2006_Hinton_A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets
2006_Science_Reducing the Dimensionality of data with neural networks
2009_The difficulty of training deep architectures and the effect of unsupervised pre-training
ICML2010_Rectified Linear Units Improve Restricted Boltzmann Machines
1. Learning layers of features by stacking RBMs2. Discriminative fine-tuning for DBNs
3. What happens during discriminative fine-tuning?
这一节主要讲了为什么unsupervised pre-training对训练多层结构有帮助,其中的阐述和实验结果具体可以参见这两篇文章:
Erhan_2009_The difficulty of training deep architectures and the effect of unsupervised pre-training
Erhan_2010_Why does unsupervised pre-training help deep learning?
4. Modeling real-valued data with an RBM
5. RBMs are infinite Sigmoid Belief Nets(Optional)
Coursera: Neural Networks for ML- Lecture 13下一篇: