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已有 2877 次阅读 2020-6-28 13:43 |个人分类:日常生活记录|系统分类:科研笔记| 杨正瓴, 自动化, 学院, 网页, 创新








① 关于“P对NP”问题完全证明的个人观点: 


   对于NTM, P = NP; 对于DTM, P ≠ NP; 不指明NTM或DTM, 则“P对NP”问题没有确定的答案。 

   该建议可见“从NP结构到超级计算机分类理论”,天津大学百年校庆研究生院学术报告会(一等奖论文),和天津大学百年校庆自动化系学术报告会,1995年10月。期刊论文在 Transactions of Tianjin University (2011),中国电子科学研究院学报(2011, 2008)。  


② 电磁学(物理学)基础: 




③ 预测理论与技术方面:

   提出了复杂系统行为预测的“机理+辨识”策略。见《中国科技论文在线》(2006,200609-432),以及《中国科技论文在线精品论文》,2007年12月第1期: 83-87。 



④《电路理论》中的“互容 mutual capacitance”概念:

   1990年代提出了《电路理论》中的“互容 mutual capacitance”概念;并在1995年提出用互容生产高集成度集成电路的构想。“互容”概念2006年已经被美国工程院院士、IEEE Fellows 承认;高集成度集成电路构想已于2017年被美国学者实现。





① A FULL PROOF of “the P versus NP (P vs NP)” problem:

 The FULL PROOF of the P versus NP problem is suggested as:

 P = NP for an NTM; P ≠ NP for a DTM; The P versus NP problem cannot be proved/decided without necessary designating of NTM or DTM.

 The suggestion was reported as “A supercomputer classification theory from the hierarchy of NP problem” (a First Prize paper) in the Student Academic Symposium of Graduate School to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of Tianjin University, October, 1995. The related papers can see Transactions of Tianjin University (2011), Journal of China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology (2011, 2008).


② Foundation of electromagnetics (physics):

 There are two possible defects in the definition of base unit Ampere in SI (The International System of Units) from 1948(1946) to 2019.

  It is suggested to check that “whether the ampere forces (magnetic forces) between two parallel conductors are strictly equal, if the directions of currents are different” by physical experiments.

 The suggestion can see The Chinese Academy of Sciences “Scientific Wisdom Sparks”, 2012, and his conference speech in “The Scientific Diathesis Education Curricula Backbone/Cadreman Teacher Senior Seminar” originated by The Ministry of Education The People's Republic of China, Nankai University, 2008.


③ “Mechanism Model + Identification Model” Strategy for prediction of complex systems’ behavior:

 In forecasting theory and technology, he suggested “Mechanism Model + Identification Model” Strategy for forecasting/prediction of complex systems’ behavior. Refer to “Sciencepaper Online” (2006, 200609-432), and “Highlights of Sciencepaper Online”, 2007, (1): 83-87.

 This strategy is employed to the electrical load forecasting, wind power forecasting, and highway traffic flow prediction.


 In addition, some fundamental problems in computing complexity of theoretical computer science, theoretical physics, and foundation of mathematics are concerned by him.



[1] 2020-02-26,真傻的学院网页介绍更新(2020-02-25)








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