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运动抑制胰岛素的产生 精选

已有 6465 次阅读 2023-1-5 14:51 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




The figure shows the relationship between movement and regulation of insulin-producing cells in the fruit fly. (Image: Sander Liessem / University of Würzburg) 

据德国巴伐利亚维尔茨堡大学University of Würzburg / Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) Würzburg in Bavaria, Germany202314日报道,运动抑制胰岛素的产生(Exercise Curbs Insulin Production)。上图显示了果蝇中产生胰岛素的细胞的运动和调节之间的关系。当果蝇开始行走或飞行时,其产生胰岛素的细胞会立即受到抑制。这可能是为什么运动促进健康的一种解释。


来自德国巴伐利亚维尔茨堡朱利叶斯-迈克希米利安大学(Julius-Maximilians-Universität简称JMU) 生物中心(Biocenter of JMU Würzburg in Bavaria, Germany)的一个团队,于20221228日已在科学期刊《现代生物学》(Current Biology)杂志网站上发布了关于这个问题的相关研究结果——Sander Liessem, Martina Held, Rituja S. Bisen, Hannah Haberkern, Haluk Lacin, Till Bockemühl,Jan M. Ache. Behavioural state-dependent modulation of insulin-producing cells in Drosophila. Current Biology, Published online 28 December 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.12.005. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2022.12.005

扬·阿彻(Jan M. Ache)博士的小组使用果蝇 Drosophila melanogaster作为他们的研究对象。有趣的是,这种果蝇在进食后也会分泌胰岛素。然而,在果蝇中,这种激素不像人类那样来自胰腺,而是由大脑中的神经细胞释放。

活跃果蝇的电生理测量(Electrophysiological measurements in active flies



上述论文的第一作者桑德尔·利塞姆(Sander Liessem)博士说:我们假设在行走和飞行过程中产生胰岛素的细胞的低活性有助于提供糖以满足增加的能量需求。我们怀疑运动后增加的活动有助于补充果蝇的能量储存,例如在肌肉中。

血糖没有调节作用(Blood sugar plays no role in regulation)

JMU团队还能够证明,对产生胰岛素的细胞的快速、行为依赖性抑制是由神经通路主动控制的。它在很大程度上与果蝇血液中糖浓度的变化无关,合著者玛蒂娜·黑尔德(Martina Held)博士解释道。


胰岛素在进化过程中几乎没有改变(Insulin has hardly changed in evolution



更少的胰岛素意味着长寿(Less insulin means longevity

桑德尔·利塞姆告诉我们:一个令人兴奋的观点是,胰岛素活性降低有助于健康衰老和长寿。” 这已经在苍蝇、老鼠、人类和其它物种身上得到证实。这同样适用于积极的生活方式。我们的工作显示了一个可能的联系,可以解释身体活动如何通过神经元信号通路对胰岛素调节产生积极影响。

更进一步的研究(Further steps in the research






• Insulin-producing cells (IPCs) are strongly and rapidly modulated by locomotion

• IPC activity is inhibited during and overshoots after cessation of locomotion

• IPC modulation is predictive of metabolic demands at behavioral transitions

• IPC inhibition is actively driven by feedforward neuronal pathways


Insulin signaling plays a pivotal role in metabolic control and aging, and insulin accordingly is a key factor in several human diseases. Despite this importance, the in vivo activity dynamics of insulin-producing cells (IPCs) are poorly understood. Here, we characterized the effects of locomotion on the activity of IPCs in Drosophila. Using in vivo electrophysiology and calcium imaging, we found that IPCs were strongly inhibited during walking and flight and that their activity rebounded and overshot after cessation of locomotion. Moreover, IPC activity changed rapidly during behavioral transitions, revealing that IPCs are modulated on fast timescales in behaving animals. Optogenetic activation of locomotor networks ex vivo, in the absence of actual locomotion or changes in hemolymph sugar levels, was sufficient to inhibit IPCs. This demonstrates that the behavioral state-dependent inhibition of IPCs is actively controlled by neuronal pathways and is independent of changes in glucose concentration. By contrast, the overshoot in IPC activity after locomotion was absent ex vivo and after starvation, indicating that it was not purely driven by feedforward signals but additionally required feedback derived from changes in hemolymph sugar concentration. We hypothesize that IPC inhibition during locomotion supports mobilization of fuel stores during metabolically demanding behaviors, while the rebound in IPC activity after locomotion contributes to replenishing muscle glycogen stores. In addition, the rapid dynamics of IPC modulation support a potential role of insulin in the state-dependent modulation of sensorimotor processing.

Graphical abstract

1-s2.0-S0960982222019054-fx1_lrg (1).jpg


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