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More Internet Frauds to be aware of

已有 3659 次阅读 2022-7-25 21:09 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察

Today I received an e-mail telling me that my credit card is being charged for $438.81 for a product I never bought from a company I never heard of. They also list a telephone number for your to call if you have any questions. The convedntional wisdom/recommendation is often to try to resolve any dispute directly with the company. So when I call the company they apologized and connected me with their cancellation department which proceeds to ask me questions as part of the process of cancellation. The questions are innocent enough to win your confidence, But soon they ask you to click on a link to process the cancellation. DON't DO that !!! . Because this link will start to execute and take over your computer. And who knows what dire consequence  will follow once they have control over your computer. One tip off of this fraud is that they will not tell you what credit card or card number you used to make this charge (because they don't know and this is just a phising attempt). All they want is that you deal with the cancellation process and to click on some link the "cancellation department" want you to do. The prudent thing to do is to call your credit card company and refuse any charge that has been made by this fraudulent company to your account. Thus, my senior colleagues please beware. 


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