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IEEE PES Member Survey 问卷节选

已有 6021 次阅读 2011-11-15 10:04 |系统分类:科研笔记| IEEE, 问卷, survey, member, PES

IEEE PES Member Survey 问卷节选
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE, read I-Triple-E) 的 Power & Energy Society  (PES) 的Member Survey 问卷节选:

20. Outside of IEEE, please indicate which groups, associations or societies that you belong to
(1) American Nuclear Society    (2) American Society Mechanical Engineers    (3) American Society of Civil Engineers      (4) American Public Power Association    (5) American Solar Energy Society    (6) American Wind Energy Association    (7) Association of Energy Engineers    (8) CIGRE    (9) CIRED     (10) Edison Electric Institute (11) Engineers without Borders    (12) Institution of Engineering and Technology     (13) National Rural Electric Cooperative Association    (14) National Society of Professional Engineers (15) National Hydropower Association    (16) Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers  (17) Society of Industrial Engineering    (18) Society of Manufacturing Engineers (19) Society of Women Engineers    (20) Solar Electric Power Association    (21) Society of Industrial Engineering    (22) None

23. Which publications do you read regularly? Please indicate as many as apply?
(1) Energy Biz     (2) Electric Energy     (3) Electricity Today     (4) Electric Light & Power
(5) Electrical Source     (6) Intelligent Utility      (7) Power & Energy Power Grid International 
(8) Power Electronics Technology     (9) Public Utilities      (10) Rural Electric  
(11) Transmission & Distribution World    (12) Underground Construction    (13) Other (please specify)
24. Which industry web sites do you visit on a regular basis? Please select as many as apply.
Which industry web sites do you visit on a regular basis? Please select as many as apply. 
(1) www.awea.org    (2) www.doe.gov   (3) www.eei.org    (4) www.electricity-today.com 
(5) www.electricenergyonline.com    (6) www.elp.com    (7) www.energycentral.com  
(8) www.ieee-pes.org    (9) www.ieee.org    (10) www.fortnightly.com    (11) www.nreca.coop
(12) www.sepa.org    (13) www.seia.org    (14) www.tdworld.com    (15) Other (please specify)
25. What methods of communication do you use for your professional activities? Check 1 for the most frequent and check 3 for the least frequent. Please make one selection per row.
(1) Web sites     (2) E-Newsletters     (3) E-magazines    (4) Blogs    (5) Paper Magazines
(6) Paper Newsletters    (7) Facebook    (8) Twitter     (9) Linked In     (10) Webinars 


上一篇:2011-11-11 11:58 可惜晚了一会儿:超级光棍节!
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6 曾新林 刘洋 高建国 许浚远 刘用生 dulizhi95

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