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大学的底线是卓越 精选

已有 9381 次阅读 2010-3-2 12:52 |个人分类:大学之道|系统分类:海外观察



博友华明在我的博文《内学与外识-有关学术与学术评价》后面提到1986年诺贝尔化学奖获得者John Polanyi,并且给出Polanyi的网页链接。

John Polanyi主页链接:http://www.utoronto.ca/jpolanyi/index.html

我见过John Polanyi几次。我读博士的那个地方全系教授、博士后和博士研究生在学校的Faculty Club有个一年一度的晚餐会。有一年正好是由John Polanyi做晚餐报告(dinner speech),他和大家谈的是科学与科学家的社会责任。演讲中他讲到的一些故事我至今还记得。以后几次见到他,是在学术会议上。有一次开会期间几个世界各地来的教授在一起喝啤酒,交谈的时候我告诉他听过他的那次非常inspiring的演讲,他说很高兴我还记得。

Polanyi一家人才辈出。他父亲是20世纪最优秀的物理化学家和哲学家Michael Polanyi。John Polanyi实际上是跟他父亲的学生读的博士学位。他的叔叔是很有影响的经济学家Karl Polanyi。J.C. Polanyi获得诺贝尔奖的论文当年被Physical Review Letters认为缺乏新意而拒稿,发表在Journal of Chemical Physics上。

在John Polanyi的网页上,有几篇关于大学的公开发表的文章。一篇题目是1991年的Maintain Meaning, Role of Excellence,另一篇是1999年的The Bottom Line: Excellence。这两篇文章都谈到大学的底线是卓越(excellence),并且警告不能用平等的理由来否定大学追求卓越的底线。两篇文章都很值得一读。

John Polanyi文章Maintain Meaning, Role of Excellence链接:http://www.utoronto.ca/jpolanyi/public_affairs/public_affairs8a.html

John Polanyi文章The Bottom Line: Excellence链接:http://www.utoronto.ca/jpolanyi/public_affairs/public_affairs8d.html


The simple fact is that the individual researcher in this country is working with a half or less of the resources available to her or his counterpart in the United States.(试译:简单的事实是,与美国的研究人员相比,本国的同等的研究人员只在靠一半的资源开展工作。)

As long as this situation endures it will evidence itself in a hemorrhage of our best students and young researchers to the United States. Some, of course, leave for substantial reasons. Canada is never going to be a leader in all, or even most, branches of science. But the ones over whom we should weep are those who go because this country seems to them to be a graveyard for talent.(试译:只要这种状况持续下去,自然会导致本国最优秀的学生和年轻研究人员大量流入美国。当然,其中一些人离开有充足的理由。因为加拿大不会在所有或者大多数科学分支中处于领先地位。但是我们应该为其流泪的那些人,他们离开加拿大只是因为对他们来讲这个国家似乎只是天才的坟墓。)


With these provisos, a society should not be damned as elitist because it recognizes and rewards excellence, creating an elite. We are too ready to suppose the opposite. And yet at the Olympics we do not consider that the games are staged for the benefit of the athletes. It does not, moreover, need to be explained to us that among the athletes only a very few will win. Nor that later those same few will lose. We are all aware that itis the community as a whole that wins, both that day and in the future.(试译:在这样的条件下,一个社会不应该因为承认和奖励卓越,产生菁英份子,就被咒骂成为精英主义。我们只有更多的理由作出相反的推想。在奥运会上我们并不认为比赛只是为了运动员有好处而设立。而且,也不需要有人来向我们解释说只有少数运动员会胜出,或解释这些胜出的少数今后也会失败。我们都清楚,奥运会是让整个共同体获得了胜利,不仅在当时,也在未来。)

Unless of course we bar the way to excellence in the interest of equity, in which case we all lose.(试译:当然,除非我们为了所谓平等而阻挡了通往卓越的道路,这种情况只会是我们所有人的损失。)


Academic life, like government and business, does have a bottom line. In the universities it is excellence, as judged by those who have demonstrated that they know it when they see it. And in this setting, it is excellence that offers the best guarantee of relevance.(试译:学术生活,和政府以及商业一样,都有自己的底线。在大学这个底线就是卓越。卓越是由那些曾经表明当他们具有看见卓越就能识别卓越的能力的人来评判的。在这样的框架上,正是卓越为社会提供了最好的保证。)




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