Prolongeddaily light exposure increases body fat mass through attenuation of brownadipose tissue activity
Disruptionof circadian rhythmicity is associated with obesity and related disorders,including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Specifically, prolonged artificiallight exposure associates with obesity in humans, although the underlyingmechanism is unclear. Here, we report that increasing the daily hours of lightexposure increases body adiposity through attenuation of brown adipose tissue(BAT) activity, a major contributor of energy expenditure. Mice exposed to aprolonged day length of 16- and 24-h light, compared with regular 12-h light,showed increased adiposity without affecting food intake or locomotor activity.Mechanistically, we demonstrated that prolonged day length decreasessympathetic input into BAT and reduces β3-adrenergic intracellular signaling.Concomitantly, prolonging day length decreased the uptake of fatty acids fromtriglyceride-rich lipoproteins, as well as of glucose from plasma selectivelyby BAT. We conclude that impaired BAT activity is an important mediator in theassociation between disturbed circadian rhythm and adiposity, and anticipatethat activation of BAT may overcome the adverse metabolic consequences ofdisturbed circadian rhythmicity.
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