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A judgment experimental design

已有 2239 次阅读 2014-6-16 12:03 |系统分类:观点评述| The, Basic, Principles, demon, Newtonian

A judgment experimental design about ofthe basic principles of Newtonian mechanics or the second law of thermodynamics


LI WeiGang

(Binjiang school, Ankang 725011, China)


AbstractThis article describesa similar "Maxwell's demon" experimental design. However, comparedwith the "Maxwell's demon" program, which does not require"Maxwell's demon" that wisdom can work. Moreover, the program isn’t an"ideal experiment" that can be performed only in thought; but can berealistic implementation of the experimental design. The design full compliancewith the basic principles of Newtonian mechanics, but can breakthrough thesecond law of thermodynamics. The experimental design reveals the existence ofa logical contradiction, between the basic principles of Newtonian mechanicsand the second law of thermodynamics.

KeywordsMaxwell's demon,The basic principles of Newtonian mechanics,The Second Law of Thermodynamics,Logicalcontradiction.

PACS05.20.-Y, 05.20.Dd, 05.65.+B



Since Boltzmann built up a bridge between the Newtonianmechanics and thermodynamics, the thermodynamics is reset to the Newtonianmechanics, after hundreds of years, people have become accustomed to think: theNewtonian mechanics and the second law of thermodynamics is logically self-consistent.

But, really between Newtonian mechanics and the second lawof thermodynamics, it is always logically self-consistent?

In this regard, Maxwell was skeptical.In order to discuss thelogical contradictions that may exist between the both, Maxwell design -"Maxwell's demon" - such a famous thought experiment.However, this"demon" need to work according to the information of molecular motion.Get information needsadditional energy consumption.Accordingto the modern point of view, Maxwell ideal experimental design, does notconstitute a challenge to the second law of thermodynamics.Can not be used asevidence there is a logical contradiction between the basic principles ofNewtonian mechanics and the second law of thermodynamics.

Recent studies have found:There are an experimental design which do not need thatkind of wisdom of the "demon". On the design, the conclusions that thereis a logical contradiction between the basic principles of Newtonian mechanicsand the second law of thermodynamics can be derived. The program, constitute ajudgment experiment on - "Basic principles of Newtonian mechanics iscorrect, or correct second law of thermodynamics?". It has importanttheoretical and practical significance.

If the judgment result of this experiment is that the basicprinciples of Newtonian mechanics is higher than the truth of the second law ofthermodynamics,thenthe design itself constitutes a human long-awaited first successful perpetualmotion machine of the second kind; Else if the judgment result of theexperiment is that the truth of the second law of thermodynamics is higher thanthe basic principles of Newtonian mechanics, then, in the field of physicsconcepts lead to a huge change.

No matter how the final results, theoretical studies and research on the implementationdetails of the program are required to vigorously promote.


1.Experimental Design

As we all know –

1.                The ball from one endof the U-shaped pipe injection can be emitted from the other end, ignoringfriction losses, ball momentum diminished;

2.                Photons incident on oneend of the fiber, the photon can be emitted from the other end, the samefrequency (energy unabated);

3.                As analogy, if there isa Narrow tube, one end of the molecule from a Narrow tube into the goal, themolecule can be emitted from the other end of the Narrow tube (kineticunabated, in theory, need only a Narrow tube close to the ideal rigid body);

Then, when the Narrow tube sufficiently narrow (such ascarbon nanotubes), only allow a fluid around one molecule, as shown in Figapparatus

In the initial state, although a fluid molecules 1, intheory, have the same probability of either end into the Narrow tubes 2, fromthe other side out; system can not generate macro kinetic energy.

However, if applied an initial start-up process to thesystem, the system will  be continuouslyproduce macroscopic kinetic energy (jet), from a single heat source; After theboot process, enter the work status, working status can be self-sustaining.

Boot process can be: Pumping the fluid molecules into themain chamber, from confluence-tube spout 4, until the formation of the macrojet.

Since we can choose a single atom of inert argon gasmolecules as "working fluid"; choose, rigidity can be comparable tothat of diamond, carbon nanotubes as Narrow tubes(Tsinghua University can already make up half a meter of carbonnanotubes). So that the experimental design, be not an "idealexperiment" as if   "Maxwell's demon", but can actuallybe carried out.


