Figure 2. Mealworms feast on bran and microplastics in the lab. Credit: Michelle Tseng
之前关于“微塑料(Microplastics)”曾经写过几篇博文:如微塑料研究(医学与健康)高引论文(≥200次)、微塑料成为病原体和抗药性细菌的“中心”、科学家首次在血液中发现微塑料、蛋清可以转化为一种过滤海水中微塑料的材料、牛胃中的微生物可以帮助降解回收塑料、体内的微纳塑料是在细胞分裂过程中传递的、首次从植物叶子上的水中发现了微塑料、纳米塑料如何影响新陈代谢、看不见的入侵者: 微塑料是如何潜入你的大脑的?“一项新研究发现人脑组织中存在微塑料”、7000项微塑料研究表明,我们有一个真正的大问题、“纳米塑料可以降低抗生素的有效性”等......今天再来介绍吃塑料的虫子。
据加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia简称UBC, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada)2024年12月6日提供的消息,吃塑料的虫子能成为解决微塑料问题的关键吗?(Could Plastic-Eating Bugs Be the Key to Solving Our Microplastic Problem?)
先前的研究发现,昆虫可以摄入和吸收纯的、未经提炼的微塑料,但只有在不现实的、食物匮乏的情况下。如被称为超级虫(Zophobas atratus)和黄粉虫(yellow mealworms, Tenebrio molitor),它们作为其他动物的食物在宠物店出售。它们会以聚丙烯(polypropylene)、聚氨酯(polyurethane)和另外三种塑料为食物。
温哥华英属哥伦比亚大学的米歇尔·茨奥博士(Dr. Michelle Tseng)希望对昆虫吃塑料进行更现实的测试。几乎所有早期的研究都使用粉末状塑料或一小块塑料;她的团队转而使用了标志性的长方形一次性口罩。这些口罩一些是用传统的聚丙烯制成的,另一些是用植物基塑料聚乳酸制成的。它们不仅能给昆虫提供基本的聚合物,还能提供制造商提供的真实添加剂。
通过部署大量饥饿的昆虫幼虫来从微塑料中拯救世界,更大的问题是速度。利用麦皮虫或其他微塑料食用者的更好方法是探索体化学(body chemistry),尤其是它们体内的微生物伙伴,以获得灵感。这可能会带来有用的废物分解技巧。
在一篇新的《生物学快报》(Biology Letters)论文中,UBC动物学家米歇尔·茨奥博士(Dr. Michelle Tseng)和校友Shim Gicole在一个更现实的场景中测试了麦皮虫,给它们喂磨碎的口罩(这是一种普通塑料制品)与麸皮的混合物。原文详见:Shim Gicole, Alexandra Dimitriou, Natasha Klasios, Michelle Tseng. Partial consumption of medical face masks by a common beetle species. Biology Letters, 2024; 20 (12). DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2024.0380. Published online: December 4, 2024.
现实的创痛(Reality bites)
昆虫在人类最喜欢的奇怪生物中排名很高:想想电影中的怪物灵感或极端生物物理学(extreme biophysics)。当然,科学家们已经开始测试昆虫吃塑料的意愿和能力。麦皮虫就是自然界的食腐动物和分解者,它们可以在没有食物和水的情况下存活长达8个月,在食物匮乏的情况下,它们很乐意吃自己的同类。一项新的实验揭示了利用昆虫在防止地球被塑料淹没方面的有效性。
生态学家米歇尔·茨奥博士及其同事在2024年12月4日的《生物学快报》(Biology Letters)上计算出,100只麦皮虫需要138天,即大约4.5个月的时间才能吃掉一个一次性口罩(to eat just one disposable COVID-era face mask)。
当谈到塑料时,小于5 mm的碎片尤其令人担忧。例如,研究人员将这些微塑料与心脏病发作和中风的高风险联系起来(higher risks of heart attacks and strokes)。
吃塑料的伙伴(Plastic-eating partners)
Global news (video): Are mealworms nature’s answer to the world’s microplastic problem? Science News: Here’s how long it would take 100 worms to eat the plastic in one face mask
The widespread distribution of microplastics (MPs) in the environment has motivated research on the ecological significance and fate of these pervasive particles. Recent studies have demonstrated that MPs may not always have negative effects, and in contrast, several species of Tenebrionidae beetles utilized plastic as a food source in controlled laboratory experiments. However, most studies of plastic-eating insects have not been ecologically realistic, and thus it is unclear whether results from these experiments apply more broadly. Here, we quantified the ability of mealworms (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) to consume MPs derived from polypropylene and polylactic acid face masks; these are two of the most commonly used conventional and plant-based plastics. To simulate foraging in nature, we mixed MPs with wheat bran to create an environment where beetles were exposed to multiple food types. Mealworms consumed approximately 50% of the MPs, egested a small fraction, and consumption did not affect survival. This study adds to our limited knowledge of the ability of insects to consume MPs. Understory or ground-dwelling insects may hold the key to sustainable plastic disposal strategies, but we caution that research in this field needs to proceed concomitantly with reductions in plastic manufacturing.
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