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Scientific Editor, Cell Research, Shanghai, China

已有 1971 次阅读 2017-5-10 10:39 |系统分类:博客资讯

Cell Research is seeking twofull-time, in-house scientific editors to join its editorial team. TheScientific Editor will be trained to play major roles in providing immediateand satisfactory supports to the Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editor-in-Chief inall aspects of manuscript processing, which include but are not limited to assessingsubmitted papers, overseeing the reviewing process, and commissioning researchhighlights and review articles. The key qualities the journal looks for arebreadth of scientific interest and the ability to think critically about a widerange of scientific issues. This is an outstanding opportunity to activelyparticipate in the frontiers of life sciences without directly working at thebench. The minimum requirement is a PhD in areas related to molecular and cellbiology, and outstanding command of the English language. Postdoctoral or prioreditorial experience would be a plus. We offer a competitive salary.

Cell Research is a premium internationallife science journal with a broad scope in molecular and cell biology (itscurrent Impact Factor is 14.812). The journal is published by Nature PublishingGroup in partnership with the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences (SIBS),Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). More details could be found via http://www.nature.com/cr. Applicants interested in this position should send his/herapplication materials, including Curriculum Vitae and personal statement byemail to (subject: CR editor application) lcheng@sibs.ac.cn, before 30 Jun, 2017.


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