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收获花园:将植物转化为锻炼补充剂的生物加工厂 精选

已有 505 次阅读 2024-10-3 15:16 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯




Using synthetic biology, scientists can now produce animal-based nutrients like creatine, carnosine, and taurine in plants, potentially leading to sustainable production in edible crops. Credit: SciTechDaily.com

据美国化学会(American Chemical Society2024102日提供的消息,收获花园:将植物转化为锻炼补充剂的生物加工厂(Garden of Gains: Transforming Plants Into Workout Supplement Biofactories)。

研究人员已经开发出一种新方法,直接在植物中生产动物营养物质,如肌酸(creatine)、肌肽(carnosine)和牛磺酸(taurine),在概念验证研究(proof-of-concept study)中使用合成模块。


创新的以植物为基础的动物营养素生产(Innovative Plant-Based Production of Animal Nutrients

虽然吃蔬菜很重要,但一些必需的维生素和营养素只能在动物体内找到,包括某些氨基酸(amino acids)和多肽(peptides)。但是,在2024102日发表在美国化学学会的《农业与食品化学杂志》(Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry)上的一项概念验证研究中,研究人员开发了一种方法,可以在植物内部生产肌酸、肌肽和牛磺酸——所有这些都是基于动物的营养素和常见的锻炼补充剂。该系统允许不同的合成模块轻松堆叠在一起,以提高产量。原文详见:Lina Jiang, Yifei Gao, Leiqin Han, Wenxuan Zhang, Xiaoyan Xu, Jia Chen, Shan Feng, Pengxiang Fan. Engineering Plant Metabolism for Synthesizing Amino Acid Derivatives of Animal Origin Using a Synthetic Modular Approach. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2 October 2024,. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.4c05719. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.4c05719.

参与此项研究的有来自中国浙江大学(Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China)、中国杭州的西湖大学(Westlake University, Hangzhou, China)以及中国杭州的浙江省园艺作物品质改良重点实验室(Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Horticultural Crop Quality Improvement, Hangzhou, China)的研究人员。

合成生物学的突破(Breakthrough in Synthetic Biology

当植物被要求产生它们不习惯产生的化合物时,它们会令人惊讶地接受。科学家们利用一种特殊的细菌,将各种氨基酸、多肽、蛋白质或其他分子的DNA指令转移到不同的植物细胞中。例如,这项技术帮助生产了含有减少骨质流失的肽成分的生菜(helped create lettuce with peptide components that reduced bone loss)。

然而,当涉及到更复杂的化合物时,转移的DNA指令可能会改变宿主的自然代谢,从而最终减少所需产品的输出。范鹏祥(Pengxiang Fan)和他的同事们希望通过引入合成模块的形式来解决这个问题,这些模块不仅编码了他们想要的产品,还编码了用于构建它的分子。他们希望增加三种所需营养素的产量:肌酸、肌肽和牛磺酸。

测试新的基因模块(Testing New Genetic Modules

研究小组在本特哈曼烟草(Nicotiana benthamiana,这是一种类似烟草的植物,在合成生物学应用中被用作模式生物)中测试了可交换的合成模块:肌酸模块包含两个肌酸合成基因,每克植物材料产生2.3微克(2.3 μg)的肽。肌肽是用一个肌肽模块和另一个用于构建肽的两种氨基酸之一β-丙氨酸(β-alanine)模块生产的。虽然β-丙氨酸天然存在于本特哈曼烟草(N. benthamiana)中,但其含量很少,因此将模块堆叠在一起可以使肌肽的产量增加3.8倍。


未来应用潜力(Potential for Future Applications)


本研究得到了浙江省自然科学基金{Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang province, China (grant no. LZ22C150005)}和浙江大学上海高等研究院星空科学基金{Starry Night Science Fund of Zhejiang University Shanghai Institute for Advanced Study (SN-ZJU-SIAS-0011)}的资助。

上述介绍,仅供参考。欲了解更多信息,敬请注意浏览原文Pengxiang Fan et al.pdf相关报道


The biosynthesis of amino acid derivatives of animal origin in plants represents a promising frontier in synthetic biology, offering a sustainable and eco-friendly approach to enhancing the nutritional value of plant-based diets. This study leverages the versatile capabilities of Nicotiana benthamiana as a transient expression system to test a synthetic modular framework for the production of creatine, carnosine, and taurine-compounds typically absent in plants but essential for human health. By designing and stacking specialized synthetic modules, we successfully redirected the plant metabolic flux toward the synthesis of these amino acid derivatives of animal origin. Our results revealed the expression of a standalone creatine module resulted in the production of 2.3 μg/g fresh weight of creatine in N. benthamiana leaves. Integrating two modules significantly carnosine yield increased by 3.8-fold and minimized the impact on plant amino acid metabolism compared to individual module application. Unexpectedly, introducing the taurine module caused a feedback-like inhibition of plant cysteine biosynthesis, revealing complex metabolic adjustments that can occur when introducing foreign pathways. Our findings underline the potential for employing plants as biofactories for the sustainable production of essential nutrients of animal origin.


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