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已有 3168 次阅读 2021-2-3 21:27 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯



据《科学日报》(Science Daily202122日转载来自美国耶鲁大学(Yale University)的消息,该大学的研究人员正在开发一种皮肤癌治疗方法,该方法涉及将纳米颗粒注射到肿瘤中,采用两管齐下的方法杀死癌细胞,这可能是手术的替代方法。其相关研究结果在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, PNAS)上发表——Jamie K. Hu, Hee-Won Suh, Munibah Qureshi, Julia M. Lewis, Sharon Yaqoob, Zoe M. Moscato, Sofia Griff, Alison K. Lee, Emily S. Yin, W. Mark Saltzman, Michael Girardi. Nonsurgical treatment of skin cancer with local delivery of bioadhesive nanoparticles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021; 118 (7): e2020575118. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2020575118.

在美国,五分之一的人会在一生中罹患皮肤癌,而非手术治疗的选择有限。为了解决这个问题,耶鲁大学的研究人员开发了一种生物胶粘剂纳米颗粒(bioadhesive nanoparticle简称BNP) 长效局部给药的治疗方法。将拓扑异构酶抑制剂喜树碱(camptothecinCPT)加入到BNPs中可以增强肿瘤细胞摄取、肿瘤微环境内的生物粘附和延长肿瘤内药物潴留。因此,研究者在小鼠模型中研究了包覆CPTBNPs作为局部非手术治疗结节状鳞状细胞癌(squamous cell carcinomaSCC)皮肤癌的方法。BNP-CPT治疗促进了肿瘤的破坏和分解,并与局部免疫治疗相适应。这些发现表明BNP传递抗肿瘤药物可能为像鳞状细胞癌这样的结节性皮肤癌的非手术治疗提供机会。

耶鲁大学医学院皮肤病学教授、也是该研究的通讯作者迈克尔·吉拉迪(Michael Girardi)博士说:对于很多患者来说,治疗皮肤癌要复杂得多,如果使用一种简单的方法(例如注射)就能够有效地治疗皮肤癌,一直是一种可望而不可即的。所以,这一直就是皮肤病学的圣杯-寻找一种更简单的方法来治疗皮肤癌,例如基底细胞癌(basal cell carcinoma)和鳞状细胞癌(squamous cell carcinoma)。


戈苏埃塔基金会(Goizueta Foundation)生物医学工程、化学和环境工程教授,生理学教授马克·萨尔茨曼(Mark Saltzman)说:当我们将纳米颗粒注射到肿瘤中时,事实证明它们被很好地保留在了肿瘤中。它们会积聚并结合到肿瘤基质上,因此一次注射可以持续很长时间-颗粒留在那里并缓慢释放出化合物,只有需要这样做才能使或者摆脱病变。


迈克尔·吉拉迪说:我称这种现象为‘杀戮和刺激(kill and thrill)’。即不希望杀死细胞并将其留在那儿,而且要刺激免疫系统来清理混乱,并对未直接杀死的细胞做出反应。因此,对癌症细胞的攻击是双管齐下。




耶鲁大学癌症中心的成员迈克尔·吉拉迪和马克·萨尔茨曼都与初创公司Stradefy Biosciences Inc.合作,该公司计划推进此技术的临床前开发,然后进行临床试验。公司(Stradefy Biosciences Inc.)总裁兼首席执行官布莱恩·狄克逊(Brian R. Dixon)说:迈克尔·吉拉迪和马克·萨尔茨曼在一起从事杰出科学工作已经有很多年了,要击败这样的团队真的很难。我们相信他们的开创性工作将为患者带来真正有用的疗法。



One in five individuals in the United States will develop skin cancer over the course of a lifetime, and nonsurgical options are limited. To address this, we developed a bioadhesive nanoparticle (BNP) treatment for long-lasting local drug delivery. Incorporation of the topoisomerase inhibitor camptothecin (CPT) into BNPs enhanced tumor cell uptake, bioadhesion within the tumor microenvironment, and prolonged intratumoral drug retention. Therefore, we investigated BNPs encapsulating CPT as a local, nonsurgical treatment for nodular squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) skin cancers in a mouse model. BNP-CPT treatment facilitated tumor destruction and resolution, and was compatible with local immunotherapy. These findings suggest that BNP delivery of antitumor agents may provide opportunities for nonsurgical treatment of nodular skin cancers like SCC.


Keratinocyte-derived carcinomas, including squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), comprise the most common malignancies. Surgical excision is the therapeutic standard but is not always clinically feasible, and currently available alternatives are limited to superficial tumors. To address the need for a nonsurgical treatment for nodular skin cancers like SCC, we developed a bioadhesive nanoparticle (BNP) drug delivery system composed of biodegradable polymer, poly(lactic acid)-hyperbranched polyglycerol (PLA-HPG), encapsulating camptothecin (CPT). Nanoparticles (NPs) of PLA-HPG are nonadhesive NPs (NNPs), which are stealthy in their native state, but we have previously shown that conversion of the vicinal diols of HPG to aldehydes conferred NPs the ability to form strong covalent bonds with amine-rich surfaces. Herein, we show that these BNPs have significantly enhanced binding to SCC tumor cell surfaces and matrix proteins, thereby significantly enhancing the therapeutic efficacy of intratumoral drug delivery. Tumor injection of BNP-CPT resulted in tumor retention of CPT at ~50% at 10 d postinjection, while CPT was undetectable in NNP-CPT or free (intralipid) CPT-injected tumors at that time. BNP-CPT also significantly reduced tumor burden, with a portion (~20%) of BNP-CPT–treated established tumors showing histologic cure. Larger, more fully established PDV SCC tumors treated with a combination of BNP-CPT and immunostimulating CpG oligodeoxynucleotides exhibited enhanced survival relative to controls, revealing the potential for BNP delivery to be used along with local tumor immunotherapy. Taken together, these results indicate that percutaneous delivery of a chemotherapeutic agent via BNPs, with or without adjuvant immunostimulation, represents a viable, nonsurgical alternative for treating cutaneous malignancy.


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