy, Timothy Smith, Daniel Young, Ian Gibbons
Patent number: 8862448
Abstract: The present invention provides an integrated health care surveillance and monitoring system that provides real-time sampling, modeling, analysis, and recommended interventions. The system can be used to monitor infectious and chronic diseases. When faced with outbreak of an infectious disease agent, e.g., influenza virus, the system can identify active cases through pro-active sampling in high risk locations, such as schools or crowded commercial areas. The system can notify appropriate entities, e.g., local, regional and national governments, when an event is detected, thereby allowing for proactive management of a possible outbreak. The system also predicts the best response for deployment of scarce resources.
Type: Grant
Filed: October 18, 2010
Issued: October 14, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Ian Gibbons, Daniel L. Young, Seth G. Michelson
Application number: 20140296089
Abstract: Systems and methods are provided for sample processing. A device may be provided, capable of receiving the sample, and performing one or more of a sample preparation, sample assay, and detection step. The device may be capable of performing multiple assays. The device may comprise one or more modules that may be capable of performing one or more of a sample preparation, sample assay, and detection step. The device may be capable of performing the steps using a small volume of sample.
Type: Application
Filed: February 18, 2014
Issued: October 2, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Sunny Balwani, Michael Chen, John K. Frankovich, Gary Frenzel, Surekha Gangakhedkar, Samartha Anekal, Adrit Lath, Alexander Loo, Chinmay Pangarkar, Paul Patel, Joy Roy, Timothy Smith, Daniel Young, Ian Gibbons
Patent number: 8841076
Abstract: This invention is in the field of medical devices. Specifically, the present invention provides portable medical devices that allow real-time detection of analytes from a biological fluid. The methods and devices are particularly useful for providing point-of-care testing for a variety of medical applications.
Type: Grant
Filed: March 24, 2006
Issued: September 23, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Ian Gibbons, Timothy M. Kemp, John Howard, Shaunak Roy
Patent number: 8840838
Abstract: Systems and methods are provided for sample processing. A device may be provided, capable of receiving the sample, and performing one or more of a sample preparation, sample assay, and detection step. The device may be capable of performing multiple assays. The device may comprise one or more modules that may be capable of performing one or more of a sample preparation, sample assay, and detection step. The device may be capable of performing the steps using a small volume of sample.
Type: Grant
Filed: September 26, 2011
Issued: September 23, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth Holmes, John Kent Frankovich
Application number: 20140272938
Abstract: Devices, systems and methods including a sonicator for sample preparation are provided. A sonicator may be used to mix, resuspend, aerosolize, disperse, disintegrate, or de-gas a solution. A sonicator may be used to disrupt a cell, such as a pathogen cell in a sample. Sample preparation may include exposing pathogen-identifying material by sonication to detect, identify, or measure pathogens. A sonicator may transfer ultrasonic energy to the sample solution by contacting its tip to an exterior wall of a vessel containing the sample. Multipurpose devices including a sonicator also include further components for additional actions and assays. Devices, and systems comprising such devices, may communicate with a laboratory or other devices in a system for sample assay and analysis. Methods utilizing such devices and systems are provided. The improved sample preparation devices, systems and methods are useful for analyzing samples, e.g. for diagnosing patients suffering from infection by pathogens.
Type: Application
Filed: March 10, 2014
Issued: September 18, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Alexander Loo, Elizabeth A. Holmes
Patent number: 8822167
Abstract: The present invention provides devices and systems for use at the point of care. The methods devices of the invention are directed toward automatic detection of analytes in a bodily fluid. The components of the device are modular to allow for flexibility and robustness of use with the disclosed methods for a variety of medical applications.
Type: Grant
Filed: May 8, 2013
Issued: September 2, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Tammy Burd, Ian Gibbons, Elizabeth A. Holmes, Gary Frenzel, Anthony Joseph Nugent

Application number: 20140234949
Abstract: Systems and methods are provided for sample processing. A device may be provided, capable of receiving the sample, and performing one or more of a sample preparation, sample assay, and detection step. The device may be capable of performing multiple assays. The device may comprise one or more modules that may be capable of performing one or more of a sample preparation, sample assay, and detection step. The device may be capable of performing the steps using a small volume of sample.
