据“科技日报”(SciTechDaily)网站2024年6月10日刊登来自国际光学与光子学学会(International Society For Optics And Photonics)的消息,突破性的研究实现了前所未有的数据传输速率(Groundbreaking Research Achieves Unprecedented Data Transmission Rates)。
研究人员将非线性预失真(nonlinear pre-distortion)与数字分辨率增强(digital resolution enhancement)相结合,以解决与数模转换器(digital-to-analog converters简称DACs)相关的挑战。
数据传输技术突破(Breakthrough in Data Transmission Technology)
面对这一挑战,研究人员提出了一种开创性的解决方案,将基于查询表的非线性预失真技术与数字分辨率增强相结合。该创新方法于2024年4月24日已经在《先进光子学通讯》(Advanced Photonics Nexus)在线发表——Qi Wu, Zhaopeng Xu, Yixiao Zhu, Tonghui Ji, Honglin Ji, Yu Yang, Junpeng Liang, Chen Cheng, Gang Qiao, Zhixue He, Jinlong Wei, Qunbi Zhuge, Weisheng Hu. Beyond 200-Gb/s O-band intensity modulation and direct detection optics with joint look-up-table-based predistortion and digital resolution enhancement for low-cost data center interconnects. Advanced Photonics Nexus, 2024, 3(3): 036007. DOI: 10.1117/1.APN.3.3.036007. Published online 24 April 2024.
参与此项研究的有来自中国深圳鹏城实验室(Peng Cheng Laboratory, Shenzhen, China)、中国上海交通大学先进光通信系统与网络国家重点实验室(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks, Shanghai, China)以及意大利拉奎拉大学(University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy)的研究人员。
值得注意的是,数字信号处理技术能够使用3/3.5/4位DACs(3/3.5/4-bit DACs)在2 km的标准单模光纤中以超过124 GBd PAM-4/6和112 GBd PAM-8的速率传输信号。此外,它还使用1.5/2/3位DACs(1.5/2/3-bit DACs)在40 km的标准单模光纤上促进了124 GBd PAM-2/3/4信号的传输。这些结果代表了数据中心互连技术的重大进步,证明了支持下一代以太网(ethernet)链路的可行性,目标速度高达800-GbE,甚至可能达到1.6-TbE。
共同通讯作者鹏城实验室的徐兆鹏(Zhaopeng Xu音译)强调了这些发现的重要性,强调他们展示了“数据中心互连用最低成本的数模转换器传输最高数据速率。”
除了彻底改变数据中心互连之外,这些进步还有望改变6G接入网和无源光网络(passive optical networks)的各种应用。通过克服与高分辨率DACs相关的挑战,这种创新方法也为更具成本效益和高效的数据传输铺平了道路。
此项研究得到了中国国家重点发展计划项目{National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2020YFB1806400)}、中国国家留学基金委项目{China Scholarship Council (Grant No. 202306230183)}以及中国国家自然科学基金项目{National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 62271305 and 62001287)}的资助。
We propose a joint look-up-table (LUT)-based nonlinear predistortion and digital resolution enhancement scheme to achieve high-speed and low-cost optical interconnects using low-resolution digital-to-analog converters (DACs). The LUT-based predistortion is employed to mitigate the pattern-dependent effect (PDE) of a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA), while the digital resolution enhancer (DRE) is utilized to shape the quantization noise, lowering the requirement for the resolution of DAC. We experimentally demonstrate O-band intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD) transmission of 124-GBd 4/6-level pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM)-4/6 and 112-GBd PAM-8 signals over a 2-km standard single-mode fiber (SSMF) with 3/3.5/4-bit DACs. In the case of 40-km SSMF transmission with an SOA-based preamplifier, 124-GBd on-off-keying (OOK)/PAM-3/PAM-4 signals are successfully transmitted with 1.5/2/3-bit DACs. To the best of our knowledge, we have achieved the highest net data rates of 235.3-Gb/s PAM-4, 289.7-Gb/s PAM-6, and 294.7Gb/s PAM-8 signals over 2-km SSMF, as well as 117.6-Gb/s OOK, 173.8-Gb/s PAM-3, and −231.8Gb/s PAM-4 signals over 40-km SSMF, employing low-resolution DACs. The experimental results reveal that the joint LUT-based predistortion and DRE effectively mitigate the PDE and improve the signal-to-quantization noise ratio by shaping the noise. The proposed scheme can provide a powerful solution for low-cost IM/DD optical interconnects beyond 200Gb/s.
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