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Error Tolerance/Resilience(2010-08-31)

已有 3760 次阅读 2010-8-31 22:25 |个人分类:MyDailyScience|系统分类:科研笔记| error, Tolerance, Resilience

There are some teminologies which are worthy of being discussed and distinguished. They are error tolerance, error resilience, error recovery, error concealment, error control, etc.

First, have a look at some explanations about them from Vanguard Software Solutions:



Streaming compressed video over communication channels that introduce errors, losses and excessive delay requires countermeasures to preserve the quality of the viewing experience.

We refer to the ability of the system to minimize and to quickly recover from the damage as its robustness. VSofts achieves robustness through two separate and complementary techniques: error resilience and error concealment.

Error resilience refers to mechanisms in the encoder that enhance the ability of the compressed bitstream to resist channel errors. Error resilience functionality in the encoder produces a bitstream that supports error recovery at the decoder.

The following methods are used in VSofts encoders:

  • Selective intra coding (including intra macroblocks update based on motion tracking, row based distribution, random distribution)
  • Frame segmentation into slices
  • Constrained texture prediction
  • Flexible Macroblock Order (FMO)

Error concealment refers to the actions taken by the decoder to analyze losses and conceal them in the displayed video by minimizing the visual artifacts. The concealment schemes can be spatial, temporal or combined. In spatial interpolation, the values of missing pixels are estimated from the surrounding pixels of the same frame, without using the temporal information. Temporal interpolation is based on the corresponding regions of the reference frames. If a motion vector is missing, it can be estimated based on the motion vectors of the surrounding regions. Combination schemes use an adaptive mechanism to choose the best concealment method for each lost macroblock.

VSofts decoders use the following methods:

  • Spatial texture interpolation
  • Motion compensation
  • Severe loss compensation


As far as I am concerned, these words have internal relations with each other. Error tolerance means the ability to tolerate errors, e.g., a circuit or HW/SW system inherently has the power of tolerating some errors that don't bring in too much degradation. Error resilience may have the meaning of error tolerance but it emphasizes somewhat ability to recover the error, i.e., the error recovery capacity. Error concealment means the actions to conceal errors. Error control refers to the countermeasures to help control or relieve the propagation/accumulation of errors.

In sum, error control, error recovery and error concealment are some measures to make error tolerance and error resilience  possible. 

I give the relations among them as follows(maybe not complete and not accurate):

Error Rsilience = Error Tolerance + Error Recovery,  Error Recovery = Error Control + Error Concealment.

Error Rate, Error Significance and Error Accumulation are some general metrics that depict the severity of errors.

SNR, PSNR and SSIM, etc., are some metrics used in signal/image/video quality evaluation.


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