Type: Application
Filed: January 16, 2014
Issued: August 21, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: James Wasson, John Kent Frankovich, Elizabeth A. Holmes, Timothy Smith, Michael Chen, Daniel Young
Application number: 20140229955
Abstract: Provided herein are medical testing devices, systems, and methods that integrate multiplex, multi-technology, multi-configuration, multisample, or multi-threading capabilities. These capabilities are achieved using one or more of a level operations and communications architecture, a protocol execution engine, and a machine vision and processing system, method, or device in order to make testing of biologic or other samples more efficient in terms of cost, time, energy, or by prioritizing at least one other objective.
Type: Application
Filed: February 14, 2014
Issued: August 14, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Daniel Young
Application number: 20140222447
Abstract: This invention is in the field of medical devices. Specifically, the present invention provides portable medical devices that allow real-time detection of analytes from a biological fluid. The methods and devices are particularly useful for providing point-of-care testing for a variety of medical applications.
Type: Application
Filed: November 14, 2013
Issued: August 7, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: ELIZABETH A. HOLMES, Ian Gibbons, John Howard, Shaunak Roy, Chengwang Wang, Tim Kemp
Application number: 20140193892
Abstract: Methods, devices, apparatus, and systems are provided for image analysis. Methods of image analysis may include observation, measurement, and analysis of images of biological and other samples; devices, apparatus, and systems provided herein are useful for observation, measurement, and analysis of images of such samples. The methods, devices, apparatus, and systems disclosed herein provide advantages over other methods, devices, apparatus, and systems.
Type: Application
Filed: January 29, 2014
Issued: July 10, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Karan Mohan, Chinmay Pangarkar, James R. Wasson, Elizabeth A. Holmes, Timothy Smith, Samartha Anekal, Daniel L. Young
Application number: 20140193806
Abstract: The present invention provides system and methods for detecting an analyte indicative of an influenza viral infection in a sample of bodily fluid. The present invention also provides for systems and method for detection a plurality of analytes, at least two of which are indicative of an influenza viral infection in a sample of bodily fluid.
Type: Application
Filed: January 14, 2014
Issued: July 10, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Ian Gibbons
Application number: 20140186238
Abstract: Systems and methods are provided for sample processing. A device may be provided, capable of receiving the sample, and performing one or more of a sample preparation, sample assay, and detection step. The device may be capable of performing multiple assays. The device may comprise one or more modules that may be capable of performing one or more of a sample preparation, sample assay, and detection step. The device may be capable of performing the steps using a small volume of sample.
Type: Application
Filed: July 1, 2013
Issued: July 3, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth Holmes, Joy Roy, John Kent Frankovich
Application number: 20140170688
Abstract: Reagents, assays, methods, kits, devices, and systems for rapid measurement of cholesterol and cholesterol sub-fractions from a blood sample are provided. Total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, and high density lipoprotein cholesterol can be measured in a single assay using kinetic measurements, under conditions in which cholesterol sub-species are converted to a detectable product at distinct rates. The detectable product is measured at different times after assay initiation. A lipase, cholesterol esterase, cholesterol oxidase and a peroxidase may be used together to produce colored product in amounts directly proportional to the quantity of cholesterol converted. Methods for calculating very-low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels by further including triglyceride measurements are disclosed.
Type: Application
Filed: December 9, 2013
Issued: June 19, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Douglas Matje, Ian Gibbons, Paul Patel, Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20140171829
Abstract: Bodily fluid sample transport systems, devices, and method are provided. In at least one embodiment described herein, methods are provided for the physical transport of small volumes of bodily fluid in liquid form from one location to another location. By way of nonlimiting example, the samples are collected in liquid form at a collection site, transported in liquid form, and arrive at an analysis site in liquid form. In many embodiments, the liquid form during transport is not held in a porous matrix, wicking material, webbing, or similar material that prevents sample for being extracted in liquid form at the destination site. In one embodiment, small volume of sample in each sample vessel is in the range of about 1 ml to about 1 microliter.