2.  A proof of the "jet" can beself-sustaining , based on the principles of Newtonian mechanics

2.1   A "biasedcollision off-axis theorem" proof , and consequence.

Definition 1:Any one of the moleculeA, before the collision centroid drift motion path called "axis (of molecules A)";The molecule A, theforward direction of the axis is called "axialdirection (of the molecule A)";

Definition 2: Molecule A,along the axis of molecules A, collided with another molecule B, and the bothcentroid-connection in the axis of the molecule A, called the molecular A, bymolecular B "positive collided"; All other collisions, called"biased collision".

Theorem: When any molecule A, are biased collision by anothermolecule B, both two molecules A, B, will deviate from the axis of molecule A.

Proof of the theoremfollows:

∵When biased collision, two molecules centroid-connection isnot on the axis of molecules A;

∴When biased collision, two molecules interacting impulse"f *t",outside of the direction of the axisof the molecule A is not zero;

∴After the biased collision occurs, both two molecules A, B, willdeviate from the axis of molecule A.


Consequence: Because biasedcollision is much greater probability than positive collision, the moleculesout of the Narrow tubes, all is almost encountered biased collision. Makingbiased collision two molecules will deviate from the axis of the molecule whichleave out of Narrow tubes, have no chance to reverse into the Narrow tubes;Therefore, after the start, the probability, of molecules going into a Narrow tube from the two port, can be locked inan unbalanced state.


2.2       It is significant that Confluence Pipe locked at imbalance

In the "Confluence Pipe" inside as shown, Thereare Narrow tubes outlet be setted.There are the consistency in the Narrow tube outletdirection and the Confluence Pipe outlet direction.Therefore, when the Confluence Pipe large aspect ratio to acertain extent, can be done –

1.               The cross-sectionalarea of the outlet Confluence Pipe is smaller than the accumulate of allcross-sectional area of the Narrow tubes outlet.

2.               In the vast majority ofcases, each molecular out from the narrow tube, into the Confluence Pipe space,collision will suffer from the other molecules being out from the narrow tube,into the Confluence Pipe space.

3.               Collision, based on theNo.2 conditions,Bothsides have a momentum component pointing to the direction of outlet ofConfluence Pipe,therefore,such a collision, will not result in molecules going adversely into the narrowtube.

4.               Based on the No.3conditions,it is possiblebeing a high density gas in the Confluence Pipe.However, it will be not formation of a negative pressuredifference, to deter "automatic flow".

5.               Based on the (No.1 toNo.4) conditions, it is a jet directed and high-density molecular flow out ofthe Confluence Pipe.Alarge number of biased collision, make it reduce to almost zero chance of, thatthe molecule reverse into the Confluence Pipe.

6.               That is, the systemonce formed "Auto Flow", which can neverstop.

7.               Particularlyinteresting is: If you set the impeller near the outlet  of confluencepipe, make the jet acting on the impeller,so, after doing work, reducing the average kinetic energyof molecules. The “low kinetic energy of the molecules” concentrated relativelynear the confluence tube outlet, forming a relatively low temperature region.So that, in theory, acommon heat engine can work also where there is no condition making a commonheat engine  work  initially.

8.               When the jet acting onthe impeller, the impeller driven generator, the energy output to the outsideof the system, the system temperature is reduced, the system can absorb heatfrom the environment.

Means: a system which work in accordance with the basicprinciples of Newtonian mechanics, due to play a special"self-organization" roles in the narrow tube and the Confluence Pipe,the system can continue to absorb heat from the environment, and theenergy  with random motion ofmolecules  can be poured into macroscopickinetic energy (constitute the second category perpetual motion ). Obviously,this is a direct violation of the second law of thermodynamics.

3           Conclusion

The experimental design reveals the existence of a logicalcontradiction, between the basic principles of Newtonian mechanics and thesecond law of thermodynamics.



[1] Tsung-Dao Lee,"Statistical Mechanics" [J] Shanghai: Shanghai Science andTechnology Press, 2006.11

[2] Lin Z H.."Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics" [J]. Beijing UniversityPress, 2007


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