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带有氯气的电极提供了高功率和能量密度 精选

已有 6960 次阅读 2023-1-4 19:11 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯




Credit: Wiley

据威利公司(Wiley202313日报道,带有氯气的电极提供了高功率和能量密度(Electrode with chlorine gas provides high power and energy density)。

超级电容器(Supercapacitors)是一种补充可充电电池的能量存储设备,甚至可以部分取代可充电电池。目前的超级电容器没有足够的能量密度,因此寿命不够长。一种用“呼吸”电极("breathing" electrode)制造超级电容器的新方法要优越得多。正如中英开发团队于20221120日在德国《应用化学国际版》(Angewandte Chemie International Edition)杂志网站上发表的论文中解释的那样,他们从一种蜥蜴(lizard)身上获得了灵感,这种蜥蜴在潜入水中时会带着一个气泡呼吸。详见Xiaotong FanKai HuangLong ChenHaipeng YouMenglei YaoHao JiangLing ZhangCheng LianXiangwen GaoChunzhong Li. High Power and EnergyDensity Supercapacitors through the Chlorine Respiration Mechanism. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, First published: 20 November 2022. DOI: 10.1002/anie.202215342. https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202215342


与可充电电池(rechargeable batteries)相比,超级电容器是能量存储的“短跑运动员”:它们可以在很短的时间内产生非常大的电流(高功率密度)。然而,它们是可怜的“长跑运动员”,因为即使用电量低,它们也坚持不了很长时间(能量密度低)。现代电能存储需要结合这两种特性,并具有低重量。不幸的是,到目前为止,提高能量密度的方法总是以功率密度为代价,这是超级电容器发展的绊脚石。

由中国上海的华东理工大学(East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China)和英国牛津大学(University of Oxford, UK)的陈龙(Long Chen音译)、连成(Cheng Lian音译)、高向文(Xiangwen Gao音译)和李春忠(Chunzhong Li音译)领导的团队现在已经开始克服这一挑战。他们的灵感来自一只小蜥蜴。变色蜥蜴(Anolis lizards)生活在陆地上,但当它们潜入水中寻找食物时,也可以在水下呼吸。为了做到这一点,它们带着一个气泡,气泡附着在头上的一层鳞片上。在水下,它们反复地呼吸这个气泡。新开发的电极由多孔碳材料制成(最有利的是直径约3 nm的多孔碳纳米管),当它淹没在食盐溶液中作为电解质时,也可以附着一层气体。然而,使用的气体不是空气,而是氯气。

在充电和放电期间,除了超级电容器通常的电荷分离(charge separation)之外,该电极还经历氧化还原反应( redox reaction)。充电后,电极将电子转移到氯气(chlorine gas)中,将氯气还原为氯离子,氯离子进入电极“呼出”的溶液中。放电时,氯离子(chloride ions)被氧化成氯(Cl2),这将气体返回到电极“吸入”的电极孔中。通过使用各种分析方法,该团队证明没有氯气(chlorine gas)逃离电极。气体薄层中的快速还原/氧化(rapid reduction/oxidation)和快速传质极大地增加了超级电容器的能量密度,同时保持极高的功率密度。即使经过数千次循环,容量仍然保持在相同的高水平。


Deconvoluting the data: Charge density distributions of electric double layers

Graphical Abstract

We report an unprecedentedly high power- and energy-density supercapacitor through the chlorine respiration in porous carbon materials. Both electrochemical results and theoretical calculations show that porous carbon with pore size around 3 nm delivers the best chlorine evolution and adsorption performance.



Supercapacitor represents an important electrical energy storage technology with high-power performance and superior cyclability. However, currently commercialized supercapacitors still suffer limited energy densities. Here we report an unprecedentedly respiring supercapacitor with chlorine gas iteratively re-inspires in porous carbon materials, that improves the energy density by orders of magnitude. Both electrochemical results and theoretical calculations show that porous carbon with pore size around 3 nm delivers the best chlorine evolution and adsorption performance. The respiring supercapacitor with multi-wall carbon nanotube as the cathode and NaTi2(PO4)3 as the anode can store specific energy of 33 Wh kg−1 with negligible capacity loss over 30 000 cycles. The energy density can be further improved to 53 Wh kg−1 by replacing NaTi2(PO4)3 with zinc anode. Furthermore, thanks to the extraordinary reaction kinetics of chlorine gas, this respiring supercapacitor performs an extremely high-power density of 50 000 W kg−1.


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2 陈波 郑永军

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