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已有 2541 次阅读 2024-6-1 19:53 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




Fig. 1 In a counterintuitive discovery by MIT researchers, metals struck by objects at super high velocities increase in strength with rising temperatures, reversing the usual softening effect seen under normal conditions. This new understanding, based on experiments using tiny sapphire particles shot at metals, could revolutionize material designs for extreme environments such as spacecraft shields or high-speed manufacturing processes.


Fig. 2 Caption:MIT scientists discovered that when metals are deformed at an extreme rate by an object moving at high velocities, hotter temperatures make the metal stronger, not weaker. Here, 3 particles are hitting a metallic surface at about the same velocity. As the initial temperature of the metal is increased, the rebound is faster, and the particle bounces higher because the metal becomes harder not softer, too. Credit: Courtesy of the researchers


Fig. 3 The team used extremely high-speed cameras to track particles. This sequence, from research data, shows a particle flying in and rebounding off of a surface. Credit: MIT

据美国麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute Of Technology简称MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA2024531日提供的消息,麻省理工学院(MIT)的科学家发现了极端条件下惊人的金属行为(“Counterintuitive” Findings: MIT Scientists Uncover Surprising Metal Behavior Under Extreme Conditions)。



但麻省理工学院(MIT)的科学家们发现,当金属被以超高速运动的物体撞击时,情况正好相反:金属越热,强度越大。在这些条件下,金属承受着极大的压力,铜实际上可以和钢一样坚固。这项新发现可能会为极端环境设计材料带来新的方法,比如保护航天器或高超音速飞机的盾牌,或者用于高速制造过程的设备。相关研究结果于2024522日已经在《自然》(Nature)杂志网站发表——Ian Dowding, Christopher A. Schuh. Metals strengthen with increasing temperature at extreme strain rates. Nature, 2024. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07420-1. Published: 22 May 2024. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07420-1

参与此项研究的除了来自MIT的研究人员之外,还有来自美国西北大学(Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA)的研究人员。此文由麻省理工学院研究生伊恩•道丁(Ian Dowding)和前麻省理工学院材料科学与工程系(MIT’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering)主任、现任美国西北大学(Northwestern University)工学院院长、麻省理工学院客座教授克里斯托弗•舒赫(Christopher A. Schuh)共同撰写。

反直觉的结果和潜在的应用(Counterintuitive Results and Potential Applications

作者写道,这项新发现是违反直觉的,与几十年来在不那么极端的条件下进行的研究不一致。这些意想不到的结果可能会影响到各种应用,因为这些撞击所涉及的极端速度经常发生在轨道上的陨石撞击航天器以及制造、喷砂和一些增材制造(additive manufacturing)—3D打印(3D printing)—工艺中使用的高速加工操作中。



观察和发现(Observations and Findings


伊恩•道丁说,他们使用的微小颗粒是由氧化铝或蓝宝石制成的,“非常坚硬。”直径在10~20 μm之间,是人类头发直径的十分之一到五分之一。当这些粒子后面的发射台被激光束击中时,部分材料蒸发,产生一股蒸汽射流,将粒子推向相反的方向。


根据研究人员的分析,这种令人惊讶的效果似乎是由组成金属晶体结构的有序原子阵列在不同条件下移动的方式产生的。他们表明,有三种不同的影响控制着金属在压力下的变形,其中两种影响遵循在高温下增加变形的预测轨迹,而第三种影响,称为阻力强化(drag strengthening),在变形率超过一定阈值时逆转其影响。

阻力强化效应 (Drag Strengthening Effect)






这项工作得到了美国能源部(US Department of Energy)、科学办公室(Office of Science)、基础能源科学办公室(Office of Basic Energy Sciences)、材料科学与工程部门(Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering)的支持(US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering under award no. DE-SC0018091)。



The strength of materials depends on the rate at which they are tested, as defects, for example dislocations, that move in response to applied strains have intrinsic kinetic limitations1,2,3,4. As the deformation strain rate increases, more strengthening mechanisms become active and increase the strength4,5,6,7. However, the regime in which this transition happens has been difficult to access with traditional micromechanical strength measurements. Here, with microballistic impact testing at strain rates greater than 106 s−1, and without shock conflation, we show that the strength of copper increases by about 30% for a 157 ℃ increase in temperature, an effect also observed in pure titanium and gold. This effect is counterintuitive, as almost all materials soften when heated under normal conditions. This anomalous thermal strengthening across several pure metals is the result of a change in the controlling deformation mechanism from thermally activated strengthening to ballistic transport of dislocations, which experience drag through phonon interactions1,8,9,10. These results point to a pathway to better model and predict materials properties under various extreme strain rate conditions, from high-speed manufacturing operations11 to hypersonic transport12.


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