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已有 4230 次阅读 2021-11-7 21:31 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




Luis Cámara-Díaz, principal researcher. Credit: University of Córdoba

据西班牙科尔多瓦大学(University of Córdoba2021115日提供的消息,科尔多瓦大学研究小组设计出了可以像普通电暖器一样将水加热到80度的可持续性光伏太阳能装置。

生产热水是建筑物能耗的重要组成部分。光伏太阳能加热可以被认为是一种清洁的可再生能源。易于安装、静音、维护少,它还防止了消耗通常用于这一过程的化石燃料。现在,科尔多瓦大学的一个研究小组设计了一种光伏太阳能加热装置,利用95.06%的可用能源生产家用热水(Photovoltaic solar heating system uses 95% of energy available to heat water)。相关研究结果于2021914日已经在《可持续性》(Sustainability)杂志网站发表——Luis Cámara-Díaz, José Ramírez-Faz, Rafael López-Luque, Francisco José Casares. A Cost-Effective and Efficient Electronic Design for Photovoltaic Systems for Solar Hot Water Production. Sustainability, 2021, 13(18), 10270; Published: 14 September 2021. https://doi.org/10.3390/su131810270.

他们设计的原型成功地将水加热到80度,就像普通的电加热器一样。在这个过程中不会产生任何类型的废物或污染气体。与需要水力安装(hydraulic installation)的太阳能热能相比,该模型只使用一个类似于普通住宅的电箱,太阳能电池板和传统电热水器通过两根电缆连接在一起。首席研究员Luis Cámara-Díaz解释说:“这是一种更加通用、可持续和经济的模式,仅产生5%的能源损失。”

Luis Cámara-Díaz报道,这种新系统主要用于家用热水,但也可用于商业和工业用途。加热过程依赖于由光伏太阳能供电的热电阻(thermal electric resistors)。Luis Cámara-Díaz补充说:“传统的热水箱内部有一个电阻器,当与电源连接时,就会产生热量。我们称其为热阻(thermoresistance),与我们的原型不同的是,我们将其连接到光伏太阳能电池板,而不是传统的电源。通过这种方式,现有的太阳能被转换成光伏能源,可以在一天中的任何时间用于加热。水箱的功能是作为所有日常能量的蓄能器(accumulator),避免了安装电池的需要。”




A significant percentage of energy consumption in buildings is to produce hot water. Photovoltaic solar heating can be considered a clean and renewable energy option—easy to install, silent, and without maintenance—to replace the consumption of fossil fuels used in this process. This paper presents a study that simulates the heating process using thermal electrical resistors powered by photovoltaic solar energy. For this purpose, a solar hot water installation has been set up. This installation consists of a water tank with an electric resistance connected to photovoltaic modules by means of a low-cost experimental electronic conversion system. This electronic system has been developed to avoid the need for inverters or batteries, typical of traditional photovoltaic solar installations. It is an isolated system since it is not connected to the power grid. The photovoltaic solar modules, the tank, and its heating resistance correspond to commercial models. This electronic system has a 95.06% yield, and it operates across the whole irradiance’s daily curve, having verified its operation over several months. Even though this is an experimental electronic device, it is financially viable as the cost of its components is below EUR 60 per kW peak capacity. The results obtained in a proper functioning system are promising, demonstrating the technical feasibility and economic advantages of using this type of isolated photovoltaic system to power heating processes.


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