Yong-Jia Wang and Qing-Feng Li, Application of microscopic transport model in the study of nuclear equation of state from heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies, Front. Phys. 15(4), 44302 (2020), arXiv: 2004.11737 (19 pages)
核物质状态方程指的是核子的能量与核物质密度、温度以及同位旋不对称度之间的热力学关系。核状态方程一直以来都是核物理、天体物理领域关心的重要课题,因为它的信息对研究原子核结构、核碰撞、中子星的结构及其并合过程等都十分重要。重离子碰撞是在实验室中制造高密核物质的唯一途径,但是产生的致密物质存在的时间十分短暂,大约10-23~10-22 秒,目前还不能在实验中直接测量核物质状态方程。通常利用把唯象势作为输入量的输运模型来模拟重离子碰撞过程,通过与末态实验观测数据的比较来获取核状态方程的信息。极端相对论量子分子动力学(UrQMD)模型是一个被广泛使用的微观输运模型,可以描述入射动能从每核子几十MeV(费米能量)到质心系能量为几个 TeV(LHC能区)的重离子碰撞。通过对UrQMD模型的平均场势能项、碰撞项以及碎片构造方式等的改进,该模型可以较好的再现FOPI实验组给出的轻带电粒子的集体流和核阻止本领的实验数据。本文着重介绍了基于UrQMD模型研究核状态方程和对称能的最新结果,并讨论了从输运模型和重离子碰撞实验中提取核状态方程的新机遇和新挑战。
The equation of state (EOS) of nuclear matter, i.e., the thermodynamic relationship between the binding energy per nucleon, temperature, density, as well as the isospin asymmetry, has been a hot topic in nuclear physics and astrophysics for a long time. The knowledge of the nuclear EOS is essential for studying the properties of nuclei, the structure of neutron stars, the dynamics of heavy ion collision (HIC), as well as neutron star mergers. HIC offers a unique way to create nuclear matter with high density and isospin asymmetry in terrestrial laboratory, but the formed dense nuclear matter exists only for a very short period, one cannot measure the nuclear EOS directly in experiments. Practically, transport models which often incorporate phenomenological potentials as an input are utilized to deduce the EOS from the comparison with the observables measured in laboratory. The ultrarelativistic quantum molecular dynamics (UrQMD) model has been widely employed for investigating HIC from the Fermi energy (40 MeV per nucleon) up to the CERN Large Hadron Collider energies (TeV). With further improvement in the nuclear mean-field potential term, the collision term, and the cluster recognition term of the UrQMD model, the newly measured collective flow and nuclear stopping data of light charged particles by the FOPI Collaboration can be reproduced. In this article we highlight our recent results on the studies of the nuclear EOS and the nuclear symmetry energy with the UrQMD model. New opportunities and challenges in the extraction of the nuclear EOS from transport models and HIC experiments are discussed.
Keywords nuclear equation of state, symmetry energy, heavy ion collision, transport model
1 Introduction
2 Model description and observables
2.1 Mean field potential
2.2 The in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section
2.3 Observables
3 Influence of the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section on observables
4 Determination of the nuclear incompressibility
5 Constraints on the density-dependent nuclear symmetry energy
5.1 Result from 3H/3He yield ratio
5.2 Result from the elliptic flow ratio between neutrons and hydrogen isotopes
6 Summary and outlook
用输运模型模拟的重离子碰撞过程示意图(坐标单位是fm)。z轴为束流方向,x轴为碰撞参数所在的方向。x轴与z轴构成的平面称为反应平面。上图中模拟的是入射能量为每核子400 MeV,碰撞参数为5 fm时的Au+Au碰撞。其中红色小球代表质子、蓝色为中子、绿色为π介子。
同位旋对称核物质的不可压缩系数Κ0的约束情况。本文利用UrQMD模型,结合中能区重离子碰撞中的实验数据,给出Κ0=220±40 MeV。这一结果与目前利用核结构相关观测量给出的约束情况相一致,也与利用重离子碰撞中其他观测量给出的结果相类似。
利用中子、质子椭圆流之比给出的对称能斜率参数L的范围。这些利用不同模型、观测量给出的结果在L=60-85 MeV时可以很好地重合。
王永佳,湖州师范学院副教授、浙北英才A类计划入选者。2014年毕业于兰州大学,获博士学位。主要从事重离子碰撞、核物质状态方程的研究。已发表SCI收录文章40余篇,其中发表在Physics Letters B上的有5篇、在Physical Review C上的有19篇。曾主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、浙江省自然科学基金1项,参与国家自然科学基金8项。
李庆峰,湖州师范学院二级教授,浙江省特聘教授(钱江高级人才),浙江省151第一层次人才。2002年毕业于中国原子能科学研究院,获博士学位。2002-2004年,中国科学院理论物理研究所博士后。2004-2008年在德国法兰克福高等研究院工作,洪堡学者。主要从事微观输运理论模型和重离子碰撞的研究。发表SCI收录文章逾100篇;是胡济民教育和科学奖、“湖颖奖”、湖州十大杰出青年、湖州市统战十大优秀人物、浙江省青年五四奖章等获得者,省、校重点学科、一流学科负责人。曾主持 1项中德科技合作项目、6项国家自然科学基金项目和4项省部级项目。
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