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Do it for Our Country 精选

已有 5618 次阅读 2007-4-6 02:55 |个人分类:影音爱好|系统分类:观点评述

Do it for Our Country


Kennedy在1961年自己的总统就职演讲中喊出了他最有名的一句话:Ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country。 美国人民普遍比较爱国,但并不见得完全赞同这句话。特别是经过越战以后,美国人民更是明白盲目地支持政府并不等于爱国。所以,小布什政府的伊战政策现今才会受到那么大的民众反对。


在美国,爱国是很严肃的事,可是恶搞也是很严肃的。在1982年拍的反映1960年代美国高中生生活的歌舞剧电影Grease 2中,Kennedy的爱国名言就被电影中Rydell高中的瞎胡闹的学生们恶搞了一把。这也是典型的美式幽默之一。Grease 2虽然没有Grease那么成功,也没有Grease那么经典,但仍然是我特别喜欢和百看不厌的影片之一。我一直比较喜欢看中学生瞎胡闹的电影,以及有一些闹剧,比如像Animal House,Revenge of the Nerds, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, 1942 等等。这可能是因为我个人上中学时从来都没有机会瞎胡闹过,而且比较呆板的缘故吧。就像现实中香港人其实很不暴力,可是许多香港电影却是暴力得很,连老美都要请吴宇森去赐教。

电影中调皮捣蛋的男生Louis DiMucci将自己喜爱的女生Sharon Cooper骗到防核战争的防空洞之中,让同伙在外拉核战爆发的警报,然后欲骗Sharon行苟且之事,当时唱的二重唱就是这首Let's do it for our country。当然,Sharon还是识破了Louis的诡计,所以Louis没有得逞。后来直到电影结束时二人才好上。我第一次听这首Do it for our country,是在Columbia时的师兄小麟介绍给我的。当时他得意地给我讲,你没见过美国人这么有趣地恶搞的吧?可是后来一看NBC电视台每周六晚上11点半的Saturday Night Live,才是佩服了他们的恶搞程度。SNL可是人才辈出,Eddie Murphy, Woody Allen, Chavy Chase, 等等都是从SNL混出来的。连美国副总统、州长等等要人都会上SNL去非常投入地与民同乐,一起恶搞至死。

YouTube上Do it for our country电影片断: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYPB_7Br3mU

电影Grease 2的介绍:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084021/
Grease 2的超级粉丝网站:http://seventh-seal.com/grease2/

其实Grease 2的内容是非常积极向上的,而且很适合推荐给所有的中学老师看看如何了解和应付今天越来越复杂难管的学生。大学生也一定会非常喜欢。电影分级PG-13,即13岁以下儿童需要父母指点和陪看。典型的Good guy get‘s girl类型,有一定的现实性,青春气息浓,而且催人向上。不过有些道学先生看了仍然还是会要皱眉头。 

Grease 2讲的是从英国转学到Rydell高中的Michael Carrington(Maxwell Caulfield扮演)品学兼优且帅气,爱上了学校的粉红女郎(Pink Ladie)姐妹会之一的Stephanie Zinone(Michelle Pfeiffer扮演),可惜Stephanie心目中的白马王子是骑摩托的酷哥型人物。对于骑摩托扮酷一点基础没有的Michael于是课余在自己用旧零件装配的摩托上苦练技术,并与校外小混混赛摩托大出风头。可惜Stephanie一直并不知道那个戴头盔的陌生酷骑士实际上就是自己腼腆的只会学习的Michael同学,还在那里单相思。最后在毕业舞会时终于真相大白,皆大欢喜。美国人的的确很天真,成绩好、品行好、还能骑摩托扮酷抱得美人归,是他们的理想境界。世界上的好事全占了,怪不得人家说Hollywood是在造梦。

Michelle Pfeiffer可是Hollywood过去十多年中的当家花旦之一。演Grease 2时Michelle Pfeiffer当时24岁,还远不知道后来会大红大紫。Grease 2是她的头几部电影之一,虽然电影本身远没有预期的那么成功,但Michelle在其中至少是非常亮眼的,也是那帮演员中后来最有出息的一个。

Michelle Pfeiffer的详细介绍:

Grease 2中的歌曲非常好听,而且极为有趣,其中有Back To School, Bowl Tonight, Cool Rider,等等。有兴趣的尽管到Grease 2的网站上找到歌名,然后到YouTube上去搜吧。

Do It For Our Country歌词

America is calling, let's care enough to give our very best.
For if we give our very best,
I know that we will more than pass the test.
If I could have three wishes, I'd wish that you'd live free,
I'd wish for amber waves of grain from sea to shining sea.

Yeah, let's do it for our country, the red, white, and the blue.
It's Uncle Sam who's asking, so your mother will approve.
Tomorrow I'll be fighting, and I'll win this war for you.
Let's do it for our country, our country wants us to.

Bullets are exploding, they'll soon be at the door,
Give something to America you never gave before.
Yeah, let's do it for our country, the red, white, and the blue,
If the President were standin' here, I'm sure he would approve.
I'll be a mighty soldier before this night is through.
Let's do it for our country, our country wants us to.

Just think about it -- it would be like as if we were doing it for the Statue of

Liberty, or the Grand Canyon, or the New York Yankees... it would be like as if we were

doing it for... Disneyland!

Yeah, let's do it for our country, the red, white, and the blue,
It's not a lot to ask of us, our parents will approve.
Tomorrow I'll be fighting, and I'll win this war for you.
Let's do it for our country, (spoken) we owe it to our country.
Let's do it for our country, our country wants us to.


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