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I have written earlier about the question above http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-774532.html . Here are some more reasons pro and con.
If your ambition is to be the CEO of a major company, president of a world class university or cabinet minister of a national government,
then I’d say China offer better opportunities since you don't have “glass ceiling” to deal with.
On the other hand, if you don’t have such lofty ambitions but only aspire to reasonable success and a comfortable life, the US offers more freedom. As to opportunities, current China may have a slight edge but you have to face other constraints.
Point #2 above applies particularly to educated women. In the US, women rights are more advanced and gender bias while exist is far less than in China. In fact being a minority and women of color, Chinese educated women enjoy an advantage except for top jobs.Finally, women in the US do not have to bear the burden of living/dealing withparents or parents-in-laws. (Note added 10/29/2014: just to show that this is not just my personal opinion, the Report on gender inequality just published by the World Economic Forum ranks China 87th and the US 20th out of 142 countries surveyed.)
In major cities where opportunities are in China, air quality and living condition are serious consideration particularly for children. As a result of this and point #3 above,there are many trans-continental marriages (and sometime divorces) where the husband works in China but commutes back and forth (naked endeavor)from the US.
Dealing with envy and relationship with local colleagues when you return to privileged jobs in China.
Since the US has excellent welfare benefits for seniors, it is entirely feasible to get your parent green cards easily once you have US citizenship. Your parent will enjoy government given security income, subsidized housing, free medical care, and many other privileges so long as they can show that they have less than $2000.00 in asset(The children can be billionaires and there is no obligation in the US to support your parents. The US also has no way to check the assets of your parents in China). I have known cases where the children have in fact returned to China due to job opportunity but the parents choose to remain in the US due to these benefits which are not available in China.
Thus the QUESTION does not have a clear cut answer.
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