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Science: 同日同期刊发两篇论文论证昆虫作为人和牲畜食物来源的理由

已有 2132 次阅读 2023-1-17 18:15 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:论文交流

Science: 同日同期刊发两篇论文论证昆虫作为人和牲畜食物来源的理由



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据物理学家组织网(phys.org2023113日报道,《科学》(Science)杂志网站2023112日发表了2篇论文,文章从不同角度阐述了将昆虫作为人类和牲食物来源的理由(Making the case for using insects as food for both humans and livestock)。详见:

Arup Kumar Hazarika, Unmilan Kalita. Human consumption of insectsFarming edible insects can help improve food security and boost developing economies. Science, 12 Jan 2023, 379 (6628): 140-141. DOI: 10.1126/science.abp8819https://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.abp8819

Arnold Van Huis, Laura Gasco. Insects as feed for livestock productionInsect farming for livestock feed has the potential to replace conventional feed. Science, 12 Jan 2023, 379 (6628): 138-139. DOI: 10.1126/science.adc9165https://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.adc9165

第一组研究人员奥雅纳·库马尔·哈扎里卡(Arup Kumar Hazarika)和昂米兰·卡林塔(Unmilan Kalita)分别来自印度的科顿大学(Cotton University, India)和印度伯尔讷格尔学院(Barnagar College, India),他们认为利用昆虫(insects)来满足未来几年世界各地日益增长的食物需求是有充分理由的。第二组是荷兰瓦赫宁根大学与研究中心(Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands)的阿诺德·范惠斯(Arnold van Huis)和意大利都灵大学(University of Torino Italy)的劳拉·加斯科(Laura Gasco),他们认为,使用昆虫作为牲畜(livestock)饲料是有充分理由的。




在第二篇论文中,作者指出,目前大多数牲畜饲料是由鱼粉和豆粕制成的。他们还指出,全球肉类生产占用了70%~80%的农业用地(agricultural land),却生产了约25%的人类消耗的蛋白质。




Eating insects can be good for the planet. Europeans should eat more of them

Abstract (DOI: 10.1126/science.abp8819)

Food insecurity may emerge from climate change, extreme weather events such as prolonged droughts and floods, ongoing global supply chain problems, and unpredictable geopolitical conflicts. In particular, the growing populations of low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) will require more accessible, affordable, and sustainable nutrition. To this end, upscaling traditional agriculture and livestock production is not a sustainable solution because these industries are themselves a driver of the climate crisis. The growing popularity of vegetarianism and veganism and the shift to plant-based or lab-grown meat are commendable efforts to solve these problems, but they may not be applicable or practical for every country. Farming insects for food generally requires much less resources compared with meat production. Edible insects can also supplement other diets by providing a different roster of nutrients and present an opportunity to improve food security.

Abstract (DOI: 10.1126/science.adc9165)

Livestock production makes up 70 to 80% of the world’s agricultural land use and yet only produces 18% of all calories and 25% of all proteins consumed by humans. To grow food for livestock uses 33% of the world’s cropland. Although lifestyle changes, such as vegetarianism and veganism, may help to achieve sustainability in food production, the global demand for meat consumption is still increasing, so it is also crucial to consider more efficient ways to rear livestock. Insects as animal feed can supplement the current sources of livestock feed, which mostly comprise fishmeal and soybean meal. The use of insects as livestock feed can improve sustainability because insects can transform low-value organic wastes (e.g., fruits, vegetables, and even manure) into high-quality feed. Insect ingredients are also a valuable source of nutrition for animals with many possible health benefits.


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