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首次创建“波纹β片”证实了70 年前的理论预言 精选

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首次创建波纹β”证实了70 年前的理论预言



The rippled beta sheet is a variation of the pleated beta sheet, a well-known structural motif found in thousands of proteins. Linus Pauling and Robert Corey described the rippled beta sheet in 1953, but it remained a largely theoretical structure for decades. Scientists have now created rippled sheets in the laboratory and characterized the structure using x-ray crystallography. Credit: J. Raskatov

据美国加州大学圣克鲁斯分校University Of California - Santa Cruz简称UC Santa Cruz / UCSC2022103日报道,该校研究人员报告了周期性波纹β片的三种晶体结构的产生,这是一种新的蛋白质结构。一种被称为波纹β片(rippled beta sheet的特殊蛋白质结构,最初是在 1953年作为假设提出的,现在已经在实验室中生成,并使用X射线晶体学进行了彻底的表征。

波纹β片是褶皱β片(pleated beta sheet)的一种变体,褶皱β片是一种在数千种蛋白质中发现的众所周知的结构基序(structural motif)。莱纳斯·鲍林(Linus Pauling)和罗伯特·科里(Robert Corey)在1953年曾经描述过波纹β片,但几十年来它在很大程度上仍然是一个理论结构。科学家们现在已经在实验室中制出了波纹片材,并使用X射线晶体学对其结构进行了表征(见上述图示,First Theorized 70 Years Ago – “Rippled Beta Sheet” Created for the First Time)。相关研究结果于2022715日已经在《化学科学》(Chemical Science)杂志网站发表——Amaruka Hazari, Michael R. Sawaya, Niko Vlahakis, Timothy C. Johnstone, David Boyer, Jose Rodriguez, David Eisenberg, Jevgenij A. Raskatov. The rippled β-sheet layer configuration—a novel supramolecular architecture based on predictions by Pauling and Corey. Chemical Science, 2022, 13: 8947-8952. DOI: 10.1039/d2sc02531k. First published 15 July 2022. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2022/SC/D2SC02531K

参与此项研究的除了来自加州大学圣克鲁斯分校(UCSC)的研究人员之外,还有来自美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(University Of California Los Angeles简称UCLA) 的研究人员。此研究成果可能允许基于波纹片材结构合理设计独特材料。

UCSC 的化学和生物化学副教授、该论文的通讯作者杰夫基尼·拉斯卡托夫(Jevgenij Raskatov)说:我们的研究将波纹β片层配置确立为具有一般特征的基序,并为基于结构的独特分子结构设计开辟了道路,具有材料开发和生物医学应用的潜力。



2021年发表的一项先前研究中,杰夫基尼·拉斯卡托夫的团队报告称,通过将一种小肽与其等量的镜像混合,获得了波纹状的β片结构。研究人员使用了三苯丙氨酸(triphenylalanine)的镜像形式,这是一种由三个苯丙氨酸氨基酸(three phenylalanine amino acids)组成的短肽。镜像肽成对结合形成具有预测结构的二聚体(dimers,但它们没有形成鲍林和科里假设的扩展的、周期性的波纹β片层形貌。

二聚体挤在一起形成人字形层结构(herringbone layer structures),这引发了人们对周期性波纹β片层配置是否可行的怀疑,杰夫基尼·拉斯卡托夫说。




The rippled β-sheet is a peptidic structural motif related to but distinct from the pleated β-sheet. Both motifs were predicted in the 1950s by Pauling and Corey. The pleated β-sheet was since observed in countless proteins and peptides and is considered common textbook knowledge. Conversely, the rippled β-sheet only gained a meaningful experimental foundation in the past decade, and the first crystal structural study of rippled β-sheets was published as recently as this year. Noteworthy, the crystallized assembly stopped at the rippled β-dimer stage. It did not form the extended, periodic rippled β-sheet layer topography hypothesized by Pauling and Corey, thus calling the validity of their prediction into question. NMR work conducted since moreover shows that certain model peptides rather form pleated and not rippled β-sheets in solution. To determine whether the periodic rippled β-sheet layer configuration is viable, the field urgently needs crystal structures. Here we report on crystal structures of two racemic and one quasi-racemic aggregating peptide systems, all of which yield periodic rippled antiparallel β-sheet layers that are in excellent agreement with the predictions by Pauling and Corey. Our study establishes the rippled β-sheet layer configuration as a motif with general features and opens the road to structure-based design of unique supramolecular architectures.



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