Type: Application
Filed: December 5, 2013
Issued: June 19, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Clarissa Lui, Michael Chen, Daniel Young
Application number: 20140170735
Abstract: Systems and methods are provided for sample processing. A device may be provided, capable of receiving the sample, and performing one or more of a sample preparation, sample assay, and detection step. The device may be capable of performing multiple assays. The device may comprise one or more modules that may be capable of performing one or more of a sample preparation, sample assay, and detection step. The device may be capable of performing the steps using a small volume of sample.
Type: Application
Filed: February 18, 2013
Issued: June 19, 2014
Inventor: Elizabeth A. Holmes
Patent number: 8741230
Abstract: This invention is in the field of medical devices. Specifically, the present invention provides portable medical devices that allow real-time detection of analytes from a biological fluid. The methods and devices are particularly useful for providing point-of-care testing for a variety of medical applications.
Type: Grant
Filed: October 30, 2006
Issued: June 3, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Shaunak Roy, Ian Gibbons, Shize Daniel Qi, Edmond Ku, Chris Todd, Melissa Takahashi, Bruce Johnson, Jeff Fenton, Keith Moravick, Uwe Springborn, Anthony Delacruz
Application number: 20140114677
Abstract: Methods, systems, devices, and computer-readable media for generating a location-based physiological history of a subject are provided. Methods may include generating, with the aid of a processor, a location-based physiological history of the subject by correlating geolocation data of the subject with physiological data and exogenous data. The geolocation data may be obtained with the aid of a geolocation system on or associated with the subject. The exogenous data may be of or related to environmental conditions at a geographic location of the subject.
Type: Application
Filed: October 21, 2013
Issued: April 24, 2014
Assignee: THERANOS, INC.
Inventor: Elizabeth Holmes
Application number: 20140114676
Abstract: Systems and methods for monitoring and regulating the concentration of a drug in a subject are provided. A method may include administering to a subject a first dose of a pharmaceutical composition at a first time point. Next, a concentration of an active ingredient of the pharmaceutical composition or a metabolite thereof, or a biological marker indicative of the concentration of the pharmaceutical composition in the subject, may be determined from a biological sample of the subject with the aid of a point of care system. A second dose of the pharmaceutical composition may be administered to the subject at a second time point. The second dose and/or the interval between the first and second time points may be determined based on the concentration of the pharmaceutical composition in the subject.
Type: Application
Filed: October 21, 2013
Issued: April 24, 2014
Assignee: THERANOS, INC.
Inventor: Elizabeth Holmes
Patent number: 8697377
Abstract: The present invention provides devices and systems for use at the point of care. The methods devices of the invention are directed toward automatic detection of analytes in a bodily fluid. The components of the device are modular to allow for flexibility and robustness of use with the disclosed methods for a variety of medical applications.
Type: Grant
Filed: June 12, 2013
Issued: April 15, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Tammy Burd, Ian Gibbons, Elizabeth A. Holmes, Gary Frenzel, Anthony Joseph Nugent
Application number: 20140095189
Type: Application
Filed: September 24, 2013
Issued: April 3, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventor: Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20140087403
Type: Application
Filed: July 17, 2013
Issued: March 27, 2014
Assignee: THERANOS, INC.
Inventors: Mark Dayel, Samartha Anekal, Paul Patel, Ian Gibbons, Elizabeth Holmes
Patent number: 8679407
Type: Grant
Filed: March 24, 2006
Issued: March 25, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Ian Gibbons, John Howard, Shaunak Roy, Chengwang Wang, Timothy M. Kemp
Application number: 20140081665
Type: Application
Filed: September 6, 2013
Issued: March 20, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventor: Elizabeth Holmes
Application number: 20140073043
Type: Application
Filed: February 18, 2013
Issued: March 13, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventor: Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20140073990
Type: Application
Filed: September 6, 2013
Issued: March 13, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Michael Chen, Pey-Jiun Ko, Tammy Burd, Adrit Lath, Patricia McHale
Patent number: 8669047
Type: Grant
Filed: July 21, 2011
Issued: March 11, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Ian Gibbons

Application number: 20140057770
Type: Application
Filed: July 18, 2013
Issued: February 27, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Daniel Young, Timothy Smith, Scott Ridel, John Kent Frankovich, Michael Siegel
Application number: 20140057255
Type: Application
Filed: February 18, 2013
Issued: February 27, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventor: Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20140046683
Type: Application
Filed: August 27, 2013
Issued: February 13, 2014
Inventors: Seth Michelson, Timothy Michael Kemp, Ian Gibbons, Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20140045170
Type: Application
Filed: July 17, 2013
Issued: February 13, 2014
Inventors: Paul Patel, Samartha Anekal, Ian Gibbons, Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20140038206
Type: Application
Filed: July 25, 2013
Issued: February 6, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Chinmay Pangarkar, Timothy Smith, Karen Mohan, Semartha Anekal, Daniel L. Young, James R. Wasson
Application number: 20140030737
Abstract: Methods, devices, systems, and apparatuses are provided for the image analysis of measurement of biological samples.
Type: Application
Filed: July 25, 2013
Issued: January 30, 2014
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Chinmay Pangarkar, Timothy Smith, Karan Mohan, Samartha Anekal, Daniel L. Young, James R. Wasson
Application number: 20140020457
Type: Application
Filed: July 18, 2013
Issued: January 23, 2014
Assignee: THERANOS, INC.
Application number: 20130274139
Type: Application
Filed: June 12, 2013
Issued: October 17, 2013
Inventors: Tammy Burd, Ian Gibbons, Elizabeth A. Holmes, Gary Frenzel, Anthony Joseph Nugent
Application number: 20130252320
Type: Application
Filed: May 13, 2013
Issued: September 26, 2013
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Tammy Burd, Ian Gibbons, Elizabeth A. Holmes, Gary Frenzel, Anthony Joseph Nugent
Application number: 20130244898
Type: Application
Filed: May 8, 2013
Issued: September 19, 2013
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Tammy Burd, Ian Gibbons, Elizabeth A. Holmes, Gary Frenzel, Anthony Joseph Nugent
Patent number: 8538774
Type: Grant
Filed: September 10, 2012
Issued: September 17, 2013
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Seth Michelson, Timothy Michael Kemp, Ian Gibbons, Elizabeth A. Holmes
Application number: 20130185089
Type: Application
Filed: September 10, 2012
Issued: July 18, 2013
Inventors: Seth Michelson, Timothy Michael Kemp, Ian Gibbons, Elizabeth A. Holmes
Patent number: 8475739
Type: Grant
Filed: September 26, 2011
Issued: July 2, 2013
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventors: Elizabeth Holmes, Joy Roy, John Kent Frankovich
Application number: 20130115685
Type: Application
Filed: October 8, 2012
Issued: May 9, 2013
Inventors: Elizabeth A. Holmes, Shaunak Roy, John Howard, Chengwang Wang, Ian Gibbons, Timothy M. Kemp, Shize Daniel Qi
Patent number: 8435738
Type: Grant
Filed: September 26, 2011
Issued: May 7, 2013
Assignee: Theranos, Inc.
Inventor: Elizabeth Holmes
Application number: 20130079236
Type: Application
Filed: September 26, 2011
Issued: March 28, 2013
Assignee: Theranos, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
Inventor: Elizabeth Holmes
Application number: 20130079599
Type: Application
Filed: September 26, 2011
Issued: March 28, 2013
Assignee: Theranos, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
Inventors: Elizabeth Holmes, Sunny Balwani
Application number: 20130078149
Type: Application
Filed: September 26, 2011
Issued: March 28, 2013
Assignee: Theranos, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
Inventors: Elizabeth Holmes, John Kent Frankovich
Application number: 20130078624
Filed: September 26, 2011
Issued: March 28, 2013
Assignee: Theranos, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
Inventors: Elizabeth Holmes, Sunny Balwani
Application number: 20130080071
Type: Application
Filed: September 26, 2011
Issued: March 28, 2013
Assignee: Theranos, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
Inventor: Elizabeth Holmes


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